Three Seasons in Korea 韩国三季风光
I’d done some research on Korean Universities. Out of some Korean universities I listed out, I think Seoul National University seemed the most reasonable one.
One semester cost SG$1.8K. and I sem is 10 weeks. And the Korean Language will need 7-8 semester to complete which is about 2 years. Mondays to Fridays from 9am-2pm. University accommodation is $400/mth, and allowance for food/personal needs/transports/other extra expenses would be about $600/mth. And a meal in Korea is about $9-10….
Sounds pretty logical & reasonable, except the monthly allowances is kinda exaggeratingly too much. I think that can be saved up la. But on the whole it’s pretty ok la…probably can consider… Korea’s a 4 season country, asian faces and it seemed like a pretty nice society…AHHH~~ When will I have chance to go Korea???
If I really have the chance to go study in Korea, I’d definitely have to go to several places…those places in the Korean drama!
Speaking about Korean drama, was watch the VCD of Summer Scent which my sis borrow from her friend and I jus realized it’s really really very similar to the previous 2 series on Winter & Autumn. Hmm…I shall make some comparison among these 3 series…
Autumn In My heart a.k.a Endless Love 秋天的童话 (又名 蓝色生死恋)
Setting: Reddish, orangey autumn leaves scattered around, 浓浓的秋天味 comes from the orange-brown theme gallery belonging to Junxi, and also the same colour theme for the hotel where Enxi & Taixi are working.
Choi Eun Seu 崔恩熙 (Song Hae Gyo 宋慧乔): A bright, smart & thoughtful lady who worked in a hotel crew in the hotel Tae Seu’s in charge of.
Yim Jun Seu 尹俊熙 (Song Seung Hun 宋承宪): A Fine Arts lecturer for an Arts University who teach/lecture. He owns an art studio/gallery and draw & paint for a living.
Han Tae Seu 韩泰锡 (Won Bin 元斌): The only son & GM of a reknown hotel developer.
Story/Plot: 2 year-old Junxi accidentally swapped the name tags in the hospital where his new-born baby sister, Enxi sleeps. 14 years later, both brother & sister grew up in a well-off family and went to high school like any other kids. Cui'ai, who grew up in a poor single family where her mom was only a 乡下杂货店老板娘 is a smart kid who always score tops but she's always jealous of Enxi who has a blissful family always there for her and tried to find trouble for her.
The was once where Enxi was hit by a vehicle after being pushed by Cui'ai unintentionally. And it turned out that Enxi's blood group was different from her parents & brother. A devastating truth for the whole family. After tracing back to the hospital, they doctors admit there was a mistake and Junxi's real sister was Cui'ai instead. The swop began when Cui'ai move to live with the Yins while Enxi lived with her real biological mother to live a hard life and cut contact with the Yins. The person Enxi most missed was Junxi.
Another 10 years had passed, each of them lead their own lives, Cui'ai was also sent to study overseas and returned home. Taixi & Junxi were universities pals and occasionally met up. He also had a fiance, Youmei. Enxi found job in the hotel. Taixi met Enxi and fell love at first sight. Junxi & Youmei getting married soon.

Junxi & Enxi finally met after 10 years. Emotions run. Taixi tried to win Enxi's heart but her heart only belonged to Junxi. But Junxi had to consider the feelings of Youmei & Taixi & his parents. Junxi & Enxi went through lots of obstacles to be finally together but alas, happy moments don't last long as Enxi was diagnosed with leukemia. She longed to hear 'I Love You' from Junxi but she passed away without having the chance to hear those words. On the day of Enxi's funeral, Junxi was hit by a cargo truck...
Winter Sonata 冬季恋歌
Setting: 皑皑白雪纷飞 is what it can be described. Even the names of the design firms of Yujin & Minyeong are called Polaris & Marciel (马尔雪) respectively.
Kang Junsang 江俊祥/Lee Minyeong 李民亨 (Bae Yong Jun 裴勇俊): Junxiang was a single-parent high school genius in search for his father, due to an accident, he lost his memory and assumed a new identity as Minheng who’s a successful US based Architect who went back to Korea for a construction project.
Chung Yujin 郑友珍 (Choi Ji Woo 崔智友): 外刚内柔 Interior Designer for ‘Polaris Design House’, she was a cheerful, chirpy girl during high school and loved hanging out with Xianghe cos 他每次都会让她. But ever since Junxiang's death, she appeared to be more haggard & 忧郁.
