Finally it's July!! A very important month!
Friday, woke up and replied to Shan's email. Really love exchanging emails with her. It felts as though we'd gone back to secondary school days le! Felt so happy!! Anyway, I told her everything what I was going through while she told me about her. It felt so close even though she was miles away from me.
Met up with Zach at JEC & we took neoprints!!! Awww... really love the neoprints we'd taken...I love my smiles inside the neoprints. The smiles are there because of him, my Dearie.
一路从 JEC 走道 IMM, 路上真的是无所不谈。
到了 IMM, 第一个地方一定是去 Daiso.
逛完了,我们就坐在一个 indoor kid's playground 一下。
Friday, woke up and replied to Shan's email. Really love exchanging emails with her. It felts as though we'd gone back to secondary school days le! Felt so happy!! Anyway, I told her everything what I was going through while she told me about her. It felt so close even though she was miles away from me.
Met up with Zach at JEC & we took neoprints!!! Awww... really love the neoprints we'd taken...I love my smiles inside the neoprints. The smiles are there because of him, my Dearie.
到了 IMM, 第一个地方一定是去 Daiso.
逛完了,我们就坐在一个 indoor kid's playground 一下。
在逛街的当儿,我发觉他每次都被人 bio。已经不是第一次了。
很奇怪。在他身边的我,也常常会被人 bio 了。
Time to head to the cinema. Superman!!!!
Quite a lame movie leh other than the fact that the Superman actor was hot. But I was quite surprised to see Cyclops inside. The actor who starred as Cyclops in X Men also starred as Lois Lane's husband.

Anyway...I'm quite confused by the whole storyline. How come the kid got special power to push the piano to save his mom?? Haha... Bleah... the only commendable thing are the effects, that's all. Storyline and acting skills...are so so if you compare this with Harry Potter or X Men, Superman is rather 逊色.
顺翔 (Zach 的中文名)的眼睛到了晚上就会变得很迷蒙。
Sean, Paul 找他去 Pub, 我还蛮担心他会 join 他们。
听到他说,“不可以咧!我在 Jurong 跟恩恩一起咧. Pak tor la!”
我真的是太高兴了~ 我问他,“为什么不 join 他们?”
他说,“Girlfriend priority ma. 我也想陪你."
真的是 can't help it 嘛!谁叫他眼睛长这么好看!
他又说我吃东西的样子很可爱,很像小孩子。Kodomo o~
Saturday, met up with poly pals for steamboat buffet at 530pm @ Tiong Bahru. This gathering was supposed to be a gathering for Yang Jie before he leave for Brisbane.
Anyway, we went to this Tian Fu Huo Guo, it's HK style one, but the staffs are Chinese National one. Hmm.. the weather was super hot with the sun shining directly on us. There weren't any shelter to block the sun so bo bian.
Vivian saw my necklace and asked, "How come you wearing a Z necklace?"
Yuan already knew, so I told Vivian in bits & pieces, "Oh, 我最近交了一个....."
Hmm... Hoping they'd be able to understand what I meant.
Then Junwei came. So he was like, "Jia En, can I make fun of you??"
I was like, "Huh? make fun what?"
Then he went, "Why didn't you bring Mr Z along huh?"
I'm like, "Errr..." Haha!!
Didn't know how to continue the conversation. But I did show them the wallpaper on my hp. Hehe...
Anyway, they had no plans after we finished the steamboat. Most heading home cos they came back from gym or sentosa, after dinner confirm going home to rest. Then I went to TBP to bang sai cos really ate damn a lot.
So after that I sms Xiang where was he, he said he was at MS and I actually took train from Tiong Bahru to City hall and went to look for him at this Dian Xiao Er at MS. Both of us sat down outside and talk. Really damn full. Been eating & eating a lot lately. Jia lat... It was supposed to be a colleagues dinner with his ex-colleagues which includes Joe, Sean, MW & dunno the name of others.
After dinner, they were talking about whether to lim kopi or go pub. Hmmm... we were walking around MS and Joe saw something at Topman and Zach went in while I was outside with the others listening to them talking about Zach being a Gold Mine 金矿. They say he buy things don't look at price one and they think he really is jin gao kai lui eh. Then they actually asked me if 我看上他是不是因为他是金矿? I felt rather offended by that question from them.
