Just lots of pics?
Wednesday, woke up at 12, had lunch, packed up and waited for 502 to school. Tmd 502 nowadays getting really too packed. Even if there's the $98 monthly EZlink, it was still packed!
Reached school at 220pm, but most of my classmates weren't here yet. This was a Storyboarding & Screenplay class. We really learnt more about film making. I think I can venture into film making! We got our first assignment and the way of handing our work up was to email the lecturer directly! That was so cool!! We ended class early at 5pm instead of 6. But there was class again at 630pm. So I'd decided to kill time by staying put in the class until 6+.
There was no news from Dearie for the whole day until after 6pm, I'd received an sms from him saying, "Oon oon's daily sms service not working wor. Nvm ah xiang's one still working. I miss eeeuuuuu.... hope your day went well." So I replied back to him telling him that the reason for not sms him was afraid that he might be busy and I didn't want to disturb him. Truth was, I'm quite scared to provoke him or make him moody or whatever. I may not have the intention of it might not be my fault but still... I'm scared. I really am.
Went over to Raffles Building and turned out that Yangyang is the lecturer for my Programming class. Wah biang eh, it was a really awkward situation. YY is Keni's friend and to date, Keni's the guy with the longest lashes I'd ever seen on a guy. I meet YY once and found him to be a really errrm...unique person? You don't really see ppl like him in everyday life. The time we met was probably in March? He said he taught in RDI but I never saw him before back then and now he's back as a lecturer teaching us about ASP. The whole feeling was so weird. Eve asked him how old is he and he was like, "Actually, I met one of you before and you can ask her." Then he turned to look at me and the rest of my classmates looked at me too. My classmates were like asking me if YY is my friend but I kept stressing to them, "No, he's my friend's friend. We only met once. I don't know him personally."
Luckily we were dismissed at 8pm and I had no freaking idea about this module at all. What what ASP??? Only the first class and mentioned so many alien terms to us and even asked if we have any programming background or experience. NO LA!! DON'T HAVE LA!! Don't even know simi sai is that, don't even know the purpose of programming and what can it do then started blabbering all the alien technical terms. BLEAH!!!
Thursday, finally a free day for me. From now onwards, Thursday would be my only off day considering I study from Mon-Wed & Fri and working on Sat & Sun. That leaves only Thursday to nuah at home.
A day to catch up on blogging. Thought I'd post some random pics!
About 4 months ago, I'd sent Huishan off at the airport cos she'd be at stationed at Kobe, Japan for 2 years. I drew her a card just a day before but due to the rush, I didn't have time to take pics or scan it out so I asked her to remember to take pics of it and post it up but she didn't also la. So I do it myself la! LOL!! Damn kiddish drawing, don't laugh...Haha!!
From the first page, all the way to the last

Don't think ppl will believe I'm an art student based on these! Wahaha!!!
A screenshot of this handwriting test I did.

A PINK BMW spotted near my neighbourhood. Who in the world would drive a PINK BMW??? Female driver?? Worst! Gay driver!! Pengz

Pic of a really really cute boyboy baby not even 1-year old spotted at my workplace. His ah ma & parents are looking at washing machine and a few aunties and I were gushing over this super cute baby~~ Notice anything similiar between the kids and I?

We both got pat jiao! HAHAHAHAHA~~
Somehow was kinda used to calling Dearie at 5 in the evening cos I remembered Dearie always got bored from working and would get me to give him a call to help him kill time. So naturally instinct, I was zo bo-ing at home and decided to drop him a call. Just wanted to say hi. He was at home and sounded sian even though the moment he picked up the phone he said, "Yes, Baby?"
Xiang asked me when can we meet up again. I told him anytime he feels like seeing me. And he said he always felt like seeing me and asked if I intended to go to his place today. I didn't reply him but asked him what he wanted or rather what would we do if we were to meet up, if I were to go over. He said, "Nothing ba, dunno leh. The usual lor. Aiya, can see you can liao."
