I am being shot and I have to shoot
Saturday, slept at 230am and got up at 7am... Gotta go down to MDC for photoshoot.
Waited until 8am but still not sign of 157 then decided to take cab. But after taking cab I realised I took the wrong pair of jeans for the shoot. Sigh... Cabby uncle was already on the way on PIE but I asked him to exit at the nearest one at Bt Batok and brought me back to Tuas PIE and called home to ask my mom to bring it down. Sigh... by then when the cab drove in to my place, the meter showed $8... $8 wasted le. I thought the total bill would add up to $20 but it was $18. Meaning it could have been cheaper de! Hiya!
Reached the make up unit and saw some of the other groups doing hair & make up. I quickly got changed and waited for my turn to be done. The make up artist who did my face was a young lady, doesn't seem local...she look exceptionally cute, sweet, dolly. She could probably pass off as a celebrity herself leh. Hmm...
But anyway... after hair make up and everything done, I realised I looked like a..... errrm... .人妖.

Another one with Tako and its ah gua-ish owner.

Candid shots of my team mates preparing, they had no idea I was snooping behind them snapping away.

While Poopee & Shuhui were getting their hair done, Xiaopang & I took pics of ourselves again & again!

Hiao za bors on the loose.
We had to take a group pic but hmm... we were paiseh to ask any of the busy make up artists or hairstylist to help us take So we used the digicam's self-timer and took a group pic on our own.

I look freaking huge compared to them.
Another shot

Because the camera was placed in the slant angle, hence the picture turned out slant and it appeared as if I was leaning on them LOL!
Time to go to the studio to have our pics taken and transport was provided. Having nothing to do on the mini-bus, no prizes for guessing how we passed time during the journey!


Shuhui looking emo. Wondered if she knew I was taking a photo of her?

Pink & green makes a good colour combi!
May I present you 恩恩的招牌 act cute 自拍照!HAHA!

While we reached there, the 3 groups in front of us were still waiting for their turn for shoots. They all look so attitude & pro and when it come to our turn, we looked so... errm... off from what they wanted us to look. They wanted a "FWAH " smug look. Like those kinda looks where ppl would fear us that was why it was taken from a low angle. So that when audience looks at the picture, they would be looking up at the subject in the picture.
We had a few 'attempting to look serious' shots but it looks unnatural & awkward. Kinda clash with the colourful outfit we were sporting
And the end product?

Tuesday, got up at Xiang's place at 11 and went to wash up and dress up.
Had noodles for brunch while all these he was sleeping inside his room but while eating halfway, he blur blur came out cos he found me missing and wanted to see me. But he was still walking with eyes closed, how to see? LOL!
We then had noodles together and he saw me out to get a cab to MDC. Once again, we had to go to the make up unit to get our make up done and I love the make up artist who did my make up this time. I look so natural and I don't look like a transvetite this time!

All natural smiles & looks with Xiaopang!
En En & Poopee 三连拍!

I think everyone really look good & happy with how we look this time!

Xiaopang happily taking a pic of herself
And I really love the mic prop! It belongs to Xiaopang by the way...

Yandao of the group, Poopee

Another shot of a really nice looking Xiaopang

Shuhui took the longest time to get ready because of the perm she was sporting and the stylist did a splendid job!

The hair looks really nice oh her, but the groups outfit didn't really suit the 'royal gala ball-ish' classy hair she has.
A close up of the pretty hair!

And as usual, everytime I'd throw in and end of with my signature 自恋照。

这么美的装,结果却得在 MV 里戴眼镜。T_T
I was so beautiful styled this time but the director of the MV shoot wanted me to wear glasses and that was different from what the producer said about ditching the glasses as they will hide my features etc. Whatever, just do what they want lor...
We went up on this pretty stage and we were told to sing with the music which we did and it was fun singing LIVE! I was the one who stood closest to the cameraman and when my voice was projected out, he said I sang well and really sounded a bit like Stefanie T_T Uncle, the idea is not to sound like her but sound DIFFERENT from her can?
While waiting for the lights and for director's instruction, the cameraman whipped out his handphone and showed me pics of him taken together with Stefanie and said he used to be cameraman for events that has her one. He had taken her MTVs before. Wah!!! So fortunate uncle!
What an ignorant teen I was back then. Technically I wasn't in my teens when I chased idols la. I was in my early 20s. LOL!
Anyway, after the MV shoot was over, we did some interviews again and left MDC together. Along the way, we took some more informal shots. 反正装这么美,不要浪费.

