Been a while since I last saw an exciting movie!!

A*Team starring Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper and.... whoever! HAHA! oh, the guy in the cap is a South African actor, I saw him in District 9 before!

I like action movies like that. Like the tagline says, there is no Plan B and everything's spontaneously done the first time round. They're all some kinda military squad who goes for the kill... and each of them are crazy in their own ways and they all have something in common = Rash! Haha!

Hannibal - Leader of A* Team

Face - Trouble Shooter

Murdock - Aviation Expert

B.A - Munitions Expert.

Apparently, they were all framed for a crime they did not commit. Hence, they decided to utilize each of their unique talent and try to clear their names and find the true culprit!