Zach called and told me that he reached Heeren. So I bade goodbye to ZH and went downstairs to meet him.
So thrilled to see Dearie. Then we went over to Cuppage to eat at the gyoza place and OMG!!! The serving was damn freaking scary lor! Goodness!! $10 for a big big big BIG plate!!!!!!!

So I thought it was just Dearie & I cos was planning to buy heels & earring cos Dearie said those dangling look nice on me.
So I thought it was just Dearie & I cos was planning to buy heels & earring cos Dearie said those dangling look nice on me.
Had no idea that Daniel appeared behind and the moment Dan SUDDENLY appeared, Zach OEI him, then Dan joined us. Then we went over to Heeren walk walk see see and took neoprints together!! And then hanged around and took pics at the railings too.

Top Row: Dan attempting the smug look at the Gyoza Place at Cuppage
Bottom Row: 3 of us hanging at the railing, quite hard to self take pics...
Hanged enough then went downstairs. Daniel went to the toilet and Zach & I waited for him outside. Then Sean SUDDENLY appeared!! They have a habit of appearing suddenly. As in...no prior notice by calling Zach or anything. They JUST appeared out of the blue like that. And the moment Zach saw him, he also went OEI! Hmm... *puzzled* Is that how you address you friends?? Haha!!
Anyway, 3 of us were hanging outside the toilet when I SUDDENLY, again, heard someone calling my name from above me!! I turn to look up.... IT WAS NISSAN XIAOJIE!!! OH MY GOODNESS!! She also SUDDENLY appeared out of nowhere!!!
Top Row: Dan attempting the smug look at the Gyoza Place at Cuppage
Bottom Row: 3 of us hanging at the railing, quite hard to self take pics...
Hanged enough then went downstairs. Daniel went to the toilet and Zach & I waited for him outside. Then Sean SUDDENLY appeared!! They have a habit of appearing suddenly. As in...no prior notice by calling Zach or anything. They JUST appeared out of the blue like that. And the moment Zach saw him, he also went OEI! Hmm... *puzzled* Is that how you address you friends?? Haha!!
Anyway, 3 of us were hanging outside the toilet when I SUDDENLY, again, heard someone calling my name from above me!! I turn to look up.... IT WAS NISSAN XIAOJIE!!! OH MY GOODNESS!! She also SUDDENLY appeared out of nowhere!!!
I wanted to talk to her more but she was on her way up the escalator...aiya~~ And I'd be going somewhere, what a way to meet someone FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Yes, I'd known Nissan since 2003?? Or maybe even earlier?? She read my fanfic and then we read each other's blog... but seriously through these years, we'd never met up. I mean.. well, there wasn't exactly a reason to meet. I mean, of course, you don't have to meet for a reason. But... weird leh like that.. But I was glad we finally met spontaneously like that!! Hehe!!!
So ok, I was with Zach, Daniel, Sean... we were heading towards Cuppage to meet Joe & friends. But D & S going for smoke session while Zach & I just hanged around outside. Then I heard Nissan called my name again. She was out with Wensi & 2 other friends. So great to see them again!! Luckily I brought my camera along!! We could take pics together le oh!!
OMG! Would you look at that contrast between me & Nissan xiaojie?? HAHA!! How come you can be so tan & healthy looking ah, Nissan?
After photo taking, it was time for us to go. But while walking ahead, I realised Nissan & friends were behind us and I turned to her and pointed to Zach and I supposed she got wat I meant. Haha!! Then she asked, "Scorpio ah?" I nodded and said, "Ya, he's a Scorpio."
Saw Joe & friends outside Orchard Point. They wanted to go Club 9 again. Joe wanted to take cab from Centrepoint but actually I didn't want, it was ridiculous to take cab from Orchard to Boat Quay only... if can walk, I confirm walk one. And hold Dearie's hand along the walking journey, I of course wouldn't mind la.
At Someset MRT, I saw Zhilong from far and went over to say hi to him. I supposed it was the first time talking to him face to face after knowing him for so long ago since our poly days when he was in NP and playing for Whye Nam together with Bronson, Zhengju they all. He asked if I still hang out with Celine, I told him me & her no longer contact much liao. Then he said he saw me earlier at Heeren but I was talking so he didn't come say hi. I said he never change much while he said I changed a lot. Really??? Hmm... ppl whom I used to talk to never say I change much leh. Anyway, I wanted to talk more but he said, "I think you better go accompany your friend."
Then I went back to Xiang and he become very moody & weird, jealous I talk to other guys ah? lol~~ MY HEART ONLY HAVE YOU LA DEARIE~~~
The guys reached Club 9 before us and they took the seats with backrest while Xiang & I sat down on the stools. Then... eat, sing, drink, zo bo, waste time lol~ While Xiang accompanied them to play cards. Dan & Sean were playing dice, I was really zo bo and bored. Sigh...kinda regretted hanging out there with them. Then Dan noticed a sian-looking me and said, "Ok la, I pei you tok la, mai gong boh."
So was talking to Dan about WS ("war strategy" aka affairs of the heart and/or matters concerning chasing skirts.) Sean heard and joined in and talked about their decision with their targets and their preference for girls.
