3D2N Corp Fam Trip @ Ria Bintan Resort (Day 1 & 2)
That's 3 day 2 night Coporate Familiarisation Trip. And reason for being there:
Company's Mission: Get to know if facilities are sufficient to hold coporate conferences and what package does it consist. See how much Club Med Bintan has to offer.
My Mission: Get to know gorgeous hunks, talk to them, take pics with them. Get their contacts. Most importantly, learn how to PR with ppl from other coporate organisations. And hopefully ppl will like talking to me and enjoy my pressence etc.
Day 1 - We reached Bintan island and checked in.
On our way to the resort on the coach, we made our first friend, Dino & Faith from UOB. It turned out that Dino recognise me when I was working for the Call Centre. He said I looked familiar and couldn't remember who so he asked me if I'd visited him UOB before. What a coincidence. We chatted for a while b4 our Tour Guide Ghazzo briefed us about the whole purpose & schedule of this Corp Fam Trip. The staffs of Club Med were known as GO (Gentile Officer) and the guests were known as GM (Gentile Members) So cool!
We were welcomed by all of the staffs there. And it was really really great to see all of them. All the international people from all over. Then Ghazzo gotten the GOs to show the Corp Fam ppl to their rooms and settle down and later meet up for late lunch. After settling down, had late lunch with Steph & Dino and gotten to know another Indian guy, Jaya who was from American Club.
Tour around Club Med by Ghazzo to the pathetic business centre, reception where we were greeted by Japanese, Korean, Causasian staffs. Then to the massage/spa palour, Paranoma Bar, then to the main restaurant and the bar at level 1 where there was another GO, Pauly who was a Golf Instructor. He intro us to the Golf corner and saw a Korean golf instructor. WOAH!!! DAMN SHUAI!! The first shuai ge I saw at Club Med. I could see the delighted faces of other female delegates! HAHA!
After touring Club Med, we were brought to play a team building game. Like those Orientation Guide games. We had to team up with other ppl to complete the so called Amazing Race game. To find clues all over Club Med and to complete task. Spent like 2 hours complete that, we came in first but no prize though. Just meant we're a good team, but I'm not really enthu in playing cos damn tiring. Sweating like a hot pig in front of all those hunky GOs. AIYO!
After Amazing race, went tour the Golf course of Club Med. Heard it's an award winning one where Tiger Woods and other reknown golfers played before. But aiya...golf is not a common sport in S'pore, at least that's what I think. So not really interested.
Time to dinner, wash up and everything and we were told to dress up as NERDS! Club Med has a theme dinner & entertainment show every night. But I didn't have any nerd outfit. Juz wore a lok kok Converse T-shirt and grey pant and clip my fringe up to look like an idiot.
After dinner was the entertainment show, I'm just deeply amazed by the GOs. Not only do they have to work their daily routine, reception, sports instructor, bartender, waiter/waitress, they'd have to mingle with guest as well as know how to perform & entertain ppl! OMG~~~
Entertainment show ended around 12. Guest can still continued to hang our at the bar to dance at the disco. Steph, Dino & I hanged at the bar to listen to this LIVE duet. Then there was this Japanese guest who wanted to sing at the stage. Luckily the guitarist know how to play the song that ojisan wanted to sing. Then Steph suggest I go up and sing as well. I didn't dare. But Dino ask me not to be scared, he set an example o sintg Right Here Waiting. After he finished, I did Never Had A Dream Come True. Steph & Dino took pics of me singing too.
Soon to be 1am. One of the GOs came and join us and just chat. His name is Ben, an Indonesian who knew how to speak 5 languages, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean & Brazillian. OMG! So Steph was a Jap Lang student at some place and wanted to try to see if Ben really knew Japanese so she started the conversation with him. It was really funny cos Steph ended up couldn't ans Ben cos she didn't know what he was asking. Ben even commented that the Jap Steph was learning is very old fashioned, only ppl of older generation speak it. Younger generations don't use those oldish style anymore. So damn cool! Ok, so he really knows.
Company's Mission: Get to know if facilities are sufficient to hold coporate conferences and what package does it consist. See how much Club Med Bintan has to offer.
My Mission: Get to know gorgeous hunks, talk to them, take pics with them. Get their contacts. Most importantly, learn how to PR with ppl from other coporate organisations. And hopefully ppl will like talking to me and enjoy my pressence etc.
Day 1 - We reached Bintan island and checked in.
On our way to the resort on the coach, we made our first friend, Dino & Faith from UOB. It turned out that Dino recognise me when I was working for the Call Centre. He said I looked familiar and couldn't remember who so he asked me if I'd visited him UOB before. What a coincidence. We chatted for a while b4 our Tour Guide Ghazzo briefed us about the whole purpose & schedule of this Corp Fam Trip. The staffs of Club Med were known as GO (Gentile Officer) and the guests were known as GM (Gentile Members) So cool!