Kim Sang Hyuk 金翔赫 (Park Yongha 朴龙河): A radio broadcaster who’s 青梅竹马 with Youzhen since high school, always love her & protect her and eventually they engaged with each other.
Story/Plot: 18 year-old Youzhen first met Junxiang on the school bus to school. She fell asleep on the bus and almost missed the stop if not for Junxiang who woke her up. Turned out that Junxiang was a transferred student and posted to the same class as her. He transferred here in search for his real father after living 18 years in a single-parent family. Junxiang was a quiet, unapproachable person. He always had this troubled look on him and Youzhen always managed to cheer him up with her 无理头 comments.
日久生情, 浪漫堆积, 两情相悦许下 12月31日见面的约定. But Junxiang didn't turn up as he discovered that his father was Youzhen's father after seeing a group photo of his mom, her dad & Xianghe's dad. Junxiang was running away and didn't watch where he was going and a truck was heading toward him.... The news of Junxiang's demised was spread in school, Youzhen was devastated. She didn't even get to see him for the last chance...
10 years later, Youzhen & Xianghe were engaged. But on the date of their engagement, Youzhen was late because she saw someone who looked like Junxiang and the engagement party was called off. Xianghe's mom never like Youzhen if not for her only son's pleading. During one high school gathering, Cailin returned from US and brought along her boyfriend, Minheng. Everyone was baffled cos Minheng beared such striking resemblance to Junxiang. 这勾起了友珍在这些年来对俊祥的回忆与思念.
It just so happened that they had to face each other for the construction project as Polaris & Marciel were part of it. Minheng had some misunderstanding toward Youzhen due to Cailin's bad-mouthing of Youzhen. Minheng had thought Youzhen 为了得到他而耍手段 by telling him lies about him looking so much like her first love.

But through Youzhen's friend, then Minheng knew what Youzhen said was the truth and that her first love had passed away 10 years ago. After a series of misunderstandings, the couple were together at first as Youzhen & Minheng until Minheng discovered he himself was Youzhen's first love, the Junxiang who passed away. His memory seemed to have came back after yet another accident. He tried to recall everything, as well as tracing his own background from his mother and ppl affliated with them. It suddenly striked him that they may be siblings and eventually realised why he didn't turn up on 31st Dec that year. It turned out that Xianghe's dad was Junxiang's biological father.
The couple didn't get together until 3 years later. Junxiang became blind due to the several concusions he had from the accidents he met. It was considered a happy ending ba...
Summer Scent 夏日香气
Setting: 满洲绿油油的花草树木~ Flowers, grass, all the aroma of Summer. Theme colour would be green, yellow, purple where you would notice from the lead’s style of clothing. Very garden like.
Ryu Min Woo 刘敏宇 (Song Seung Hun 宋承宪): An Italian-University grad in Architecture who loves mountain trekking and being close to nature. He met his first love, Enhui during his last university year on a rainy when both of them were seeking shelter. But Enhui passed away 3 years due to an accident. Her family had agreed for her organs to be donated.
Sim Hae Won 沈慧媛 (Sum Yijin 孙艺珍): A florist who loves flowers, grass & nature with a heart transplant. Her greatest dream would be able to run along the grass with 她最心爱的人. 拥有一双巧手, Soft spoken, gentle, capable, 讨长辈欢心, she’s the typical 淑女 type of girl which any moms would wanna get her as daughter-in-law. Had recieved heart transplant operation 3 years ago.
Park Syung Chae 朴圣才: The GM for a holiday resort who’s in charge of project planning, renovation project. His one & only first & true love was Huiyuan whom he knew during his high school days. And he knew she was the one for her. He was prepared to marry her anytime as long as she says yes.
Story/Plot: Since young, Huiyuan had heart problems and hoped her wished would be fulfilled. Her greatest dream came and she'd recieved a heart transplant. Her character changed totally after the transplant, she became more sporty & cheerful now. She felt 幸福 to have Shengcai by her side until there was once where she almost got lost during a mountain trekking session. Luckily there was kind guy, Minyu who directed her to the right way and Huiyuan felt her heart racing at the sight of Minyu. It was raining getting dark, Huiyuan & Minyu had spent the whole night together at an old man's place. They didn't even know each other's name.
Jeona was Shengcai's younger sister as well as Minyu's junior. She had been very much in love with Minyu and always stick to him like glue. Nobody knew wat happen on the mountain except for Minyu & Huiyuan. But they eventually meet each other as Shengcai's fiance & Jeona's boyfriend (even though Minyu had no feelings for Jeona). Things got awkward & complex when all of them had to work together for the resort's renovation project.

