I'm not going to lie but...
Writing happy things does make me feel better & uplifting, while writing about bad things really does make me feel heavier...
I'm not going to lie AGAIN but...
The urge to want to write/blog is significantly more when one feels more depressed & emo, as compared to a person with seemingly a 'good & carefree' life.
When everything is going good for you, you'd just feel grateful inside your heart without needing to announce to the whole world what is going well for you right? Else it seems like you're being hao lian. Which is why I guess I give ppl the impression of being a weak link/loser cos I always talk about what I don't have, being penniless/broke, what I never will have or achieve :P
Ok la, not like I'm NOT doing anything about it. I am ok! And....
I REALLY am not going to lie to you but...
Ever since I started to run more seriously & train my running with other crossfit activities such as Cardiomix & Pilates etc. I FEEL GOOD almost EVERY TIME after a workout. I eat healthier, I sleep better, my mood is better controlled, I do feel healthier and better with how I feel and I think this kinda feeling does show on how I look! :P
Although I'm still consider big-sized & chubby by Singaporean standards, I felt that I'd taken a huge step in 'changing my life' la. Not so much of how I look but more of acquiring a-more-positive-thinking life cos I am also sian by the negativity I have to face and running is one my way of seeking solace.
So if you constantly feel lousy or often have negative thoughts about yourself or is critical about others, take the first step and JUST RUN! It doesn't matter what purpose/objective you're trying to achieve. When you do it, you will feel it & eventually be able to figure things out.
Although I can't say I have already 'figure things out' but like I mentioned, I am trying to just let go. I don't have to have any reaction towards negativity anymore. I will just ignore la! I don't want to go against or resist what I cannot control anymore, especially towards my parents or whatever unstable future jobs.
I will just take control of what makes me happy such as: running/exercising, watching/writing about dramas, blog whenever I can :), complete all the existing fanfics!!!! I have already been dedicating most of my non-working hours in doing all these already!
It's kinda weird to be announcing this but I HAVE A BUTT NOW!!! I mean, duh, everyone has a butt but mine has always been just flaaaaaaaat. U know how flat-chested girls would say they have 'nothing' in front? Yeah it was the same for me, I had NOTHING behind! No bump, nothing. Just totally flat and I look terrible in jeans, seriously! Ever since I discovered the power of squat! I HAVE BUTT CHEEKS NOW!!!!! :P after all that running & squatting... tsk!
Aiya, sorry, actually I just wanted to talk about my Sept-Oct...
I lost my HTC One XL phone after carelessly putting it on top of the toiletpaper roll inside the 3rd Level female toilet of Jcube on a Friday evening on Sept 20 :(
It was too late when I discovered it. I tried calling many times - it rang but nobody picked up. I was sad that I didn't upload the pics taken in my phone since Jan this year. 9 months worth of photos gone. I only managed to upload selective ones onto Instagram directly from my phone but haiz...I wonder what would ppl do to phones lost in SG? Anyone knows?
So I ended up using back my cracked iPhone4 but updated to iOS7, it felt like using a new phone but still :( the lost photos... haiz...
A few days after I lost my phone, my HP Beats Envy 14 of 3 years crashed!!!!!! 3 years only why so fast crashed liao!
To top it off, I also ALMOST lost my wedding ring and was depressed for the whole day and of course Dearie was very mad at me. BUT LUCKILY, my mom found it in a pile of clothes. Goodness and I thought I would have to fork out an additional sum of money to buy a replacement. HENG!
Somewhere during mid-autumn Festival in mid-Sept, I participated a singing competition organised by the Chinese society students :P And I got first runner-up. It was a nerve-wrecking event because it has been an awfully long time since I sang in front of an audience. I only had the miserable support of 3 colleagues!!!!! It was a competition based on voting so I didn't plan to win anything since the students will definitely rally their own friends to vote for them. So yeah!
In Oct, I had the opportunity to participate in my first-ever flea market at my workplace. Luckily it was a holiday before the actual day and I had the time to price tag the almost 40 piece of clothes. I had to take a cab & lug the clothes AND the rack over.
However, having only 3 hrs of 'sale', I only managed to set 4 items that's just enough to cover my cab fare. Luckily the booths/tables are free.
1. Sept 15 - Yellow Prison Run
It was my first 10km run. After doing so many 5km runs, I thought it was more or less ok for Dearie & I to take on 10km even though we have never managed to clock this distance during any of our practice runs. We had purchase the transport from Woodlands MRT to Changi on the website and was surprised to see SO MANY ppl paticipating this run!!!! SO MANY ppl!!! I would have thought 2XU was the most number of runners I'd ever seen but I was wrong! It is Yellow Prison Run!!!