We were welcomed by all of the staffs there. And it was really really great to see all of them. All the international people from all over. Then Ghazzo gotten the GOs to show the Corp Fam ppl to their rooms and settle down and later meet up for late lunch. After settling down, had late lunch with Steph & Dino and gotten to know another Indian guy, Jaya who was from American Club.
Tour around Club Med by Ghazzo to the pathetic business centre, reception where we were greeted by Japanese, Korean, Causasian staffs. Then to the massage/spa palour, Paranoma Bar, then to the main restaurant and the bar at level 1 where there was another GO, Pauly who was a Golf Instructor. He intro us to the Golf corner and saw a Korean golf instructor. WOAH!!! DAMN SHUAI!! The first shuai ge I saw at Club Med. I could see the delighted faces of other female delegates! HAHA!
After touring Club Med, we were brought to play a team building game. Like those Orientation Guide games. We had to team up with other ppl to complete the so called Amazing Race game. To find clues all over Club Med and to complete task. Spent like 2 hours complete that, we came in first but no prize though. Just meant we're a good team, but I'm not really enthu in playing cos damn tiring. Sweating like a hot pig in front of all those hunky GOs. AIYO!
After Amazing race, went tour the Golf course of Club Med. Heard it's an award winning one where Tiger Woods and other reknown golfers played before. But aiya...golf is not a common sport in S'pore, at least that's what I think. So not really interested.
Time to dinner, wash up and everything and we were told to dress up as NERDS! Club Med has a theme dinner & entertainment show every night. But I didn't have any nerd outfit. Juz wore a lok kok Converse T-shirt and grey pant and clip my fringe up to look like an idiot.
After dinner was the entertainment show, I'm just deeply amazed by the GOs. Not only do they have to work their daily routine, reception, sports instructor, bartender, waiter/waitress, they'd have to mingle with guest as well as know how to perform & entertain ppl! OMG~~~
Entertainment show ended around 12. Guest can still continued to hang our at the bar to dance at the disco. Steph, Dino & I hanged at the bar to listen to this LIVE duet. Then there was this Japanese guest who wanted to sing at the stage. Luckily the guitarist know how to play the song that ojisan wanted to sing. Then Steph suggest I go up and sing as well. I didn't dare. But Dino ask me not to be scared, he set an example o sintg Right Here Waiting. After he finished, I did Never Had A Dream Come True. Steph & Dino took pics of me singing too.
Soon to be 1am. One of the GOs came and join us and just chat. His name is Ben, an Indonesian who knew how to speak 5 languages, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean & Brazillian. OMG! So Steph was a Jap Lang student at some place and wanted to try to see if Ben really knew Japanese so she started the conversation with him. It was really funny cos Steph ended up couldn't ans Ben cos she didn't know what he was asking. Ben even commented that the Jap Steph was learning is very old fashioned, only ppl of older generation speak it. Younger generations don't use those oldish style anymore. So damn cool! Ok, so he really knows.
I tried to speak with him using Korean as well, he said I was good and asked how did I know. I geh siao say I learn from Korean Dramas on TV! HAHAHA! Then I learnt new Korean words from him.
He's a nice guy la...Usually when I past a comment like this, means the guy is not shuai la! But friendly & easy going, nice to chat! HAHAHA!! Okies, it was soon to 2 and Steph & I headed back to sleep.
Day 2 and that's the lovely pool (Hey it rhymes!)

Reported at the beach at 10am for the Team Building match. We did 7 games:
a. form longest human chain, body to body. Our group won cos most of the ppl in our grp are tall.
b. stand in a single file, passing the ball over then under then over again.
c. Grp A form big circle, Grp B ppl inside. Grp A will have 2 balls and try to hit Grp B member's foot/leg/knee so that they would be out. Grp who get eliminated in shortest time win.
d. which team able to fill a 1.5L mineral water bottle with the most salt water. Damn er xin, some use mouth to hold, some use shirt and squeeze water into the bottle.
e. 5 ppl synchronise walking, left right left right that kind thing.
f. guy sit chair and 4 gals burst balloon. Dino was only guy on our grp. 1st gals is hold ball in front of chest and run against the guy to burst balloon. 2nd gal is hold balloon lower in front of her and ramp against guy's butt. 3rd gal is put ballon on guy's lap and sit it burst. 4th gal, forgot le...
h. can't remember the last game but our grp lost.

Just a pic of how our rooms looked like.
