SB: ZBL Retro
(continue from previous entry)
While SH was on the phone, I was errm... zi pai-ing again...

After that I pei her go eat Pepper Lunch. She had a meal while I just ate ice cream. She went home after that while I took bus home as well...
Monday, took cab to MDC and saw XP along the way and went inside together.
While waiting for our turn, Carol came along and we were practicing outside the theatre with her but we ended up chatting about music/dancing/singing. ZBL, as singers, we found it a challenge to know more about body language and stage pressence up there cos we simply can't stand on stage doing nothing. Carol, as a dancer, thought it was a challenge for her to learn singing cos her voice is quite low and vocal range not that wide and can only do selective songs like Sammi Cheng. She likes those English songs but couldn't do it...
One thing's for sure, I had observed that ppl were more willing to watch dance shows rather than singing shows. Ppl were more impressed with those who can dance rather than those who can sing...
We went to get changed and make up. We also got our sound/mic test while doing all those damn stupid retro stuffs. I think the other contestants who were watching from audience seats were laughing...
I thought the make up artiste and hair stylist was really very li hai... I love my eyeshadow!! *blink blink*

Eyes closed to show the eyeshadow blending which the make up artist spent alot of effort drawing.
But I certainly didn't like the sampat retro outfit we had to wear, sponsored by the wardrobe department.

Trying to show hair & face! Haha!

Full dress rehearsal time...

Teams were getting lesser & lesser.
Ok, let's just enjoy the last performance. Ppl were already speculating us to be out cos we were the last vocal group standing. Even though I wouldn't be happy being out JUST COS ppl speculated us to but having less than a week's time to prepare, I guess the feeling of preparing to leave the stage left us no stress so we're winners ourselves, according to Cindy! And that was a very comforting remark from her that kept me going.
An hour before LIVE show, we practiced a few more times, did some interviews and standing by to go up on stage. While waiting for our turn... I almost puked at the VT shoot we done yesterday, the holding hands with PP and twirling around... eeeeewwww, damn gross! Haha!
Haha! They actually focused on PP's crotch area!! LOL!
Some pics...

There was some positive comments from JJ saying that the hua mian had improved but as always, the first guy in the judging panel have SUPER CONSTRUCTIVE comments and BXS was saying ZBL always had pitching problem... eh, he chao hee lang one ah? We pitch off then what is others?
Incredibily contradicting sing day one lor. Ok, I know this is supaBAND, they didn't really favour us since day one and it wasn't something we can change. But viewer's opnions are based on what judges think. Since they always speak of WGR, TW... I seriously couldn't tell if they're looking at contestants who can sing? who can dress well? who is most marketable? Youthfulness?
Pris went home after the LIVE show while I guess most supporters also gave up on us? I know my sisters also didn't vote anymore haha... cos no point fighting against strong grps like SY, SLT, FZ etc...
While waiting for the result show, I was resting backstage, catching some winks until the recording. The last 3 standing were us, SY, DF and then we were the next to announce that we got through. Damn stunned. ZBL only left with 6 supporters in the audience, 4 belonged to my family. The other 2 were SH's bf and Cindy. PF went over to interview SH's while we quickly went to join them... it was hard to believe. Where did the votes came from? We were all in state of shock actually...
The last 2 standing were SY & DF and SY was announce to get through which mean DF was out. How was that possible? They've so many relatives and church for votes? Unless they didn't want to continue? Not possible also leh, they like to PR around with ppl...
Nonetheless, everyone was to change out of the clothes and return to wardrobe dept immediately so we chiong for it and chiong to the audio post to present the next theme to B Wong! Dance theme... and we got BPBP! Wah biang... off song also lor....
When the session ended, all 4 of us were at the carpark where we quarreled and I broke down just a week ago. Things were so different this time. Somehow I guess we were all hopeful for getting through to the next round though the song was really off... hmm... But I wasn't sure if I could do this again... was I going to be act cute lead for the song? Gosh...
Made way home and there were some fans waiting for the rest of the contestants. There was this guy CG who sent encouraging msg on Facebook and we began chatting on MSN so he waited to take pics with me... aiyo~~ I sibei touched leh... haha!! He's a nice & sweet guy~ Unlike some hysterical SGN~ LOL!

I went home feeling touched and went inside my parents room and asked them how was it etc. They asked me to thanked my supportive sisters... hehe...ha nor... I love them!
Tuesday, discussed with Pris about wanting to go solo...
Went over to Dearie's place and didn't realise I miss him so much! But he was always tired & sian one leh! I accompanied him till he was preparing for him. Saw him to the interchange and went home after that.
Wednesday, was watching Juhua at night and didn't do project...
Supposed to wake up in the morning and work on it but was too tired so went to school early to see what else can I include inside my report. Used a bit of classtime before showing Jojo and stayed back continuing working on it. Went to take 961 to TMD and had dinner alone but the zi cha's share was very little so I asked Pris to da bao some subway for me. Went to 串门子 with Cindy and PT laoshi was there and he asked how old I am and I said 25. There were some adult students there and they were shocked by my answer. Errr... hen shock ma?
Everyone came and we did a rough BPBP arrangement until 1130 and went home. I waited for Dearie at JE interchange and went home together. While I reached home, only then I realised I lost my house key...
Thursday, yuan ben arranged dinner with Pris. Yuan ben Dearie has something else but it was cancelled.
So I didn't want to leave Dearie alone at home and asked Pris if he could join but it was pretty weird so dinner with Pris was postponed. In the end, Dearie & I went to JP to catch Journey to the Centre of the Earth (JTTCOFTE).
Wanted to have ban mian for dinner but there were too many ppl at the foodcourt so we had Billy Bombers instead and ate until super full despite sharing a meal!
JTTCOTE was...hmm... funny!