10km is a manageable distance but thing is the running route has a lot of upslopes & downslopes. I couldn't do all the upslopes at all :( Cos I'm still unfit? I ended up with a timing of 1hr20min. I think this can still be improved?
We took the bus shuttle to Expo then had a lousy Korean lunch before taking the train back to Tampines where 168 brought us back to Woodlands. Yellow Prison Run 一生做一次就好 too far sia and cos there was JUST TOO MANY ppl, I couldn't find my face at all in the running pics.
2. Oct 13 - Pioneer Road Run
The race pack collection was quite horrible. In the sense that there was SO MANY PPL again! I didn't expect such an ulu run has so many ppl signing up? We had to queue for 40-45minutes until my back ached. The queue was moving SO DAMN SLOW and I thought those young volunteer didi meimei work pretty fast? Why? Workflow not efficient enough ah!
Every run would require to get up early. Usually runs on town for 10km flag off is around 7am or if not 730am but this 10km run require flagoff at 630am! Just moments after we reached Jurong West stadium where the starting point was, the run started abruptly, I think most ppl were still arriving or in state of blurness.
No road closures for this run so we're just running around Boon Lay, Jurong West, Jurong Point, industrial state, Taman Jurong area. Just running on pavement & waiting for traffic lights. It was SUPER DUPER disruptive! Have to keep stopping for every bloody traffic light. No slopes, all flat ground, all pavement, not a lot of park connector's track and finally the last 400m was back inside the stadium.
Found some unglam running photos
I forgot what my official timing was but my Nike+ clocked 10.7km at 1hr24min. It's still within 7-ish min/km. I really need to increase my speed to 6ish-7min/km. It's hard to be honest, I'm always within that range no matter what distance I jog. Ok, jia you, enenmon!
I will be doing Run for Hope next week! Quite likely my last run for 2013 whereas everyone will be busy with the yearly StandChart Marathon!
The rest of the runs this year are either fun types (carrying light(sticks), splashing neon paint or coloured powder, partying night runs or ppl dressed in zombies chasing after you that are priced at a ridiculous amount.
3. Nov 17 - Run For Hope
I run for Peace & Happiness! Proceeds will all go to cancer research funds so there will not be any competitive medals haha. We finished 9.5km in 1hr15min. Supposed to be 10km run but dunno why the distance was short of 500m but haha! It's purely a non-competitive run so don't have pro/elite runners haha.
Joyous Occasions
1. Joe's Wedding, Sept 7 @ Hotel Royal Queens
Joe is actually a long-time friend of Zach. Zach was also chosen as one of the brothers. I followed Zach to his brothers/sisters discussion on a weekend after yoga session. He was really a very precise planner with precise instructions on who to do what! I think he makes a good manager! I would want to work for this kinda person!
During the wedding dinner, I had to go alone since he was tasked to reach earlier to help out but my cock husband actually asked me to prepare a separate ang bao zzzzz Have you ever been to a same wedding as your spouse and have to end up prepare individual ang baos for the newly weds?
2. BFF Huishan's Wedding on Sept 29 @ Swissotel Merchant Court
Prior to the wedding, Milo Gals decided to throw Huishan a Hen's Party. Well, not party party but just coming up with dares & forfeit for her to do along Orchard Rd. Wearing tiara & stuff. But she wasn't really game enough to do it so it resulted quite errm... an awkward experience.
Anyway it was my first time ever helping out as a bridesmaid for the bride! I was so delighted & excited till I couldn't sleep fretting over what to wear!
Yes, the theme of Huishan's wedding is french maid & otaku! Haha! She actually ordered maid outfit/costume for all of us but unfortunately I am unable to fit into mine and had to do some modifications!
It was an early morning! Had to reach her place at 6am. It was pretty fun! I had no idea what to expect and just went with the flow and it proved to work haha. Turned out I knew one of the groomsmen, we used to be drawing/art mates from sec sch/teenage times. We are all not drawing anymore - which understandably doesn't really mean anything since it's the digital age and nobody value still life drawing or art anymore. I really should just stop doing designing soon.
We went from Clementi to Telok Blangah then tea ceremony there. It was exactly like mine except from Telok Blangah don't have to return to bride's place - they just go straight to hotel and prep things for wedding lunch! Basically we just had to make sure the decorations & reception is taken care of.