Coporate talk was damn boring la. Basically Club Med just wanna sell it's packages to organization for hold future events in Club Med, not just Bintan but also other Club Meds in Phuket or Maldives or others. We were given pamphlets too and was asked to fill in feedback forms and hand in biz cards.
After all the coporate talk, we were free & easy. The other girls whom I'd been hanging out since yesterday wanted to do spa, some wanted to try Archery & Trapeze. But aiyo~ I wasn't interested at all leh. But I accompanied them to make the booking at the Spa. I told them I'd meet them after they're done to do the archery. So I went to sleep.....
...then I overslept and headed for the Trapeeze area whereby instructors will teach you how to do the acrobat thing. Flying from one place to another, groping the swing and all. It's really fun. I'm afraid of heights and didn't dare to try it. I'm only in charged of taking pics of the others.
He's a nice guy la...Usually when I past a comment like this, means the guy is not shuai la! But friendly & easy going, nice to chat! HAHAHA!! Okies, it was soon to 2 and Steph & I headed back to sleep.
Day 2 and that's the lovely pool (Hey it rhymes!)
Reported at the beach at 10am for the Team Building match. We did 7 games:
a. form longest human chain, body to body. Our group won cos most of the ppl in our grp are tall.
b. stand in a single file, passing the ball over then under then over again.
c. Grp A form big circle, Grp B ppl inside. Grp A will have 2 balls and try to hit Grp B member's foot/leg/knee so that they would be out. Grp who get eliminated in shortest time win.
d. which team able to fill a 1.5L mineral water bottle with the most salt water. Damn er xin, some use mouth to hold, some use shirt and squeeze water into the bottle.
e. 5 ppl synchronise walking, left right left right that kind thing.
f. guy sit chair and 4 gals burst balloon. Dino was only guy on our grp. 1st gals is hold ball in front of chest and run against the guy to burst balloon. 2nd gal is hold balloon lower in front of her and ramp against guy's butt. 3rd gal is put ballon on guy's lap and sit it burst. 4th gal, forgot le...
h. can't remember the last game but our grp lost.
Just a pic of how our rooms looked like.
Coporate talk was damn boring la. Basically Club Med just wanna sell it's packages to organization for hold future events in Club Med, not just Bintan but also other Club Meds in Phuket or Maldives or others. We were given pamphlets too and was asked to fill in feedback forms and hand in biz cards.
After all the coporate talk, we were free & easy. The other girls whom I'd been hanging out since yesterday wanted to do spa, some wanted to try Archery & Trapeze. But aiyo~ I wasn't interested at all leh. But I accompanied them to make the booking at the Spa. I told them I'd meet them after they're done to do the archery. So I went to sleep.....
...then I overslept and headed for the Trapeeze area whereby instructors will teach you how to do the acrobat thing. Flying from one place to another, groping the swing and all. It's really fun. I'm afraid of heights and didn't dare to try it. I'm only in charged of taking pics of the others.
Of course not forgetting HUNKY GUYS TOO! Like this one. 
After Trapeeze, did sauna. My first time doing sauna! I was sweating like a pig. As my collar bones were quite prominent, it collected some of my sweat there! HAHAHA!
Corporate Cocktail where basically just go there to PR and talk kok but didn't really have any interests la. I'm just going to look look see see, kill time, eat and eat and eat. After dinner, there was a Trapeeze show. It was my first time watching a LIVE acrobat show!
Seeing ppl swinging here and there made me feel very impressed of them! But all these came with hardwork. Took a lot of pics of the stars! Hehe~ And erham the HUNKY GUY whose name was not sure if it's Nato or Mato. He's from Australia. Damn cute sia! I wanted to take pic with him alone one! But THAT STUPID DINO who was the photographer asked Steph to join me! WAH LAUZ!

I wished I had put on some makeup so I didn't have to look so pale...
to be continued....
After Trapeeze, did sauna. My first time doing sauna! I was sweating like a pig. As my collar bones were quite prominent, it collected some of my sweat there! HAHAHA!
Corporate Cocktail where basically just go there to PR and talk kok but didn't really have any interests la. I'm just going to look look see see, kill time, eat and eat and eat. After dinner, there was a Trapeeze show. It was my first time watching a LIVE acrobat show!
Seeing ppl swinging here and there made me feel very impressed of them! But all these came with hardwork. Took a lot of pics of the stars! Hehe~ And erham the HUNKY GUY whose name was not sure if it's Nato or Mato. He's from Australia. Damn cute sia! I wanted to take pic with him alone one! But THAT STUPID DINO who was the photographer asked Steph to join me! WAH LAUZ!
I wished I had put on some makeup so I didn't have to look so pale...
to be continued....