That was not a good answer. That was precisely the idea. If he was going to be bored seeing me? I'd rather we don't meet up as much as I very much want to see him. Before I could even think of anything else to say, he added, "Today you never come also good la. I also gotta study, no time entertain you also." HUH!?!?!?!?!? Doesn't that mean what we discussed earlier equals to 废话? Arggghhh~ He actually said, "Bo bian lor, only weekend can meet up." But hello, I'm working 12-8 on weekend. So we meet after 8? And then if he was to catch the last train or bus by 12, we have only less than 3 hours of hanging out. Bo bian meeting on weekend indeed.
Had dinner and while watching the 9pm show. After that, Mian mentioned she borrowed Corpse Bride from her school's library and we 3 sisters were watching it at the living room and WOAHHHH!!! Super nice to watch!! Ok, I'm certified that I'm in love with animated movies or any form of production and studying this course really is not a mistake (although I don't understand why we gotta learn programming). Watching animation is much more excited than watching real humans!!! Think next time the actor & actresses can no need to eat/act liao.
Went online, chatted with Lamby who sent me some Alin songs. Also chatted with Dearie who got busy & so pek chek nowadays with his hectic schedule at school. I know...I know school work bores him down, that was why he sian sian and I'm also trying to cut down from seeing him and sticking him too often. It's hard but I'm trying. Besides asking him to rest more, jia you & study hard, I've no idea what else can I do. Whenever he's moody, I'd be very afraid of him.
Yuan lai he noticed and knows too and he didn't want me to be like that. He also knows I'm affected by his moodiness. I just told him that he look intimidating when he's like that... and then he kept apologising to me... So I told him meet me when he feel like meeting me, I know he'd be busy so I won't go and kajiao him. But he went, "No no no, everytime I meet u I very willing one, just that halfway my mood can change very fast I guess. And don't say until like that, very nan ting, like u are dispensable to me like that, wanna meet then meet."
Friday, another morning class at school. Sianzzz... Ever since I started working on weekend, my Fridays become very blue. Just like previously I had TB classes on Sat and I'm always having Friday Blues at work.
Set alarm to 830 but couldn't wake up and slept back and ended up waking up at 920! Quickly got ready & took a cab down to school and reached class at 1015 and luckily it only started. And guess what!! We're going 3D Studio Max!!! I used to meddle with it during my poly days for rendering the different perspective of my architecture design. I couldn't remember which version we used to work with but it's Max 8 now!!! Hehe!! We are going to learn how to animate stuffs we created in Max!!! You can basically create anything & everything all from scratched if you have the program and the knowledge of using it.
After class, decided to walk around Bugis to look for a black skirt for work otherwise I'd have to wear mom's oldish black skirt. Was at The Edge and chance by this store and saw some pretty shoes and the sales assistant came out and mentioned some of the promotions they're having and how much discounts. All sounded pretty reasonable. Then I saw a green pumps! I'd always been wanting to get a pair of turquoise (the not blue not green colour) shoes and they have it!!! The largest size they have is size 39 which was smaller than my size but I really like it and asked them to extend for me... After extending, I could fit in liao and decided to get that @ $29.90.
After getting that, the sales assistant mentioned that if I get a 2nd pair, I'd got 20% off for both shoes!! That's such a great deal so of cos I continued looking on and saw a type of silverish ballet pumps. Same thing, 39 too small for me and the sales assistant extended for me. It still feels tight after extension and I didn't want to mian qiang but she said their shoes were all waxed so won't scared it will scratch our skin when walking and that their shoes all will '越穿越松'. I like it very much also leh. It's $19.90 so imagine both less 20% then add up...WAHHH!! After decided to get the shoes, she continued saying since I spent above $30, I can get a bottom, regardless of skirt/short/pants, at $9.90. OF COURSE CONTINUE TO LOOK AROUND LA!!! Hehehe... TMD SUPERB DEAL!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Then after totaling up, I spent $55 for 2 pairs of shoes & a skirt. YOU SAY WU HUA BOH!!! WAH LAU EH!! Where to find such good deals!! All very cute & pretty some more!! God, my latest indulgence is shoes!! Can't stand myself. Show you all!!