We hanged around at MS and his colleagues decided not to join while the rest decided to settle for Club 9, a karaoke pub @ Boat Quay. So we decided to walk down since it was just nearby. We walked toward Esplanade and Fullerton. Went to the 24hrs Mac at Boat Quay and bought McFlurry, first time got ppl feed me ice cream leh!! Aww... so xing fu!! Then went to Club 9, it was a KTV pub no doubt but there was an important match going on so the KTV was stopped for the moment. England VS Portugal, it was a sibei wayang & drama match. When the match finished, I even msg Weiming who agreed with me! Haha! He say he very disappointed with Ronaldo's unsportsmanship who asked referee to give Rooney red card considering both are Man U players??....Haha didn't know why it was such a saga.
Port VS Eng finished. Time to leave cos Sean got an appointment early in the morning on Sun. A group of 7 of us was split into 5-2 cos the other 2 friends stayed East area, unable to share cab. While we 5 can further split to 3-2. We tried to hail cab along the way. We walked down all the way to Parliament House also don't have... Then walked further down to Peninsula Plaza.. even tried calling cab. But it was just infested with ppl and no cab in sight!! Totally NONE!!!
Joe called the other 2 friends up to see where they were, it turned out they were chilling and talking at Esplanade. Sean seemed pek chek but they were nothing he could do since there were no cabs around. So 5 of us walked all the way from Peninsular Plaza to Esplanade
So we walked the underpass from Esplanade Park to Esplanade...and Xiang wanted to go toilet. By right, the toilet could have been within 7 steps. But, there was short bushes, and a railing separating. Unless you have long legs able to cross those bush, either climb under or above the railing then you'd reach within, say maybe 10 steps. Otherwise, you'd have to walk one big round to where the bushes & railing opening is. For me, I confirm will opt for the one big round... cos I look clumsy when climbing. I'm very scared of sia suay, su seh or ppl laughing at me so I'd rather take overhead bridge than crossing the railing for convenience.
So anyway, Xiang heck those su seh...cos he was very urgent, I saw him jumped swiftly over the bushes. And then he jumped once more over the railings. 2 jumps in a row! Sec sch confirm high jump and & long jump sure very good one! But the toilet was locked. Haha!! Made wasted jump. But still, I was very impressed and he said he long time never jump liao, felt quite tired cos lang lao liao!!
We reached the Esplanade Food Street and joined his friends. Others were eating but I must control Xiang & myself not to eat liao cos really getting really fat liao. So the guys were there having guys talk and talking about MW & Sean case.
*fast forward* Nice analysing for these 2 guys and what the actions/reactions of the gals they're currently into mean. Tok tok tok....then wah, will discuss until so late~~ almost 3am. So shared cab with Joe & Sean home. While in the cab, kept holding onto Xiang's hand and laid on his shoulder. Stole a few kisses again... Awww... love him so so much!!
网上和翔聊天, 而他问我我打算这么过我生日。
我跟他说这些都不重要,能和他一起度过我 23 岁生日,
他说他把我们的照片放成他电脑的 desktop wallpaper,
在逛街的当儿,我发觉他每次都被人 bio。已经不是第一次了。
很奇怪。在他身边的我,也常常会被人 bio 了。
Time to head to the cinema. Superman!!!!
Quite a lame movie leh other than the fact that the Superman actor was hot. But I was quite surprised to see Cyclops inside. The actor who starred as Cyclops in X Men also starred as Lois Lane's husband.

Anyway...I'm quite confused by the whole storyline. How come the kid got special power to push the piano to save his mom?? Haha... Bleah... the only commendable thing are the effects, that's all. Storyline and acting skills...are so so if you compare this with Harry Potter or X Men, Superman is rather 逊色.
顺翔 (Zach 的中文名)的眼睛到了晚上就会变得很迷蒙。
Sean, Paul 找他去 Pub, 我还蛮担心他会 join 他们。
听到他说,“不可以咧!我在 Jurong 跟恩恩一起咧. Pak tor la!”
我真的是太高兴了~ 我问他,“为什么不 join 他们?”
他说,“Girlfriend priority ma. 我也想陪你."
真的是 can't help it 嘛!谁叫他眼睛长这么好看!
他又说我吃东西的样子很可爱,很像小孩子。Kodomo o~
Saturday, met up with poly pals for steamboat buffet at 530pm @ Tiong Bahru. This gathering was supposed to be a gathering for Yang Jie before he leave for Brisbane.
Anyway, we went to this Tian Fu Huo Guo, it's HK style one, but the staffs are Chinese National one. Hmm.. the weather was super hot with the sun shining directly on us. There weren't any shelter to block the sun so bo bian.
Vivian saw my necklace and asked, "How come you wearing a Z necklace?"
