Four Christmases (2008)
We caught a Christmas-theme movie because there were nothing else to watch during this time...

It wasn't a 'strong recommendation' by the papers or reviews but since we had watched the others, this was what's left.
My impression of the guy was from Fred Clause, another comedian alongside with Jack Black, Will Ferrall those gang. Reese Witherspoon... Legally Blonde lady lol.
From the beginning of movie, it was quite evident that the couple dread the idea of staying home for Christmas and would always organise vacations to leave the country and would make excuses to be away from their parents.
As it turns out, BOTH their parents are divorced. Hence if they're around, they'd have to visit 4 places during Christmas season.
Out of the 2 sets of parents, some still stay single, some is seeing someone, some remarries... Leaving both of them confused about marriage. They're both serious about each other but yet do not wish to get married, fearing they'd end up like their own parents.
Throughout the visiting, the couples realised things about each other that they haven't knew although they'd been together for 3 years. After the having visited 4 of the individual parent, they started to get wavered and wanted to re-evaluate their relationship.
I quite like certain parts when both of them trashed things out maturely without getting heated arguments. Both of them didn't flare up and tried to talk things out together very professionally...
I don't think I can be that or clear minded when I'm faced with a confrontation. Overall, it's a nice, light-hearted movie that revolves around family relationships...

It wasn't a 'strong recommendation' by the papers or reviews but since we had watched the others, this was what's left.
My impression of the guy was from Fred Clause, another comedian alongside with Jack Black, Will Ferrall those gang. Reese Witherspoon... Legally Blonde lady lol.
From the beginning of movie, it was quite evident that the couple dread the idea of staying home for Christmas and would always organise vacations to leave the country and would make excuses to be away from their parents.
As it turns out, BOTH their parents are divorced. Hence if they're around, they'd have to visit 4 places during Christmas season.
Out of the 2 sets of parents, some still stay single, some is seeing someone, some remarries... Leaving both of them confused about marriage. They're both serious about each other but yet do not wish to get married, fearing they'd end up like their own parents.
Throughout the visiting, the couples realised things about each other that they haven't knew although they'd been together for 3 years. After the having visited 4 of the individual parent, they started to get wavered and wanted to re-evaluate their relationship.
I quite like certain parts when both of them trashed things out maturely without getting heated arguments. Both of them didn't flare up and tried to talk things out together very professionally...
I don't think I can be that or clear minded when I'm faced with a confrontation. Overall, it's a nice, light-hearted movie that revolves around family relationships...