It's nice to be Happy
Julie & Julia is a nice nice show!
So many nice delicacies that I could only dream of eating it in my dreams
It's funny to see Meryl Streep talking in high pitched voice like that... She's an extremely talented actress! I love her!
I wanna find something to do like Julie too! She actually blog everyday, following Julia's recipe everyday either before or after work. Very dedicated & passionate. I also want to do something like that... but what can I do?
I was greatly inspired by Julie & Julia. Julie Powell started on a project to blog about her experience/thoughts in trying out Julia Child's 500+ recipes in a year. She really actually blogs everyday? You know that's something I really wish I could do... haha... which sets me thinking.
Should I continue to blog according to the timeline/stuffs I do daily kinda style? Or just post a random thought or an update of my well-being, like a summary of stuffs I do like what I'm doing now in this post? Although I'm really inspired by Julie Powell to think of doing something to achieve everyday and share her thoughts & experience daily to anonymous ppl out in the world wide web, I doubt I can achieve the same... which brings me the next question....
What should I do daily that I can be more regular to my own blog? It should be something I find interesting and not dreadful, like NOT 'reporting' about my life. I already changed the layout to make myself more interested to the colour and header of my own blog! LOL!! but I can't seem to find the time to do EVERYTHING I wanna do. And I seem to read blogs more that I blog.
Haha but not like I've got any readers' opnions I can sort. Cos I don't even know who are the ppl reading except for a handful of friends.
My company is an organisation that promotes Chinese cultures, new & old. Like the tagline we have, it's a personal guide to all things Chinese. It's for anybody, you and me who have wishes to visit China, be it for the food or lovely scenic places or any new contemporary entertainment or art. Some of the articles are done by me so we're in the midst of revamping the website.
I came up with a mascot for our website and did a few sketches!
Looks pretty funny!
I was actually feeling very happy & excited that i could draw again.Everyday, I reached home tired and I am definitely tired while I'm at work but I am happy & contented cos I like what I'm doing.
Hmm... I should turn this into an art blog! I should start drawing sketches and develop an own style of drawing hor? Then can post & share hor?
It's my love for colours that I love drawing, painting, warm, surprise, feminine, tranquil.... let's see if I may have some works done to show in subsequent posts. =)
I drew Louisa on PSD. Looks better than what I did on Flash or AI. So ok la... to use tablet, I think working on PSD seemed much better.
Just to show the transition from A to B to the current one with straight brown hair...
Longer neck looks kinda scary hor? I quite like the red hair though...
I improved Louisa a little.
With belt and some dark blue hems on her top.
The drawing continues! And I completed 2 Louisa!

So many nice delicacies that I could only dream of eating it in my dreams

It's funny to see Meryl Streep talking in high pitched voice like that... She's an extremely talented actress! I love her!
I wanna find something to do like Julie too! She actually blog everyday, following Julia's recipe everyday either before or after work. Very dedicated & passionate. I also want to do something like that... but what can I do?
I was greatly inspired by Julie & Julia. Julie Powell started on a project to blog about her experience/thoughts in trying out Julia Child's 500+ recipes in a year. She really actually blogs everyday? You know that's something I really wish I could do... haha... which sets me thinking.
Should I continue to blog according to the timeline/stuffs I do daily kinda style? Or just post a random thought or an update of my well-being, like a summary of stuffs I do like what I'm doing now in this post? Although I'm really inspired by Julie Powell to think of doing something to achieve everyday and share her thoughts & experience daily to anonymous ppl out in the world wide web, I doubt I can achieve the same... which brings me the next question....
What should I do daily that I can be more regular to my own blog? It should be something I find interesting and not dreadful, like NOT 'reporting' about my life. I already changed the layout to make myself more interested to the colour and header of my own blog! LOL!! but I can't seem to find the time to do EVERYTHING I wanna do. And I seem to read blogs more that I blog.
Haha but not like I've got any readers' opnions I can sort. Cos I don't even know who are the ppl reading except for a handful of friends.
My company is an organisation that promotes Chinese cultures, new & old. Like the tagline we have, it's a personal guide to all things Chinese. It's for anybody, you and me who have wishes to visit China, be it for the food or lovely scenic places or any new contemporary entertainment or art. Some of the articles are done by me so we're in the midst of revamping the website.
I came up with a mascot for our website and did a few sketches!

I was actually feeling very happy & excited that i could draw again.Everyday, I reached home tired and I am definitely tired while I'm at work but I am happy & contented cos I like what I'm doing.
Hmm... I should turn this into an art blog! I should start drawing sketches and develop an own style of drawing hor? Then can post & share hor?
It's my love for colours that I love drawing, painting, warm, surprise, feminine, tranquil.... let's see if I may have some works done to show in subsequent posts. =)
I drew Louisa on PSD. Looks better than what I did on Flash or AI. So ok la... to use tablet, I think working on PSD seemed much better.
Just to show the transition from A to B to the current one with straight brown hair...

I improved Louisa a little.

The drawing continues! And I completed 2 Louisa!