Huiyuan & Minyu 日久生情. And the more time he spent with her, the more he was reminded of his 死去的初恋情人, Enhui.
It turned out that the donor of Huiyuan's heart belonged to Enhui, no wonder they had so many similarities, Minyu thought. Both of them eventually 抛弃一切,不顾身边的人的阻止在一起 but it didn't last either when Huiyuan found out that the heart beating inside her, belonged to the Enhui which Minyu couldn't forget. She knew Minyu love her cos she resemble Enhui, cos being with her then he'd be able to find Enhui's shadow. Even Minyu couldn't figure out. Ending's quite incomprehendable...
请不要怀疑, yes, the drama review was typed by me.
It was not taken from some websites.
因为只有我才会中文英文并用!不三不四! Hahaha!!
Anyway, my views & comparison of the Three-Seasoned series:
1. There are several similarities with the lead's jobs, noticed it's always something to do with design or artistic jobs? Artist, painter, architect, interior designer, florist... The producer 或许也和我一样热爱艺术~ Those are some of my dream jobs but can never be accomplished?
2. The male leads whom the female leads love would always be those 高大威猛,有情有意,感情丰富. And something about them that the female leads would do or give anything to be with them. Of course, a relationship wouldn't be so smooth. There's always a triangle whereby the 2nd male lead would always be there for the female lead whenever she is upset with the 1st male lead. And the 2nd male lead would always be those very protective 处处维护女主角, very 善解人意,温柔体贴,致死都不会丢弃女主角. Awww......
3. A drama wouldn't be complete without some spoilers. Usually the most detestable character in the show, 就是一直死缠的第一男主角不放的千金大小姐. Because of this character, hence the drama tend to be very draggy cos she always cause the male lead into a dilemma and the story is unable to continue it can be solved. AIYO! That's why I don't like to add such ppl to my fanfic....
All time favourite Korean drama would be Winter Sonata though. But what appeals to me is both Bae Yong Jun & Choi Ji Woo really 演活了江俊祥/李民亨和郑友珍的交色. And they brought out the whole winter romance on the screen~ Awww....
我也想要有段冬季恋情! HAHA! 2nd favourite's always 红豆女之恋! Hur hur~~~ 我个人很喜欢像金贤成那种男生~ 想知道金贤成先生是怎样的一种性格吗? 去看红豆女吧!
One semester cost SG$1.8K. and I sem is 10 weeks. And the Korean Language will need 7-8 semester to complete which is about 2 years. Mondays to Fridays from 9am-2pm. University accommodation is $400/mth, and allowance for food/personal needs/transports/other extra expenses would be about $600/mth. And a meal in Korea is about $9-10….
Sounds pretty logical & reasonable, except the monthly allowances is kinda exaggeratingly too much. I think that can be saved up la. But on the whole it’s pretty ok la…probably can consider… Korea’s a 4 season country, asian faces and it seemed like a pretty nice society…AHHH~~ When will I have chance to go Korea???
If I really have the chance to go study in Korea, I’d definitely have to go to several places…those places in the Korean drama!
Speaking about Korean drama, was watch the VCD of Summer Scent which my sis borrow from her friend and I jus realized it’s really really very similar to the previous 2 series on Winter & Autumn. Hmm…I shall make some comparison among these 3 series…
Autumn In My heart a.k.a Endless Love 秋天的童话 (又名 蓝色生死恋)
Setting: Reddish, orangey autumn leaves scattered around, 浓浓的秋天味 comes from the orange-brown theme gallery belonging to Junxi, and also the same colour theme for the hotel where Enxi & Taixi are working.
Choi Eun Seu 崔恩熙 (Song Hae Gyo 宋慧乔): A bright, smart & thoughtful lady who worked in a hotel crew in the hotel Tae Seu’s in charge of.
Yim Jun Seu 尹俊熙 (Song Seung Hun 宋承宪): A Fine Arts lecturer for an Arts University who teach/lecture. He owns an art studio/gallery and draw & paint for a living.
Han Tae Seu 韩泰锡 (Won Bin 元斌): The only son & GM of a reknown hotel developer.
Story/Plot: 2 year-old Junxi accidentally swapped the name tags in the hospital where his new-born baby sister, Enxi sleeps. 14 years later, both brother & sister grew up in a well-off family and went to high school like any other kids. Cui'ai, who grew up in a poor single family where her mom was only a 乡下杂货店老板娘 is a smart kid who always score tops but she's always jealous of Enxi who has a blissful family always there for her and tried to find trouble for her.