But it was hard to deicpher and understand all the scientific terms they were talking about. I didn't really get the storyline to be honest but well, just have a laugh at all the humourous dialouges will do and Brendan Fraiser's funny expressions! Haha...
After the movie it was raining heavily so we took a cab back home...
Friday, Dearie got up earlier than me cos he'd be going off to meet his friends for gathering while I saw him off. Gonna miss him till we meet up again.
I went back to sleep and caught up Juhua on TV and photo editting and blogging. Dearie called me around 5pm+ telling me his gathering with his friend ended and he'd be going home preparing for work
Went over to Tiong Bahru after dinner and met up with Cindy at some salon at TBP so go over to the studio to practice BPBP. The girls would be coming from Colorbar to get their haircut for the next performance. We practiced till 1am+ and shared cab home.
Saturday, National Day! But still have to go MDC to present song to B Wong.
B Wong didn't like the music arrange and critisized the arrangement which was made by Cindy's husband Desmond. It was quite a horrible session with him telling us how bad everything was, we had no chance to explain for ourselves so... abit sian. We took cab to TMC to shoot filming cos the producers wanted to shoot our practice sessions. We had a meeting with Cindy and told her what happened during the session earlier and she was so pissed & angry...
Singapore's music industry ain't big. No matter how famous songwriter, song arrangers are working with famous celebrities, homegrown is still Singapore. Ppl know one another quite well. Not really good friends but at least are aquiaintences. According to Cindy, Desmond is quite famous in the dance music scene and she claimed B Wong do not know anything about dance and has no right to critisize the arrangement until like that... oh well, I'm just a contestant, I don't want to get too involved in whatever dispute they're having...
We practiced till 530pm and rushed off to meet my date for watching fireworks. I'd a date with the SPT hotties. Yeah I know, a bunch of xiao didis...
City Hall was only a few stops from Outram but because it was National Day, it was flooded. The City Link was ridiculously stucked so I walked on land instead of underground. BR asked me to look for him at MS. I walked the long way on land to Suntec which linked to MS. So when I reached Kenny Rogers I sms him asking him where he is, he said he was outdoor. When I peeked, he was with at least 10 over ppl whom I don't know! I a bit sian diao and decided to go Spore Flyer on my own so I walked outside.. Yeah I went out of MS and walked on the side of the road, passing Merril Lynch with Esplanade just across the street.
But the road was being blocked and all tourist have to walk up the stairs or gradient leading up to MS. So if I want to get to Spore Flyer, I'd need to walk through hordes of ppl to get up the stairs or gradient then get down another flight of stairs or gradient again. But it got really stuck and I was moving baby steps up, plus it was drizzling and I was wet. There were lots of foreigners with slightly darker skin oozing an oudour with so many ppl... I felt I was going to faint... sianz...
I ended up going back to MS Outdoors and saw MY in the table with BR so I shameless joined the table of bunch of 16-18 y/o kids but I couldn't tell they were JUST 16-18. On the table with me were MY, BR & BR's younger sister, LM who was same pri sch mates as MY. LM's friend, EL was snapping pics of us and came over and asked how old I am and I said, "Older than you all by a lot!" Then she persisted, "A lot is how a lot?" I said I was 25, she gave the shock look and thought I was same as BR. Sheesh... I'm a whole 7-9 years older than these peeps...
Saw these pics in the girls' blogs so 'kop' over...

From left: MY, LM, BR, and back view of

All the SGNS, MY, BR, EE....
I though the 2 pics below were really funny! One emo, one sad pic of MY.

Haha! Purpose of showing this pic is to show MY's chiselled looks only and that I'm standing beside him!! Wahaha...

