Xiaowei pulled stunt again after the previous incident whereby she wanted to intro her gal friends to Mark & Weiming. She sent me a msg via Friendster introducing her friend, John to me. Hmm....

From: Joanne
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:55:00 AM
Subject: En En, meet John!
Message: Hi En En

Joanne would like to introduce you to John and pair the two of you up
for friendship. An introduction message has also been sent to John - check out
John's profile below.

A personal message from Joanne:
Hmm En Jie, my fren John is 24 n a v nice guy but v shy haha n he is
interested to know u cos he tinks u v cute. Hehe I know he's not like wang li
hong but mayb can jus b frens? Hehe he sings jay but abit in his own tune haha
anyway he's a nice guy la, v strong guy. Please dun tell weiming to kill me if u
find it ridiculous!

John, Jia En is 22 n my pri sch senior. She sings v well n is v cute n
funny, pls b nice n polite to her hehe.

No obligations to b frens, jus doing my job, hehe.
- Joanne, Xiao Wei

So I immediately told Weiming about this when I'd recieved this email! How can not tell him! Hahaha!! His first reaction was, "Aiyo! Xiaowei pull stunt again!"

Haha! So Weiming, Xiaowei & I were having MSN conference and talking about this particular topic when she mentioned that John was online and added into the conversation. Wah then win loh, added John then both disappear and opened another conversation asking me how was the chat with him. I told them I asked of his Chinese name, he went, "I'm Yuyuan...but you can call me Jielun."

So I copied paste to Weiming and he laughed until pengz while Xiaowei explained John likes Jay a lot. Haha! Then dunno all of a sudden, out of the blue, Weiming said, "Hi, I'm Jacky Jay Wu Jie You. Wu Zongxian de Wu, Zhou Jielun de Jie, Zhang Xueyou de You."


I also said. "Hi, I'm Ella Xu Shaozi. Xu Huixin de Xu, Zhang Shaohan de Shao, Sun Yanzi de Zi."

HAHAHAHA....everyone just peeeennngggzzz....The rest of the conversation was total madness.

“最近亚洲出现了新一代的天王。拥有一把得天独厚的嗓音,俊俏的外表,超凡的才艺,他就是。。。吴杰友。他最近专辑 ‘你不在外婆的地盘’已在各大唱片局发售。第一主打歌 ‘你爱我还是她的睫毛’登上龙虎榜3周就登上冠军宝座。他的影响力绝对是带动华人乐坛新的高峰!”

“自吴杰友被新力 Sony Music 发掘后,另一位创作才女将会是新力的砟子鸡。她就是。。。许邵姿。在吴杰友的最新专辑‘你不在外婆的地盘’里,其中一首歌 ‘你听得到他祝我生日快乐’ 是由许邵姿作曲的。”


Baby 你就是我的唯一
绝对爱的就是你 绝对没有爱错
Baby 你听得到
绝对不可能错过你 绝对你和我

你不在 不要害怕
因他好想你 他不要你流泪手心
因为你是他的 Forever Love

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Are the lyrics familiar? MADNEESSSS!!!!!!! LONG ZONG KI SIAO LIAO!!!!