Continued walking around Bugis and got myself organiser refill. Been wanting to get some refills for a long long time and spot this really cute 2006 fall to 2008 winter, all dated swee swee!! So I'd gotten that as well as 2 key chains!!! One Cancer & one Scorpio. I wanna carry the Scorpio one so I'd give Dearie the Cancer one! Heee!!
Was thinking of meeting Dearie after he finished class. SIM at Clementi only, he live Woodlands surely will need to go JE to take northline anyway. But when I sms him when I was on the westline train towards Boon Lay, he said he was on his way home liao. Arrgghh... sian, won't be able to meet liao. Am just going to pass time at JEC Kopitiam until my laptop battery run out. Oh man, I can feel the Friday Blues.
Was thinking what to eat and decided to have hot pot noodles. There was no queue and the staff was wrapping dumplings so I said, "Xiao wan mian, meekia." So the lady was ok ok. But later on I realised she was preparing bak chor mee instead and I immediately spoke up and said, "Er auntie, I ordered xiao wan mian." She looked at the bak chor mee she prepared and looked back at me and said, "Bak chor mee 不可以啊?"
TMD! Wah lau eh, lao niang ordered xiao wan mian, which part am I not clear?? So I said, "但是之前我叫的是小碗面." She made a mistake for not paying attention to my order and wanna negotiate with me??
Kaoz... think all bak chor mee stalls should really install CCTV cambera liao la!! Then I can say, "You have a CCTV cambera dio boh?? Don't say don't have, I got eyes to see!" *points to the cambera* "Nah!! You go and replay and you see what I say." "CAN SEE OR NOT HUH?? CAN SEE THAT I SAID XIAO WAN MIAN OR NOT??" "Sorry not enough, sorry also must say why you give me bak chor mee instead of the xiao wan mian I ordered."
HAHAHAHAH!!! *siao lang mode*
Ok, in the end, she really got change xiao wan mian for me la. After she changed for me and I found myself a seat, I began laughing cos I was reminded of Russell Peter's show when he went to China to look for shoes & pants. So he was asking the stall owner, "Do you have size 10 and a half or 11?" The stall owner goes, "No. How about a 8?" Russell gave the -__- face and said, "How about I can't negotiate my foot size with you. How about that?" HAHAHAH!!!
Then he went on asking about pants, "Do you have that in 36?" Stall owner went, "36 IS TOO BIG!!! Go loose some weight, fat boy! Come back with you 32." Russell was like, "How come you can't find any of my size. Isn't EVERYTHING MADE THERE???" HAHAHAHA!!!! *hysterical mode*
I stayed until 445pm where my battery died and finally went home. Was nuahing at home, had dinner when I woke up, exchanged sms with Dearie at the same time. He apologised for not being able to meet me today but I really am ok with that. I told him I bought 4 pairs of shoes in one week, he was surprised and went, "Wah, nowadays my oon oon keep shopping hor. For me ah?" YEAH LA!!! AR BOH WHERE WILL I SPEND MY MONEY ON THESE THINGS????
Nuah until later at night went online and changed my nick to IWSMAX lol!! And Dearie was so quick to guess it was 'I wanna see my Ah Xiang.'! PRO LIAO AH! Then Xiang was actually telling me he bought toto & 4D and checking the results. Haha!! He bought our bdays for both!
Alamak~~ Then we were fantasizing if he win big big, what will we do with the winnings. Xiang said, "If I dio, first thing I buy ourselves good food. Then shop some stuffs for you and me. If dio a lot, can even buy couple ring gold."
之后他要下线了,他说,“I love u, my baby ah oon~"
哈哈!长这么大,都还没有人叫我 baby 的。
我这个航空母舰的体型,竟然会被叫 baby, 好好笑哦!
