The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
A movie based on a best-selling book/novel....

I was sighing the moment I watched it. Cos I felt that it relates to me a lot! I don't normally do movie reviews but I really totally felt so strongly about this movie! It resonates with me!
It was about a small town fresh grad journalist, Andrea (Anne Hathaway), who thought she found a job at a fashion magazine to be able to make full use of what she likes & able to do. But apparently, what she got was a sai gang.
Runway is a famous magazine run by Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) and she had a 1st assistant Emily (Emily Blunt, hey she's using her original first time lol) so Andrea was auditioning for the position for Miranda's 2nd assistant as Emily was swarmed with JUST TOO MANY WORK!!!

I was sighing the moment I watched it. Cos I felt that it relates to me a lot! I don't normally do movie reviews but I really totally felt so strongly about this movie! It resonates with me!
It was about a small town fresh grad journalist, Andrea (Anne Hathaway), who thought she found a job at a fashion magazine to be able to make full use of what she likes & able to do. But apparently, what she got was a sai gang.
Runway is a famous magazine run by Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) and she had a 1st assistant Emily (Emily Blunt, hey she's using her original first time lol) so Andrea was auditioning for the position for Miranda's 2nd assistant as Emily was swarmed with JUST TOO MANY WORK!!!
Miranda was this queen empress in the whole company, she was well respected, well spoken, authoritative, intimidating. It was sort of a prestigious status to be able to work with her and becoming her assistant. Every girl would kill for that position.
Andrea is just like a swa ku gal who knows nothing about fashion and no clue about what's happening in the fashion world, who were the designers etc. But surprisingly, Miranda chosen Andrea.
The 1st assistant get to arrange Miranda's schedule, attend fashion week and meet clients together with Miranda. 2nd assistant is all the sai gang of doing the impossible stuffs Miranda demanded, running errands 24/7. Initially
Andrea was really working very hard but she didn't quite catch the technique of surviving in this line. She knew she didn't fit but she said she won't be in the fashion business forever and thinks that she needn't have to dress up since she won't get to meet ppl. But apparently later on she tried too hard to win Miranda's favours but Miranda simply do not appreciate what Andrea has done because that was what Andrea was hired for.
Andrea broke down at work and sought help from the layout designer/editor to help her get a makeover and choose suitable clothes for her to wear.
So she made a point to change her dressing to suit the environment. Miranda was surprised by the change in Andrea and started to notice her as well. Andrea knew ppl started noticing her and she felt more confident.
So that was what she wanted?? Ppl's staring at her & complimenting her?? I see liao I kept sighing cos this was a 24/7 job, she was always on call, on standby in case Miranda makes any calls. Andrea used to hang out with her boyfriend & friends but they hang out lesser although she now dress & look better.
Slowly, she began to understand how Miranda works and was able to make arrangements and get her job done even though Miranda never said anything. Andrea was beginning to grasp & predict would she will be asked before Miranda instructed and of cos Miranda was very happy with that working attitude.
And gradually, Miranda liked her better than the 1st assistant and before long, she became the 1st assistant, she unknowingly, unintentionally kicked Emily out of favour of Miranda. She felt sorry but she didn't want to give up on the chance to travel to Paris with Miranda. Emily was crying her heart out to Andrea saying things like, "I thought you said you weren't interested in fashion & designer clothes. I thought you said you didn't like your job..." Something like that, probably Andrea didn't notice & didn't realise that she was slowly transforming...
Miranda was really a workaholic. She trained the models, the designers, the layout team. One occasion, Andrea went to Miranda's room to report some arrangement on guest list, she saw Miranda starring in space, teary eyed. Miranda started to talk about how the media & press kept focusing on her rocky marraige with her husband. She has a pair of twins and she felt helpless that she couldn't do anything that her twins will get all these unwanted attention just cos they have a capable, workaholic mother.
Andrea was feeling sorry and tried to make Miranda feel better but even before she could say anything, Miranda quickly switch mode and asked Andrea for the guest list and how was the project going on etc...
I am shocked by how Miranda handle things.
So eventually Andrea became Miranda's right hand woman. But somehow, suddenly, it hit Andrea like a block of ice that this wasn't what she wanted. Nearing the last scene, Andrea disappeared from the crowd and threw the phone away when she saw Miranda's name flashing on the LCD of the mobile phone. She quit her job at Runway silently like that... and went back to her boyfriend whom she has neglected all this while when she was working non stop for Miranda.
The boyfriend was sweet enough to understand her and never blamed her etc. She applied for a journalist job at some newspaper and she got the job cos on her resume stated she had experience working at Runway.