Thursday, 难得 public holiday 还以为可以赖床久一点,可是还有工作要做。
We arranged to meet at 10am at Boat Quay but as usual, all the dragging and we ended up meeting at 11am and waited for the availability of shooting in the boat. The boat uncle which we had was very kind & nice. Luckily the group also had a Chinese-speaking person, ahem me to help navigate which directions to go to.
I was glad to be part of the team cos I'd never taken the bump boat during the day. In my 24 yrs of life, I'd only taken it twice, once with a date, once with Xiang when we'd gotten together. I am always being teased by my classmates for being a FAKE SINGAPOREAN cos there are lots of information about Singapore which I don't know. I'm not good with directions nor locations, I don't know some of the famous companies, local brands or whatever and there were lots of place in Singapore which I'd never gone before. I used to be a 'bus person' but after I stopped using concession cards, I only go to places where trains are accessible...
So I was waiting at the Raffles statue while they came over from the big bird statue. While waiting, I was taking zi lian photos.

When they finally came over, we took the boat ride and set the camera. Some pictures we'd taken during the shoot...

I like this pic of the back views of Rajat & Andrew. I probably didn't mention about Andrew before because he only joined our class at the 3rd & final year as he took his previous 2 years in another school.

They were on the top level of the bump boat while I was in the shade so Rajat snapped a pic of me.
It's nice to have an auto manual focus camera. I like how the background is blurs and I was being focused.

Snooping around the team

Andrew trying to act cute.
Another random shot.