他说,“baobei is baby and 你是我亲爱的 what."
You always make me smile, you know that?
Reached school at 220pm, but most of my classmates weren't here yet. This was a Storyboarding & Screenplay class. We really learnt more about film making. I think I can venture into film making! We got our first assignment and the way of handing our work up was to email the lecturer directly! That was so cool!! We ended class early at 5pm instead of 6. But there was class again at 630pm. So I'd decided to kill time by staying put in the class until 6+.
There was no news from Dearie for the whole day until after 6pm, I'd received an sms from him saying, "Oon oon's daily sms service not working wor. Nvm ah xiang's one still working. I miss eeeuuuuu.... hope your day went well." So I replied back to him telling him that the reason for not sms him was afraid that he might be busy and I didn't want to disturb him. Truth was, I'm quite scared to provoke him or make him moody or whatever. I may not have the intention of it might not be my fault but still... I'm scared. I really am.
Went over to Raffles Building and turned out that Yangyang is the lecturer for my Programming class. Wah biang eh, it was a really awkward situation. YY is Keni's friend and to date, Keni's the guy with the longest lashes I'd ever seen on a guy. I meet YY once and found him to be a really errrm...unique person? You don't really see ppl like him in everyday life. The time we met was probably in March? He said he taught in RDI but I never saw him before back then and now he's back as a lecturer teaching us about ASP. The whole feeling was so weird. Eve asked him how old is he and he was like, "Actually, I met one of you before and you can ask her." Then he turned to look at me and the rest of my classmates looked at me too. My classmates were like asking me if YY is my friend but I kept stressing to them, "No, he's my friend's friend. We only met once. I don't know him personally."
Luckily we were dismissed at 8pm and I had no freaking idea about this module at all. What what ASP??? Only the first class and mentioned so many alien terms to us and even asked if we have any programming background or experience. NO LA!! DON'T HAVE LA!! Don't even know simi sai is that, don't even know the purpose of programming and what can it do then started blabbering all the alien technical terms. BLEAH!!!
Thursday, finally a free day for me. From now onwards, Thursday would be my only off day considering I study from Mon-Wed & Fri and working on Sat & Sun. That leaves only Thursday to nuah at home.
A day to catch up on blogging. Thought I'd post some random pics!
About 4 months ago, I'd sent Huishan off at the airport cos she'd be at stationed at Kobe, Japan for 2 years. I drew her a card just a day before but due to the rush, I didn't have time to take pics or scan it out so I asked her to remember to take pics of it and post it up but she didn't also la. So I do it myself la! LOL!! Damn kiddish drawing, don't laugh...Haha!!
From the first page, all the way to the last
Don't think ppl will believe I'm an art student based on these! Wahaha!!!
A screenshot of this handwriting test I did.
A PINK BMW spotted near my neighbourhood. Who in the world would drive a PINK BMW??? Female driver?? Worst! Gay driver!! Pengz
Pic of a really really cute boyboy baby not even 1-year old spotted at my workplace. His ah ma & parents are looking at washing machine and a few aunties and I were gushing over this super cute baby~~ Notice anything similiar between the kids and I?
We both got pat jiao! HAHAHAHAHA~~
Somehow was kinda used to calling Dearie at 5 in the evening cos I remembered Dearie always got bored from working and would get me to give him a call to help him kill time. So naturally instinct, I was zo bo-ing at home and decided to drop him a call. Just wanted to say hi. He was at home and sounded sian even though the moment he picked up the phone he said, "Yes, Baby?"
Xiang asked me when can we meet up again. I told him anytime he feels like seeing me. And he said he always felt like seeing me and asked if I intended to go to his place today. I didn't reply him but asked him what he wanted or rather what would we do if we were to meet up, if I were to go over. He said, "Nothing ba, dunno leh. The usual lor. Aiya, can see you can liao."
