3D2N @ Ria Bintan Resort (Day 2 & 3)
continued from previous entry Day 1 & 2
After Trapeeze show, guests are free to hang around at the bar or disco. It was our last nite there and I actually planned not to sleep. But there was no other stuffs to do than to just hang around to kill time. Realised that the GOs were rehearsing for a performance tomorrow which I won't get to see it cos we'd be leaving in the afternoon. The show's for night entertainment. Boo hoo =(
Went to explore how a DJ's 'space' is like. How songs are played. It's really very cool! Giovanni was the person in charge. He's from Mauritius, born in 1978. Nice guy with dimples and always like to joke around. He was talking to 4 females apparently, Faith, Joy, Steph and I.
I didn't enjoy the way things are going...the ending of the trip was approaching nearer & nearer...
我昨晚是流泪入睡的. Just got this sudden rush of emotions which I was unable to control.
There were lots of factors which contributed to all these emotions. Was too overwhelmed. It wasn't normal for me to PMS but last night was really too much for me to take. Tears flowed when I was on my way back to our room. One can imagine how stressed/piled up I was.
I'd just summarise: 没时间了, 我也是人, 我不是透明的, 我宁愿我看不见,好想投入主的怀抱, 他不会以貌取人.
Day 3 - Didn't feel like getting up and wanted to just laze on the bed. But still got up nevertheless.
It was going to be the last day, the last, maybe 6 hours to walk around & explore Ria Bintan before taking the ferry back. Had breakfast with the same bunch as yesterday. Took pics around the main attractions, saying hi to ppl I don't know etc. Now THAT is PR.
Some pics which I think is quite well taken cos there is me! LOL~ No la! Look at the man made waterfall behind.

The rest wanted to go sailing so I followed them. But I didn't have swim wear. I just sat down at the shade area and watched them sail as I read the book which I brought along.
When they were back, all of us proceeded to the pool and watch them do the Water Aerobics! It was lunch time after all the morning sports. It was the last meal before we had to go. My PMS is coming back again. Sigh...
Went back to pack bag and prepared to check out and basically carrying my camera and walking aimlessly. GOs are usually walking all around the place but that particular afternoon, most of the GOs had disappeared. I spent my time watching Giovanni & Jocky decorating the stage in preparation for tonight's show. A show which I was unable to watch. I wanted so much to extend another day.
We would be leaving Club Med at 445pm to catch the 530pm ferry back to Singapore. Called dad on the time to pick me up. Shall do some more last minute photos. The GOs even standby at the lobby as well as the entrance to see us out.
It's always like that. Whenever something comes to an end, I'd feel all emotional and didn't want to speak to anyone. But I guess what I didn't know that these feelings are fleeting. It comes easily just as it goes easily and before long, I'd forget about it and probably didn't know it actually happened.
Had a quiet journey from Club Med to the Ferry Terminal and checked out of the island.
I had a tan. I'm chao ta~ And I'm VERY tired. So may I present you the picture of the day *Warning: not for the faint-hearted*


Hrmp! U all must be laughing at me. Don't friend you all liao~ ARGH!
After Trapeeze show, guests are free to hang around at the bar or disco. It was our last nite there and I actually planned not to sleep. But there was no other stuffs to do than to just hang around to kill time. Realised that the GOs were rehearsing for a performance tomorrow which I won't get to see it cos we'd be leaving in the afternoon. The show's for night entertainment. Boo hoo =(
Went to explore how a DJ's 'space' is like. How songs are played. It's really very cool! Giovanni was the person in charge. He's from Mauritius, born in 1978. Nice guy with dimples and always like to joke around. He was talking to 4 females apparently, Faith, Joy, Steph and I.
I didn't enjoy the way things are going...the ending of the trip was approaching nearer & nearer...
我昨晚是流泪入睡的. Just got this sudden rush of emotions which I was unable to control.
There were lots of factors which contributed to all these emotions. Was too overwhelmed. It wasn't normal for me to PMS but last night was really too much for me to take. Tears flowed when I was on my way back to our room. One can imagine how stressed/piled up I was.
I'd just summarise: 没时间了, 我也是人, 我不是透明的, 我宁愿我看不见,好想投入主的怀抱, 他不会以貌取人.
Day 3 - Didn't feel like getting up and wanted to just laze on the bed. But still got up nevertheless.
It was going to be the last day, the last, maybe 6 hours to walk around & explore Ria Bintan before taking the ferry back. Had breakfast with the same bunch as yesterday. Took pics around the main attractions, saying hi to ppl I don't know etc. Now THAT is PR.
Some pics which I think is quite well taken cos there is me! LOL~ No la! Look at the man made waterfall behind.
The rest wanted to go sailing so I followed them. But I didn't have swim wear. I just sat down at the shade area and watched them sail as I read the book which I brought along.
When they were back, all of us proceeded to the pool and watch them do the Water Aerobics! It was lunch time after all the morning sports. It was the last meal before we had to go. My PMS is coming back again. Sigh...
Went back to pack bag and prepared to check out and basically carrying my camera and walking aimlessly. GOs are usually walking all around the place but that particular afternoon, most of the GOs had disappeared. I spent my time watching Giovanni & Jocky decorating the stage in preparation for tonight's show. A show which I was unable to watch. I wanted so much to extend another day.
We would be leaving Club Med at 445pm to catch the 530pm ferry back to Singapore. Called dad on the time to pick me up. Shall do some more last minute photos. The GOs even standby at the lobby as well as the entrance to see us out.
It's always like that. Whenever something comes to an end, I'd feel all emotional and didn't want to speak to anyone. But I guess what I didn't know that these feelings are fleeting. It comes easily just as it goes easily and before long, I'd forget about it and probably didn't know it actually happened.
Had a quiet journey from Club Med to the Ferry Terminal and checked out of the island.
I had a tan. I'm chao ta~ And I'm VERY tired. So may I present you the picture of the day *Warning: not for the faint-hearted*
Hrmp! U all must be laughing at me. Don't friend you all liao~ ARGH!