By the time we finish the boat shoot, we had to kill time until the evening and it wasn't possible for us to hang out outside until 6pm+ so the nearest house we could rest for a while would be Toni's place.
Took 100 from Victoria Concert Hall and head toward east area. He lives in a terrace house there but it doesn't really look nice. While the others went to get something to eat, I slept on the mattress in his room but I couldn't get any as the noisy construction was going on opposite the terrace. Some more the floor was damn hard so should I say the mattress wasn't thick enough for a dua leng gong like me.
They came back and it was my turn to go get something to eat and I ate ban mian on a hot hot hot ho afternoon. We tu until 530 and went back to boat quay at 630 where the sun was still very bright. Apparently the sunset area was more obvious at Clarke Quay so we went there first before taking the boat ride to shoot night scenes.
We finally call it a wrap at 930pm, by then my whole body was very sticky le. Initially I wanted to take 197 home but it just whizzed passed in front of me. So I walked back to City Hall and took the train home.
Super duper tired. While bathing, I realised I've got some visible tan line from the hot hot hot sun today... Oh mo!
Waited until 8am but still not sign of 157 then decided to take cab. But after taking cab I realised I took the wrong pair of jeans for the shoot. Sigh... Cabby uncle was already on the way on PIE but I asked him to exit at the nearest one at Bt Batok and brought me back to Tuas PIE and called home to ask my mom to bring it down. Sigh... by then when the cab drove in to my place, the meter showed $8... $8 wasted le. I thought the total bill would add up to $20 but it was $18. Meaning it could have been cheaper de! Hiya!
Reached the make up unit and saw some of the other groups doing hair & make up. I quickly got changed and waited for my turn to be done. The make up artist who did my face was a young lady, doesn't seem local...she look exceptionally cute, sweet, dolly. She could probably pass off as a celebrity herself leh. Hmm...
But anyway... after hair make up and everything done, I realised I looked like a..... errrm... .人妖.
Another one with Tako and its ah gua-ish owner.
Candid shots of my team mates preparing, they had no idea I was snooping behind them snapping away.
While Poopee & Shuhui were getting their hair done, Xiaopang & I took pics of ourselves again & again!
Hiao za bors on the loose.
We had to take a group pic but hmm... we were paiseh to ask any of the busy make up artists or hairstylist to help us take So we used the digicam's self-timer and took a group pic on our own.
I look freaking huge compared to them.
Another shot
Because the camera was placed in the slant angle, hence the picture turned out slant and it appeared as if I was leaning on them LOL!
Time to go to the studio to have our pics taken and transport was provided. Having nothing to do on the mini-bus, no prizes for guessing how we passed time during the journey!
Shuhui looking emo. Wondered if she knew I was taking a photo of her?
Pink & green makes a good colour combi!
May I present you 恩恩的招牌 act cute 自拍照!HAHA!
While we reached there, the 3 groups in front of us were still waiting for their turn for shoots. They all look so attitude & pro and when it come to our turn, we looked so... errm... off from what they wanted us to look. They wanted a "FWAH " smug look. Like those kinda looks where ppl would fear us that was why it was taken from a low angle. So that when audience looks at the picture, they would be looking up at the subject in the picture.
We had a few 'attempting to look serious' shots but it looks unnatural & awkward. Kinda clash with the colourful outfit we were sporting
And the end product?
Tuesday, got up at Xiang's place at 11 and went to wash up and dress up.
Had noodles for brunch while all these he was sleeping inside his room but while eating halfway, he blur blur came out cos he found me missing and wanted to see me. But he was still walking with eyes closed, how to see? LOL!
We then had noodles together and he saw me out to get a cab to MDC. Once again, we had to go to the make up unit to get our make up done and I love the make up artist who did my make up this time. I look so natural and I don't look like a transvetite this time!
All natural smiles & looks with Xiaopang!
En En & Poopee 三连拍!
I think everyone really look good & happy with how we look this time!
Xiaopang happily taking a pic of herself
And I really love the mic prop! It belongs to Xiaopang by the way...
Yandao of the group, Poopee
Another shot of a really nice looking Xiaopang
Shuhui took the longest time to get ready because of the perm she was sporting and the stylist did a splendid job!
The hair looks really nice oh her, but the groups outfit didn't really suit the 'royal gala ball-ish' classy hair she has.
A close up of the pretty hair!
And as usual, everytime I'd throw in and end of with my signature 自恋照。
这么美的装,结果却得在 MV 里戴眼镜。T_T
I was so beautiful styled this time but the director of the MV shoot wanted me to wear glasses and that was different from what the producer said about ditching the glasses as they will hide my features etc. Whatever, just do what they want lor...
We went up on this pretty stage and we were told to sing with the music which we did and it was fun singing LIVE! I was the one who stood closest to the cameraman and when my voice was projected out, he said I sang well and really sounded a bit like Stefanie T_T Uncle, the idea is not to sound like her but sound DIFFERENT from her can?
While waiting for the lights and for director's instruction, the cameraman whipped out his handphone and showed me pics of him taken together with Stefanie and said he used to be cameraman for events that has her one. He had taken her MTVs before. Wah!!! So fortunate uncle!
What an ignorant teen I was back then. Technically I wasn't in my teens when I chased idols la. I was in my early 20s. LOL!
Anyway, after the MV shoot was over, we did some interviews again and left MDC together. Along the way, we took some more informal shots. 反正装这么美,不要浪费.
Thursday, 难得 public holiday 还以为可以赖床久一点,可是还有工作要做。
We arranged to meet at 10am at Boat Quay but as usual, all the dragging and we ended up meeting at 11am and waited for the availability of shooting in the boat. The boat uncle which we had was very kind & nice. Luckily the group also had a Chinese-speaking person, ahem me to help navigate which directions to go to.
I was glad to be part of the team cos I'd never taken the bump boat during the day. In my 24 yrs of life, I'd only taken it twice, once with a date, once with Xiang when we'd gotten together. I am always being teased by my classmates for being a FAKE SINGAPOREAN cos there are lots of information about Singapore which I don't know. I'm not good with directions nor locations, I don't know some of the famous companies, local brands or whatever and there were lots of place in Singapore which I'd never gone before. I used to be a 'bus person' but after I stopped using concession cards, I only go to places where trains are accessible...
So I was waiting at the Raffles statue while they came over from the big bird statue. While waiting, I was taking zi lian photos.
When they finally came over, we took the boat ride and set the camera. Some pictures we'd taken during the shoot...
I like this pic of the back views of Rajat & Andrew. I probably didn't mention about Andrew before because he only joined our class at the 3rd & final year as he took his previous 2 years in another school.
They were on the top level of the bump boat while I was in the shade so Rajat snapped a pic of me.
It's nice to have an auto manual focus camera. I like how the background is blurs and I was being focused.
Snooping around the team
Andrew trying to act cute.
Another random shot.
By the time we finish the boat shoot, we had to kill time until the evening and it wasn't possible for us to hang out outside until 6pm+ so the nearest house we could rest for a while would be Toni's place.
Took 100 from Victoria Concert Hall and head toward east area. He lives in a terrace house there but it doesn't really look nice. While the others went to get something to eat, I slept on the mattress in his room but I couldn't get any as the noisy construction was going on opposite the terrace. Some more the floor was damn hard so should I say the mattress wasn't thick enough for a dua leng gong like me.
They came back and it was my turn to go get something to eat and I ate ban mian on a hot hot hot ho afternoon. We tu until 530 and went back to boat quay at 630 where the sun was still very bright. Apparently the sunset area was more obvious at Clarke Quay so we went there first before taking the boat ride to shoot night scenes.
We finally call it a wrap at 930pm, by then my whole body was very sticky le. Initially I wanted to take 197 home but it just whizzed passed in front of me. So I walked back to City Hall and took the train home.
Super duper tired. While bathing, I realised I've got some visible tan line from the hot hot hot sun today... Oh mo!
but anyway i think that your makeup is really nice leh..such a waste that u haf to wear specs..
saw u guys on tv yday.. u guys were great! glad that u all cld make it to the next round..will continue to watch and support..and hope that the issues have been resolved =X
haha jiayous =D
p.s. oh yea i went to mediacorp forum and got ppl say u look cute and haf great voice eh!! haha shuang diao boh~ hahaha