The was once where Enxi was hit by a vehicle after being pushed by Cui'ai unintentionally. And it turned out that Enxi's blood group was different from her parents & brother. A devastating truth for the whole family. After tracing back to the hospital, they doctors admit there was a mistake and Junxi's real sister was Cui'ai instead. The swop began when Cui'ai move to live with the Yins while Enxi lived with her real biological mother to live a hard life and cut contact with the Yins. The person Enxi most missed was Junxi.
Another 10 years had passed, each of them lead their own lives, Cui'ai was also sent to study overseas and returned home. Taixi & Junxi were universities pals and occasionally met up. He also had a fiance, Youmei. Enxi found job in the hotel. Taixi met Enxi and fell love at first sight. Junxi & Youmei getting married soon.
Junxi & Enxi finally met after 10 years. Emotions run. Taixi tried to win Enxi's heart but her heart only belonged to Junxi. But Junxi had to consider the feelings of Youmei & Taixi & his parents. Junxi & Enxi went through lots of obstacles to be finally together but alas, happy moments don't last long as Enxi was diagnosed with leukemia. She longed to hear 'I Love You' from Junxi but she passed away without having the chance to hear those words. On the day of Enxi's funeral, Junxi was hit by a cargo truck...
Winter Sonata 冬季恋歌
Setting: 皑皑白雪纷飞 is what it can be described. Even the names of the design firms of Yujin & Minyeong are called Polaris & Marciel (马尔雪) respectively.
Kang Junsang 江俊祥/Lee Minyeong 李民亨 (Bae Yong Jun 裴勇俊): Junxiang was a single-parent high school genius in search for his father, due to an accident, he lost his memory and assumed a new identity as Minheng who’s a successful US based Architect who went back to Korea for a construction project.
Chung Yujin 郑友珍 (Choi Ji Woo 崔智友): 外刚内柔 Interior Designer for ‘Polaris Design House’, she was a cheerful, chirpy girl during high school and loved hanging out with Xianghe cos 他每次都会让她. But ever since Junxiang's death, she appeared to be more haggard & 忧郁.
Kim Sang Hyuk 金翔赫 (Park Yongha 朴龙河): A radio broadcaster who’s 青梅竹马 with Youzhen since high school, always love her & protect her and eventually they engaged with each other.
Story/Plot: 18 year-old Youzhen first met Junxiang on the school bus to school. She fell asleep on the bus and almost missed the stop if not for Junxiang who woke her up. Turned out that Junxiang was a transferred student and posted to the same class as her. He transferred here in search for his real father after living 18 years in a single-parent family. Junxiang was a quiet, unapproachable person. He always had this troubled look on him and Youzhen always managed to cheer him up with her 无理头 comments.
日久生情, 浪漫堆积, 两情相悦许下 12月31日见面的约定. But Junxiang didn't turn up as he discovered that his father was Youzhen's father after seeing a group photo of his mom, her dad & Xianghe's dad. Junxiang was running away and didn't watch where he was going and a truck was heading toward him.... The news of Junxiang's demised was spread in school, Youzhen was devastated. She didn't even get to see him for the last chance...
10 years later, Youzhen & Xianghe were engaged. But on the date of their engagement, Youzhen was late because she saw someone who looked like Junxiang and the engagement party was called off. Xianghe's mom never like Youzhen if not for her only son's pleading. During one high school gathering, Cailin returned from US and brought along her boyfriend, Minheng. Everyone was baffled cos Minheng beared such striking resemblance to Junxiang. 这勾起了友珍在这些年来对俊祥的回忆与思念.
It just so happened that they had to face each other for the construction project as Polaris & Marciel were part of it. Minheng had some misunderstanding toward Youzhen due to Cailin's bad-mouthing of Youzhen. Minheng had thought Youzhen 为了得到他而耍手段 by telling him lies about him looking so much like her first love.
But through Youzhen's friend, then Minheng knew what Youzhen said was the truth and that her first love had passed away 10 years ago. After a series of misunderstandings, the couple were together at first as Youzhen & Minheng until Minheng discovered he himself was Youzhen's first love, the Junxiang who passed away. His memory seemed to have came back after yet another accident. He tried to recall everything, as well as tracing his own background from his mother and ppl affliated with them. It suddenly striked him that they may be siblings and eventually realised why he didn't turn up on 31st Dec that year. It turned out that Xianghe's dad was Junxiang's biological father.
The couple didn't get together until 3 years later. Junxiang became blind due to the several concusions he had from the accidents he met. It was considered a happy ending ba...