Yuan already knew, so I told Vivian in bits & pieces, "Oh, 我最近交了一个....."
Hmm... Hoping they'd be able to understand what I meant.
Then Junwei came. So he was like, "Jia En, can I make fun of you??"
I was like, "Huh? make fun what?"
Then he went, "Why didn't you bring Mr Z along huh?"
I'm like, "Errr..." Haha!!
Didn't know how to continue the conversation. But I did show them the wallpaper on my hp. Hehe...
Anyway, they had no plans after we finished the steamboat. Most heading home cos they came back from gym or sentosa, after dinner confirm going home to rest. Then I went to TBP to bang sai cos really ate damn a lot.
So after that I sms Xiang where was he, he said he was at MS and I actually took train from Tiong Bahru to City hall and went to look for him at this Dian Xiao Er at MS. Both of us sat down outside and talk. Really damn full. Been eating & eating a lot lately. Jia lat... It was supposed to be a colleagues dinner with his ex-colleagues which includes Joe, Sean, MW & dunno the name of others.
After dinner, they were talking about whether to lim kopi or go pub. Hmmm... we were walking around MS and Joe saw something at Topman and Zach went in while I was outside with the others listening to them talking about Zach being a Gold Mine 金矿. They say he buy things don't look at price one and they think he really is jin gao kai lui eh. Then they actually asked me if 我看上他是不是因为他是金矿? I felt rather offended by that question from them.
We hanged around at MS and his colleagues decided not to join while the rest decided to settle for Club 9, a karaoke pub @ Boat Quay. So we decided to walk down since it was just nearby. We walked toward Esplanade and Fullerton. Went to the 24hrs Mac at Boat Quay and bought McFlurry, first time got ppl feed me ice cream leh!! Aww... so xing fu!! Then went to Club 9, it was a KTV pub no doubt but there was an important match going on so the KTV was stopped for the moment. England VS Portugal, it was a sibei wayang & drama match. When the match finished, I even msg Weiming who agreed with me! Haha! He say he very disappointed with Ronaldo's unsportsmanship who asked referee to give Rooney red card considering both are Man U players??....Haha didn't know why it was such a saga.
Port VS Eng finished. Time to leave cos Sean got an appointment early in the morning on Sun. A group of 7 of us was split into 5-2 cos the other 2 friends stayed East area, unable to share cab. While we 5 can further split to 3-2. We tried to hail cab along the way. We walked down all the way to Parliament House also don't have... Then walked further down to Peninsula Plaza.. even tried calling cab. But it was just infested with ppl and no cab in sight!! Totally NONE!!!
Joe called the other 2 friends up to see where they were, it turned out they were chilling and talking at Esplanade. Sean seemed pek chek but they were nothing he could do since there were no cabs around. So 5 of us walked all the way from Peninsular Plaza to Esplanade
So we walked the underpass from Esplanade Park to Esplanade...and Xiang wanted to go toilet. By right, the toilet could have been within 7 steps. But, there was short bushes, and a railing separating. Unless you have long legs able to cross those bush, either climb under or above the railing then you'd reach within, say maybe 10 steps. Otherwise, you'd have to walk one big round to where the bushes & railing opening is. For me, I confirm will opt for the one big round... cos I look clumsy when climbing. I'm very scared of sia suay, su seh or ppl laughing at me so I'd rather take overhead bridge than crossing the railing for convenience.
So anyway, Xiang heck those su seh...cos he was very urgent, I saw him jumped swiftly over the bushes. And then he jumped once more over the railings. 2 jumps in a row! Sec sch confirm high jump and & long jump sure very good one! But the toilet was locked. Haha!! Made wasted jump. But still, I was very impressed and he said he long time never jump liao, felt quite tired cos lang lao liao!!
We reached the Esplanade Food Street and joined his friends. Others were eating but I must control Xiang & myself not to eat liao cos really getting really fat liao. So the guys were there having guys talk and talking about MW & Sean case.
*fast forward* Nice analysing for these 2 guys and what the actions/reactions of the gals they're currently into mean. Tok tok tok....then wah, will discuss until so late~~ almost 3am. So shared cab with Joe & Sean home. While in the cab, kept holding onto Xiang's hand and laid on his shoulder. Stole a few kisses again... Awww... love him so so much!!
网上和翔聊天, 而他问我我打算这么过我生日。
我跟他说这些都不重要,能和他一起度过我 23 岁生日,
他说他把我们的照片放成他电脑的 desktop wallpaper,