I was quite touched by the speech that Huishan had given. It was a shame that I didn't film down (a shame they didn't have a videographer to film their speeches). Zach & I weren't the kinda verbally expressive kinda person. I'm the type if I prepared something touching to say, I KNOW I will tear up so I told myself not to prepare any and just share the CURRENT/PRESENT joy there & then with everyone who turned up specially for my wedding.
My parents attended too and as it turned out, one of Ernest's colleague is my 堂嫂,堂哥的老婆. Papa also dropped her off since she was also staying in Jurong West/Boon Lay. It was also nice to see everyone I hadn't met in a long long time like Qifen, Shuhui :) Can't wait for the photos!
These 2 weddings aren't the only ones that I've attended this year. I'd also attended to wedding of my poly mates CY & M @ Crowne Plaza Hotel in March. I was a bit off though cos they didn't attend me, citing pandang as reason but yet I still went ahead to attend theirs - with hopes of rekindling friendship with the rest of the poly mates but some things are meant to leave it & let go. Everyone is happy with who they're comfortable with... I admit I'm the awkward/difficult one. So I'm just part of an old puzzle that no longer fits and I'll leave it as that.
Another wedding I'd attended in June was YS (sec sch jurnior) @ Marina Mandarin. I didn't know a single person there. I sat in the most awkward n farthest table, alongside with other friends of hers who do not know anyone else. Typical Singaporeans do not just simply talk to anyone, everyone spent their time mainly with their phones. So hmm....
3. Averil's Wedding on Nov 2 @ MBS
It was my first time going to such atas place and it was after she sent me an invitation card that I realised she's an ASK (Ah Sia Kia - Ah Sia Chabor Kia in this case). The only ppl I know are Lijuan & SK whom I'd gotten to know since Superband days!
It was really a grand wedding with nice LIVE performances and both of them played a lot of interesting videos, they both had very entertaining & meaningful speeches. She is also a one-of-a-kind lady whom I personally admire! It's such a shame I never ever got to be on close terms with her - only an occasion 2-time KTV session that's all.
We were seated on the groom's side but it's ok. The food were ok too and we get to mingle & take pics with the bride as & when we'd like to. She seemed pretty free. I remembered being so busy the whole of my wedding day.
Not sure when will we meet up again but it was a pleasant time spent with u all.
Writing happy things does make me feel better & uplifting, while writing about bad things really does make me feel heavier...
I'm not going to lie AGAIN but...
The urge to want to write/blog is significantly more when one feels more depressed & emo, as compared to a person with seemingly a 'good & carefree' life.
When everything is going good for you, you'd just feel grateful inside your heart without needing to announce to the whole world what is going well for you right? Else it seems like you're being hao lian. Which is why I guess I give ppl the impression of being a weak link/loser cos I always talk about what I don't have, being penniless/broke, what I never will have or achieve :P
Ok la, not like I'm NOT doing anything about it. I am ok! And....
I REALLY am not going to lie to you but...
Ever since I started to run more seriously & train my running with other crossfit activities such as Cardiomix & Pilates etc. I FEEL GOOD almost EVERY TIME after a workout. I eat healthier, I sleep better, my mood is better controlled, I do feel healthier and better with how I feel and I think this kinda feeling does show on how I look! :P
Although I'm still consider big-sized & chubby by Singaporean standards, I felt that I'd taken a huge step in 'changing my life' la. Not so much of how I look but more of acquiring a-more-positive-thinking life cos I am also sian by the negativity I have to face and running is one my way of seeking solace.
So if you constantly feel lousy or often have negative thoughts about yourself or is critical about others, take the first step and JUST RUN! It doesn't matter what purpose/objective you're trying to achieve. When you do it, you will feel it & eventually be able to figure things out.
Although I can't say I have already 'figure things out' but like I mentioned, I am trying to just let go. I don't have to have any reaction towards negativity anymore. I will just ignore la! I don't want to go against or resist what I cannot control anymore, especially towards my parents or whatever unstable future jobs.
I will just take control of what makes me happy such as: running/exercising, watching/writing about dramas, blog whenever I can :), complete all the existing fanfics!!!! I have already been dedicating most of my non-working hours in doing all these already!
It's kinda weird to be announcing this but I HAVE A BUTT NOW!!! I mean, duh, everyone has a butt but mine has always been just flaaaaaaaat. U know how flat-chested girls would say they have 'nothing' in front? Yeah it was the same for me, I had NOTHING behind! No bump, nothing. Just totally flat and I look terrible in jeans, seriously! Ever since I discovered the power of squat! I HAVE BUTT CHEEKS NOW!!!!! :P after all that running & squatting... tsk!