Summer Scent 夏日香气
Setting: 满洲绿油油的花草树木~ Flowers, grass, all the aroma of Summer. Theme colour would be green, yellow, purple where you would notice from the lead’s style of clothing. Very garden like.
Ryu Min Woo 刘敏宇 (Song Seung Hun 宋承宪): An Italian-University grad in Architecture who loves mountain trekking and being close to nature. He met his first love, Enhui during his last university year on a rainy when both of them were seeking shelter. But Enhui passed away 3 years due to an accident. Her family had agreed for her organs to be donated.
Sim Hae Won 沈慧媛 (Sum Yijin 孙艺珍): A florist who loves flowers, grass & nature with a heart transplant. Her greatest dream would be able to run along the grass with 她最心爱的人. 拥有一双巧手, Soft spoken, gentle, capable, 讨长辈欢心, she’s the typical 淑女 type of girl which any moms would wanna get her as daughter-in-law. Had recieved heart transplant operation 3 years ago.
Park Syung Chae 朴圣才: The GM for a holiday resort who’s in charge of project planning, renovation project. His one & only first & true love was Huiyuan whom he knew during his high school days. And he knew she was the one for her. He was prepared to marry her anytime as long as she says yes.
Story/Plot: Since young, Huiyuan had heart problems and hoped her wished would be fulfilled. Her greatest dream came and she'd recieved a heart transplant. Her character changed totally after the transplant, she became more sporty & cheerful now. She felt 幸福 to have Shengcai by her side until there was once where she almost got lost during a mountain trekking session. Luckily there was kind guy, Minyu who directed her to the right way and Huiyuan felt her heart racing at the sight of Minyu. It was raining getting dark, Huiyuan & Minyu had spent the whole night together at an old man's place. They didn't even know each other's name.
Jeona was Shengcai's younger sister as well as Minyu's junior. She had been very much in love with Minyu and always stick to him like glue. Nobody knew wat happen on the mountain except for Minyu & Huiyuan. But they eventually meet each other as Shengcai's fiance & Jeona's boyfriend (even though Minyu had no feelings for Jeona). Things got awkward & complex when all of them had to work together for the resort's renovation project.
Huiyuan & Minyu 日久生情. And the more time he spent with her, the more he was reminded of his 死去的初恋情人, Enhui.
It turned out that the donor of Huiyuan's heart belonged to Enhui, no wonder they had so many similarities, Minyu thought. Both of them eventually 抛弃一切,不顾身边的人的阻止在一起 but it didn't last either when Huiyuan found out that the heart beating inside her, belonged to the Enhui which Minyu couldn't forget. She knew Minyu love her cos she resemble Enhui, cos being with her then he'd be able to find Enhui's shadow. Even Minyu couldn't figure out. Ending's quite incomprehendable...
请不要怀疑, yes, the drama review was typed by me.
It was not taken from some websites.
因为只有我才会中文英文并用!不三不四! Hahaha!!
Anyway, my views & comparison of the Three-Seasoned series:
1. There are several similarities with the lead's jobs, noticed it's always something to do with design or artistic jobs? Artist, painter, architect, interior designer, florist... The producer 或许也和我一样热爱艺术~ Those are some of my dream jobs but can never be accomplished?
2. The male leads whom the female leads love would always be those 高大威猛,有情有意,感情丰富. And something about them that the female leads would do or give anything to be with them. Of course, a relationship wouldn't be so smooth. There's always a triangle whereby the 2nd male lead would always be there for the female lead whenever she is upset with the 1st male lead. And the 2nd male lead would always be those very protective 处处维护女主角, very 善解人意,温柔体贴,致死都不会丢弃女主角. Awww......
3. A drama wouldn't be complete without some spoilers. Usually the most detestable character in the show, 就是一直死缠的第一男主角不放的千金大小姐. Because of this character, hence the drama tend to be very draggy cos she always cause the male lead into a dilemma and the story is unable to continue it can be solved. AIYO! That's why I don't like to add such ppl to my fanfic....
All time favourite Korean drama would be Winter Sonata though. But what appeals to me is both Bae Yong Jun & Choi Ji Woo really 演活了江俊祥/李民亨和郑友珍的交色. And they brought out the whole winter romance on the screen~ Awww....
我也想要有段冬季恋情! HAHA! 2nd favourite's always 红豆女之恋! Hur hur~~~ 我个人很喜欢像金贤成那种男生~ 想知道金贤成先生是怎样的一种性格吗? 去看红豆女吧!
Wow going SNU ahhh, den can see my guanghui didi leh... *envious*