That was not a good answer. That was precisely the idea. If he was going to be bored seeing me? I'd rather we don't meet up as much as I very much want to see him. Before I could even think of anything else to say, he added, "Today you never come also good la. I also gotta study, no time entertain you also." HUH!?!?!?!?!? Doesn't that mean what we discussed earlier equals to 废话? Arggghhh~ He actually said, "Bo bian lor, only weekend can meet up." But hello, I'm working 12-8 on weekend. So we meet after 8? And then if he was to catch the last train or bus by 12, we have only less than 3 hours of hanging out. Bo bian meeting on weekend indeed.
Had dinner and while watching the 9pm show. After that, Mian mentioned she borrowed Corpse Bride from her school's library and we 3 sisters were watching it at the living room and WOAHHHH!!! Super nice to watch!! Ok, I'm certified that I'm in love with animated movies or any form of production and studying this course really is not a mistake (although I don't understand why we gotta learn programming). Watching animation is much more excited than watching real humans!!! Think next time the actor & actresses can no need to eat/act liao.
Went online, chatted with Lamby who sent me some Alin songs. Also chatted with Dearie who got busy & so pek chek nowadays with his hectic schedule at school. I know...I know school work bores him down, that was why he sian sian and I'm also trying to cut down from seeing him and sticking him too often. It's hard but I'm trying. Besides asking him to rest more, jia you & study hard, I've no idea what else can I do. Whenever he's moody, I'd be very afraid of him.
Yuan lai he noticed and knows too and he didn't want me to be like that. He also knows I'm affected by his moodiness. I just told him that he look intimidating when he's like that... and then he kept apologising to me... So I told him meet me when he feel like meeting me, I know he'd be busy so I won't go and kajiao him. But he went, "No no no, everytime I meet u I very willing one, just that halfway my mood can change very fast I guess. And don't say until like that, very nan ting, like u are dispensable to me like that, wanna meet then meet."
Friday, another morning class at school. Sianzzz... Ever since I started working on weekend, my Fridays become very blue. Just like previously I had TB classes on Sat and I'm always having Friday Blues at work.
Set alarm to 830 but couldn't wake up and slept back and ended up waking up at 920! Quickly got ready & took a cab down to school and reached class at 1015 and luckily it only started. And guess what!! We're going 3D Studio Max!!! I used to meddle with it during my poly days for rendering the different perspective of my architecture design. I couldn't remember which version we used to work with but it's Max 8 now!!! Hehe!! We are going to learn how to animate stuffs we created in Max!!! You can basically create anything & everything all from scratched if you have the program and the knowledge of using it.
After class, decided to walk around Bugis to look for a black skirt for work otherwise I'd have to wear mom's oldish black skirt. Was at The Edge and chance by this store and saw some pretty shoes and the sales assistant came out and mentioned some of the promotions they're having and how much discounts. All sounded pretty reasonable. Then I saw a green pumps! I'd always been wanting to get a pair of turquoise (the not blue not green colour) shoes and they have it!!! The largest size they have is size 39 which was smaller than my size but I really like it and asked them to extend for me... After extending, I could fit in liao and decided to get that @ $29.90.
After getting that, the sales assistant mentioned that if I get a 2nd pair, I'd got 20% off for both shoes!! That's such a great deal so of cos I continued looking on and saw a type of silverish ballet pumps. Same thing, 39 too small for me and the sales assistant extended for me. It still feels tight after extension and I didn't want to mian qiang but she said their shoes were all waxed so won't scared it will scratch our skin when walking and that their shoes all will '越穿越松'. I like it very much also leh. It's $19.90 so imagine both less 20% then add up...WAHHH!! After decided to get the shoes, she continued saying since I spent above $30, I can get a bottom, regardless of skirt/short/pants, at $9.90. OF COURSE CONTINUE TO LOOK AROUND LA!!! Hehehe... TMD SUPERB DEAL!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Then after totaling up, I spent $55 for 2 pairs of shoes & a skirt. YOU SAY WU HUA BOH!!! WAH LAU EH!! Where to find such good deals!! All very cute & pretty some more!! God, my latest indulgence is shoes!! Can't stand myself. Show you all!!