Aiya, sorry, actually I just wanted to talk about my Sept-Oct...
I lost my HTC One XL phone after carelessly putting it on top of the toiletpaper roll inside the 3rd Level female toilet of Jcube on a Friday evening on Sept 20 :(
It was too late when I discovered it. I tried calling many times - it rang but nobody picked up. I was sad that I didn't upload the pics taken in my phone since Jan this year. 9 months worth of photos gone. I only managed to upload selective ones onto Instagram directly from my phone but haiz...I wonder what would ppl do to phones lost in SG? Anyone knows?
So I ended up using back my cracked iPhone4 but updated to iOS7, it felt like using a new phone but still :( the lost photos... haiz...
A few days after I lost my phone, my HP Beats Envy 14 of 3 years crashed!!!!!! 3 years only why so fast crashed liao!
To top it off, I also ALMOST lost my wedding ring and was depressed for the whole day and of course Dearie was very mad at me. BUT LUCKILY, my mom found it in a pile of clothes. Goodness and I thought I would have to fork out an additional sum of money to buy a replacement. HENG!
Somewhere during mid-autumn Festival in mid-Sept, I participated a singing competition organised by the Chinese society students :P And I got first runner-up. It was a nerve-wrecking event because it has been an awfully long time since I sang in front of an audience. I only had the miserable support of 3 colleagues!!!!! It was a competition based on voting so I didn't plan to win anything since the students will definitely rally their own friends to vote for them. So yeah!
In Oct, I had the opportunity to participate in my first-ever flea market at my workplace. Luckily it was a holiday before the actual day and I had the time to price tag the almost 40 piece of clothes. I had to take a cab & lug the clothes AND the rack over.
1. Sept 15 - Yellow Prison Run
It was my first 10km run. After doing so many 5km runs, I thought it was more or less ok for Dearie & I to take on 10km even though we have never managed to clock this distance during any of our practice runs. We had purchase the transport from Woodlands MRT to Changi on the website and was surprised to see SO MANY ppl paticipating this run!!!! SO MANY ppl!!! I would have thought 2XU was the most number of runners I'd ever seen but I was wrong! It is Yellow Prison Run!!!
10km is a manageable distance but thing is the running route has a lot of upslopes & downslopes. I couldn't do all the upslopes at all :( Cos I'm still unfit? I ended up with a timing of 1hr20min. I think this can still be improved?
We took the bus shuttle to Expo then had a lousy Korean lunch before taking the train back to Tampines where 168 brought us back to Woodlands. Yellow Prison Run 一生做一次就好 too far sia and cos there was JUST TOO MANY ppl, I couldn't find my face at all in the running pics.
2. Oct 13 - Pioneer Road Run
The race pack collection was quite horrible. In the sense that there was SO MANY PPL again! I didn't expect such an ulu run has so many ppl signing up? We had to queue for 40-45minutes until my back ached. The queue was moving SO DAMN SLOW and I thought those young volunteer didi meimei work pretty fast? Why? Workflow not efficient enough ah!
Every run would require to get up early. Usually runs on town for 10km flag off is around 7am or if not 730am but this 10km run require flagoff at 630am! Just moments after we reached Jurong West stadium where the starting point was, the run started abruptly, I think most ppl were still arriving or in state of blurness.
No road closures for this run so we're just running around Boon Lay, Jurong West, Jurong Point, industrial state, Taman Jurong area. Just running on pavement & waiting for traffic lights. It was SUPER DUPER disruptive! Have to keep stopping for every bloody traffic light. No slopes, all flat ground, all pavement, not a lot of park connector's track and finally the last 400m was back inside the stadium.
Found some unglam running photos
I forgot what my official timing was but my Nike+ clocked 10.7km at 1hr24min. It's still within 7-ish min/km. I really need to increase my speed to 6ish-7min/km. It's hard to be honest, I'm always within that range no matter what distance I jog. Ok, jia you, enenmon!
I will be doing Run for Hope next week! Quite likely my last run for 2013 whereas everyone will be busy with the yearly StandChart Marathon!
The rest of the runs this year are either fun types (carrying light(sticks), splashing neon paint or coloured powder, partying night runs or ppl dressed in zombies chasing after you that are priced at a ridiculous amount.