I was surprised Dan talked so much that night. He's usually the most quiet one among them. Then Dan went back with game and I was sian again and played solitaire on my hp to kill time. Play until halfway then recieved an sms. When I saw Dan's name, I'm like WTH! Just in front of me only still sms... then the sms said, "Don't look so glum la." At the same time, Dearie quit his game and came over to pei me.
We ended up leaving Club 9 at 230am. Later on, Sean asked me if he look very 轻浮,肤浅... err, I said no leh, very approachable & cute what! Then he kept explaining and saying his standard is not high at all, see feelings one. But I told him I didn't really dare to intro my friends to him cos the guys said he see chio bu only. Then the others joined in the conversation and asked what happened so I said Sean asked me if I think he's shallow etc, and that he claimed his standard in girls is not high...I haven't even finished saying, Zach, Dan, Joe they all go pui and fake vomit at the bush... err, sorta to gesture that what Sean said about himself were crap?? Lol~~ I dunno la, they should know better. But haha!! Really funny to see these...
Dearie saw me home... we were in the cab and he sighed and casually mentioned, "Well, Saturday is wasted..." I turned to him, "Huh... you also think so ah?" I knew we're very similiar...but I didn't expect our thinkings to be so same like that... Sorry Dearie..
Reached home and I requested for Dearie to see me up my doorstep, luckily cab uncle allow. So he saw me to my doorstep and then bade him goodbye.
So ok, I was with Zach, Daniel, Sean... we were heading towards Cuppage to meet Joe & friends. But D & S going for smoke session while Zach & I just hanged around outside. Then I heard Nissan called my name again. She was out with Wensi & 2 other friends. So great to see them again!! Luckily I brought my camera along!! We could take pics together le oh!!
OMG! Would you look at that contrast between me & Nissan xiaojie?? HAHA!! How come you can be so tan & healthy looking ah, Nissan?
After photo taking, it was time for us to go. But while walking ahead, I realised Nissan & friends were behind us and I turned to her and pointed to Zach and I supposed she got wat I meant. Haha!! Then she asked, "Scorpio ah?" I nodded and said, "Ya, he's a Scorpio."
Saw Joe & friends outside Orchard Point. They wanted to go Club 9 again. Joe wanted to take cab from Centrepoint but actually I didn't want, it was ridiculous to take cab from Orchard to Boat Quay only... if can walk, I confirm walk one. And hold Dearie's hand along the walking journey, I of course wouldn't mind la.
At Someset MRT, I saw Zhilong from far and went over to say hi to him. I supposed it was the first time talking to him face to face after knowing him for so long ago since our poly days when he was in NP and playing for Whye Nam together with Bronson, Zhengju they all. He asked if I still hang out with Celine, I told him me & her no longer contact much liao. Then he said he saw me earlier at Heeren but I was talking so he didn't come say hi. I said he never change much while he said I changed a lot. Really??? Hmm... ppl whom I used to talk to never say I change much leh. Anyway, I wanted to talk more but he said, "I think you better go accompany your friend."
Then I went back to Xiang and he become very moody & weird, jealous I talk to other guys ah? lol~~ MY HEART ONLY HAVE YOU LA DEARIE~~~
The guys reached Club 9 before us and they took the seats with backrest while Xiang & I sat down on the stools. Then... eat, sing, drink, zo bo, waste time lol~ While Xiang accompanied them to play cards. Dan & Sean were playing dice, I was really zo bo and bored. Sigh...kinda regretted hanging out there with them. Then Dan noticed a sian-looking me and said, "Ok la, I pei you tok la, mai gong boh."
So was talking to Dan about WS ("war strategy" aka affairs of the heart and/or matters concerning chasing skirts.) Sean heard and joined in and talked about their decision with their targets and their preference for girls.
I was surprised Dan talked so much that night. He's usually the most quiet one among them. Then Dan went back with game and I was sian again and played solitaire on my hp to kill time. Play until halfway then recieved an sms. When I saw Dan's name, I'm like WTH! Just in front of me only still sms... then the sms said, "Don't look so glum la." At the same time, Dearie quit his game and came over to pei me.
We ended up leaving Club 9 at 230am. Later on, Sean asked me if he look very 轻浮,肤浅... err, I said no leh, very approachable & cute what! Then he kept explaining and saying his standard is not high at all, see feelings one. But I told him I didn't really dare to intro my friends to him cos the guys said he see chio bu only. Then the others joined in the conversation and asked what happened so I said Sean asked me if I think he's shallow etc, and that he claimed his standard in girls is not high...I haven't even finished saying, Zach, Dan, Joe they all go pui and fake vomit at the bush... err, sorta to gesture that what Sean said about himself were crap?? Lol~~ I dunno la, they should know better. But haha!! Really funny to see these...
Dearie saw me home... we were in the cab and he sighed and casually mentioned, "Well, Saturday is wasted..." I turned to him, "Huh... you also think so ah?" I knew we're very similiar...but I didn't expect our thinkings to be so same like that... Sorry Dearie..
Reached home and I requested for Dearie to see me up my doorstep, luckily cab uncle allow. So he saw me to my doorstep and then bade him goodbye.