Continued walking around Bugis and got myself organiser refill. Been wanting to get some refills for a long long time and spot this really cute 2006 fall to 2008 winter, all dated swee swee!! So I'd gotten that as well as 2 key chains!!! One Cancer & one Scorpio. I wanna carry the Scorpio one so I'd give Dearie the Cancer one! Heee!!
Was thinking of meeting Dearie after he finished class. SIM at Clementi only, he live Woodlands surely will need to go JE to take northline anyway. But when I sms him when I was on the westline train towards Boon Lay, he said he was on his way home liao. Arrgghh... sian, won't be able to meet liao. Am just going to pass time at JEC Kopitiam until my laptop battery run out. Oh man, I can feel the Friday Blues.
Was thinking what to eat and decided to have hot pot noodles. There was no queue and the staff was wrapping dumplings so I said, "Xiao wan mian, meekia." So the lady was ok ok. But later on I realised she was preparing bak chor mee instead and I immediately spoke up and said, "Er auntie, I ordered xiao wan mian." She looked at the bak chor mee she prepared and looked back at me and said, "Bak chor mee 不可以啊?"
TMD! Wah lau eh, lao niang ordered xiao wan mian, which part am I not clear?? So I said, "但是之前我叫的是小碗面." She made a mistake for not paying attention to my order and wanna negotiate with me??
Kaoz... think all bak chor mee stalls should really install CCTV cambera liao la!! Then I can say, "You have a CCTV cambera dio boh?? Don't say don't have, I got eyes to see!" *points to the cambera* "Nah!! You go and replay and you see what I say." "CAN SEE OR NOT HUH?? CAN SEE THAT I SAID XIAO WAN MIAN OR NOT??" "Sorry not enough, sorry also must say why you give me bak chor mee instead of the xiao wan mian I ordered."
HAHAHAHAH!!! *siao lang mode*
Ok, in the end, she really got change xiao wan mian for me la. After she changed for me and I found myself a seat, I began laughing cos I was reminded of Russell Peter's show when he went to China to look for shoes & pants. So he was asking the stall owner, "Do you have size 10 and a half or 11?" The stall owner goes, "No. How about a 8?" Russell gave the -__- face and said, "How about I can't negotiate my foot size with you. How about that?" HAHAHAH!!!
Then he went on asking about pants, "Do you have that in 36?" Stall owner went, "36 IS TOO BIG!!! Go loose some weight, fat boy! Come back with you 32." Russell was like, "How come you can't find any of my size. Isn't EVERYTHING MADE THERE???" HAHAHAHA!!!! *hysterical mode*
I stayed until 445pm where my battery died and finally went home. Was nuahing at home, had dinner when I woke up, exchanged sms with Dearie at the same time. He apologised for not being able to meet me today but I really am ok with that. I told him I bought 4 pairs of shoes in one week, he was surprised and went, "Wah, nowadays my oon oon keep shopping hor. For me ah?" YEAH LA!!! AR BOH WHERE WILL I SPEND MY MONEY ON THESE THINGS????
Nuah until later at night went online and changed my nick to IWSMAX lol!! And Dearie was so quick to guess it was 'I wanna see my Ah Xiang.'! PRO LIAO AH! Then Xiang was actually telling me he bought toto & 4D and checking the results. Haha!! He bought our bdays for both!
Alamak~~ Then we were fantasizing if he win big big, what will we do with the winnings. Xiang said, "If I dio, first thing I buy ourselves good food. Then shop some stuffs for you and me. If dio a lot, can even buy couple ring gold."
之后他要下线了,他说,“I love u, my baby ah oon~"
哈哈!长这么大,都还没有人叫我 baby 的。
我这个航空母舰的体型,竟然会被叫 baby, 好好笑哦!
他说,“baobei is baby and 你是我亲爱的 what."
You always make me smile, you know that?