Well, Miranda is an influential figure in the media so since the newspaper covers that, the boss knew it was a status to be able to work for Miranda Priestly before.
So she's in her new job now! One day, by chance, she walked passed the Runway building and saw Miranda getting prepared to enter her car. Miranda caught Andrea just as she was about to enter her car. Andrea smiled at her. Miranda just stared expressionless, indifferently, just like her usual way towards ppl, back toward Andrea.
Their gaze lingered for quite a moment. And Miranda just put on her shades and entered the car without acknowledging anything. She just stared out the window and the car drove on....
and the movie ended.
Cos of the nature of the job in the fashion industry, 迷失自己的可能性很高。
Cos I'm at the crossroad 我应不应该改变我自己的造型。
Andrea is just like a swa ku gal who knows nothing about fashion and no clue about what's happening in the fashion world, who were the designers etc. But surprisingly, Miranda chosen Andrea.
The 1st assistant get to arrange Miranda's schedule, attend fashion week and meet clients together with Miranda. 2nd assistant is all the sai gang of doing the impossible stuffs Miranda demanded, running errands 24/7. Initially
Andrea was really working very hard but she didn't quite catch the technique of surviving in this line. She knew she didn't fit but she said she won't be in the fashion business forever and thinks that she needn't have to dress up since she won't get to meet ppl. But apparently later on she tried too hard to win Miranda's favours but Miranda simply do not appreciate what Andrea has done because that was what Andrea was hired for.
Andrea broke down at work and sought help from the layout designer/editor to help her get a makeover and choose suitable clothes for her to wear.
So she made a point to change her dressing to suit the environment. Miranda was surprised by the change in Andrea and started to notice her as well. Andrea knew ppl started noticing her and she felt more confident.
So that was what she wanted?? Ppl's staring at her & complimenting her?? I see liao I kept sighing cos this was a 24/7 job, she was always on call, on standby in case Miranda makes any calls. Andrea used to hang out with her boyfriend & friends but they hang out lesser although she now dress & look better.
Slowly, she began to understand how Miranda works and was able to make arrangements and get her job done even though Miranda never said anything. Andrea was beginning to grasp & predict would she will be asked before Miranda instructed and of cos Miranda was very happy with that working attitude.
And gradually, Miranda liked her better than the 1st assistant and before long, she became the 1st assistant, she unknowingly, unintentionally kicked Emily out of favour of Miranda. She felt sorry but she didn't want to give up on the chance to travel to Paris with Miranda. Emily was crying her heart out to Andrea saying things like, "I thought you said you weren't interested in fashion & designer clothes. I thought you said you didn't like your job..." Something like that, probably Andrea didn't notice & didn't realise that she was slowly transforming...
Miranda was really a workaholic. She trained the models, the designers, the layout team. One occasion, Andrea went to Miranda's room to report some arrangement on guest list, she saw Miranda starring in space, teary eyed. Miranda started to talk about how the media & press kept focusing on her rocky marraige with her husband. She has a pair of twins and she felt helpless that she couldn't do anything that her twins will get all these unwanted attention just cos they have a capable, workaholic mother.
Andrea was feeling sorry and tried to make Miranda feel better but even before she could say anything, Miranda quickly switch mode and asked Andrea for the guest list and how was the project going on etc...
I am shocked by how Miranda handle things.
So eventually Andrea became Miranda's right hand woman. But somehow, suddenly, it hit Andrea like a block of ice that this wasn't what she wanted. Nearing the last scene, Andrea disappeared from the crowd and threw the phone away when she saw Miranda's name flashing on the LCD of the mobile phone. She quit her job at Runway silently like that... and went back to her boyfriend whom she has neglected all this while when she was working non stop for Miranda.
The boyfriend was sweet enough to understand her and never blamed her etc. She applied for a journalist job at some newspaper and she got the job cos on her resume stated she had experience working at Runway.
Well, Miranda is an influential figure in the media so since the newspaper covers that, the boss knew it was a status to be able to work for Miranda Priestly before.
So she's in her new job now! One day, by chance, she walked passed the Runway building and saw Miranda getting prepared to enter her car. Miranda caught Andrea just as she was about to enter her car. Andrea smiled at her. Miranda just stared expressionless, indifferently, just like her usual way towards ppl, back toward Andrea.
Their gaze lingered for quite a moment. And Miranda just put on her shades and entered the car without acknowledging anything. She just stared out the window and the car drove on....
and the movie ended.
Cos of the nature of the job in the fashion industry, 迷失自己的可能性很高。
Cos I'm at the crossroad 我应不应该改变我自己的造型。