3. Nov 17 - Run For Hope
I run for Peace & Happiness! Proceeds will all go to cancer research funds so there will not be any competitive medals haha. We finished 9.5km in 1hr15min. Supposed to be 10km run but dunno why the distance was short of 500m but haha! It's purely a non-competitive run so don't have pro/elite runners haha.
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I knew we were fair but no idea we were SOOOOO fair. |
Joyous Occasions
1. Joe's Wedding, Sept 7 @ Hotel Royal Queens
Joe is actually a long-time friend of Zach. Zach was also chosen as one of the brothers. I followed Zach to his brothers/sisters discussion on a weekend after yoga session. He was really a very precise planner with precise instructions on who to do what! I think he makes a good manager! I would want to work for this kinda person!
During the wedding dinner, I had to go alone since he was tasked to reach earlier to help out but my cock husband actually asked me to prepare a separate ang bao zzzzz Have you ever been to a same wedding as your spouse and have to end up prepare individual ang baos for the newly weds?
2. BFF Huishan's Wedding on Sept 29 @ Swissotel Merchant Court
Prior to the wedding, Milo Gals decided to throw Huishan a Hen's Party. Well, not party party but just coming up with dares & forfeit for her to do along Orchard Rd. Wearing tiara & stuff. But she wasn't really game enough to do it so it resulted quite errm... an awkward experience.
Anyway it was my first time ever helping out as a bridesmaid for the bride! I was so delighted & excited till I couldn't sleep fretting over what to wear!
Yes, the theme of Huishan's wedding is french maid & otaku! Haha! She actually ordered maid outfit/costume for all of us but unfortunately I am unable to fit into mine and had to do some modifications!
It was an early morning! Had to reach her place at 6am. It was pretty fun! I had no idea what to expect and just went with the flow and it proved to work haha. Turned out I knew one of the groomsmen, we used to be drawing/art mates from sec sch/teenage times. We are all not drawing anymore - which understandably doesn't really mean anything since it's the digital age and nobody value still life drawing or art anymore. I really should just stop doing designing soon.
We went from Clementi to Telok Blangah then tea ceremony there. It was exactly like mine except from Telok Blangah don't have to return to bride's place - they just go straight to hotel and prep things for wedding lunch! Basically we just had to make sure the decorations & reception is taken care of.
I was quite touched by the speech that Huishan had given. It was a shame that I didn't film down (a shame they didn't have a videographer to film their speeches). Zach & I weren't the kinda verbally expressive kinda person. I'm the type if I prepared something touching to say, I KNOW I will tear up so I told myself not to prepare any and just share the CURRENT/PRESENT joy there & then with everyone who turned up specially for my wedding.
My parents attended too and as it turned out, one of Ernest's colleague is my 堂嫂,堂哥的老婆. Papa also dropped her off since she was also staying in Jurong West/Boon Lay. It was also nice to see everyone I hadn't met in a long long time like Qifen, Shuhui :) Can't wait for the photos!
These 2 weddings aren't the only ones that I've attended this year. I'd also attended to wedding of my poly mates CY & M @ Crowne Plaza Hotel in March. I was a bit off though cos they didn't attend me, citing pandang as reason but yet I still went ahead to attend theirs - with hopes of rekindling friendship with the rest of the poly mates but some things are meant to leave it & let go. Everyone is happy with who they're comfortable with... I admit I'm the awkward/difficult one. So I'm just part of an old puzzle that no longer fits and I'll leave it as that.
Another wedding I'd attended in June was YS (sec sch jurnior) @ Marina Mandarin. I didn't know a single person there. I sat in the most awkward n farthest table, alongside with other friends of hers who do not know anyone else. Typical Singaporeans do not just simply talk to anyone, everyone spent their time mainly with their phones. So hmm....
3. Averil's Wedding on Nov 2 @ MBS
It was my first time going to such atas place and it was after she sent me an invitation card that I realised she's an ASK (Ah Sia Kia - Ah Sia Chabor Kia in this case). The only ppl I know are Lijuan & SK whom I'd gotten to know since Superband days!
It was really a grand wedding with nice LIVE performances and both of them played a lot of interesting videos, they both had very entertaining & meaningful speeches. She is also a one-of-a-kind lady whom I personally admire! It's such a shame I never ever got to be on close terms with her - only an occasion 2-time KTV session that's all.
We were seated on the groom's side but it's ok. The food were ok too and we get to mingle & take pics with the bride as & when we'd like to. She seemed pretty free. I remembered being so busy the whole of my wedding day.
Not sure when will we meet up again but it was a pleasant time spent with u all.
take care of ur knees when u run ya