I was feeling rather bored from their conversation cos I had no idea what they were talking about. So I was just passing time until it was almost time for fireworks and walked over to Oriental but we were refused and we ended up watching from the side of MS but it was nice enough! National Day leh... but instead of continuous fireworks for 10-20min that kind, they broke into few parts so some ppl though they'd watched all liao thought it ended and left but there were still more. Though nice but it was nothing to what I imagined... sigh...
All of us went to the arcade where I parted with them. I walked over to Suntec and ate Anderson's blueberry cheesecake. I didn't have dinner at all hanging out with them. Then I walked over to Liang Seah St to meet Weeliam and his friends at Tian Tian Steamboat. Then we took train to Orchard Partyworld and sang KTV till 215 and one of Weeliam's friends who live Jurong gave me a ride back home...
Sunday, I got up at around 2pm and had lunch while watching Olympics with Ah Mian.
Ben lai arranged to Dearie to come over at 5pm and would go over to PS to meet up with ZBL but Cindy changed venue to Bugis so went to meet up with Dearie at JE interchange and head over to Bugis. Initial plan was to shop for suitable clothings for BPBP but Cindy came over with clothes from her own collection. We changed in the Intercontinental Hotel toilet, I quite like the Jap cutsey feel but the pants were a bit tight so we continued to look for clothes with the red & white theme.
Tried on a few piece but wasn't really suitable and I wasn't intending to spend money... Hmm... Cindy was already kind enough to lend us her clothes so I guess we can go off... Went to have dinner at Nan Xiang with Xiang (rhymes hor?)...
We took bus home after dinner and I fell asleep in the bus journey...
Monday, slept at around 4am after blogging & chatting.
Got up at 6am cos of Dearie's army cos he gotta prepare to go home and attend his one-week course so I continued sleeping until 11 and got an sms from Rajat & Toni that Jojo was on MC so ok... continued sleeping until 12 then went to bath, watch TV, blog, upload pics.
Watched SPB, wasn't really impressed with others except WGR. Hmm... After watching, went over to Xiang's place and he was lying on the bed already. Missed the result show but got to know WGR was out. They were the best amongst the performing teams tonight and the team with the tiny pint size drummer was.... kinda sian.
Dearie was tired from work so he continued sleeping while I was surfing the net with his laptop and I shortly joined him thereafter...
Tuesday, Dearie got up first to prepare for work, got up and kissed & hugged him goodbye and went back to sleep.
Work on project and drank some soup before leaving for TMC for practice. Have to do those dances again...sibei sian. LAO NIANG DUN DANCE LOR! I also sibei tiao gang don't do the way I'm asked to cos I don't like. I won't say I'm a fast learner, in fact I learn quite slow or perhaps I choose to learn slow cos I don't like to be rushed or forced into doing anything out of my own will. When ppl rush or push me, I will retaliate...
Another late night to go and tmd lao niang kept sneezing non stop again...
Wednesday, got up at 10 to continue project work....
Mom passed me a new set of keys telling me not to ask my sisters to put the keys under the mat for me to reach under the door anymore, very dangerous. Sigh... The thought of SCHOOL & PRACTICE is really taunting. I was thinking of going only EITHER cos I was feeling sick, all the sneezing caused my throat to be irritated and nose runny. I caught a flu. I didn't really want to hang outside.
But nonetheless, I still went ahead with school. Worked on report for a bit and saw Jojo and she commented that I should touch on my design soon.
Finished liao and took bus to Outram and had hokkien mee at Swis Ling which tasted pretty good. Went inside TMC to have a rest and zo bo. TMC performing group would be singing at a few places over the weekends so I get to see the singers practice and rehearsing inside. I knew MW could sing very well but boy was I impressed with her performance. Very good body language. And I heard she's signed by Cindy but her manager's someone else... When will I have a manager who will 赏识我呢?
I was sitting there waiting for the other to come while my nose kept running as I kept sneezing... I think my nose was rotting....
It didn't start until 9+ when PP came and we practiced the vocal parts then went outside to do some para para movements. Again, another late nite.... Sigh... pok gai liao la lydat...
Thursday, woke up with slightly better throat compared to the last 2 days.
The thought of another dreadful night was making me more & more sian. So I sms Cindy all the reasons I couldn't take it. Cold, sneeze, flu, 腰酸背痛....
Ok la, I know I very lousy, danced a few nights only then limbs and back very suan liao. I always couldn't understand why do I have to do these... Surely damn sia suay one lor. ZBL can only sing, cannot dance why. You die die want us to dance in what? Matter of few weeks also got no miracle one la...
Nonetheless, a day's break was good enough without having to see those sian faces. No, in fact, I was happy for being sick...
Slept whole day...
Friday, got up at 1pm and went to see doctor with Ah Neng.
Apparently my sister also kena cold and kept sneezing at home as well. Ah Neng's usage of tissue was crazy... lol! So Mama told us to go see doctor today. We waited outside the clinic which was closed for lunch break earlier. We registered for ourselves and waited another 45min for our turn.
We went in to visit the doctor together but Ah Neng went first. Her condition was more severe than mine. As she was still schooling, the doctor prescribed her with stronger medicine, medicine which won't make her drowsy. Next was my turn... we had the same syntoms la but since I don't have exams, the doctor can give me mild ones. After we saw the doc, she had hard time guessing who's older who's younger. So I told the doc I'm the older one cos my hair's dyed! Haha...
We collected our colourful medicine and took 157 home. We ate some noodles and had medicine and went to sleep again. Got up at 5pm+ and prepared to go over to MDC for VT shoot again. Ahh...sian. I don't like to be filmed.... We were interiviewed about the thoughts and feel of this round and what audience can expect from the performance or outfit we'd be putting up.
After the session, off we go... CG waited for me to pass me drinks & sweets...

Snap shots of me...
Haha... do I look like ming xing here huh?? *BHB* Feels quite shuang sia....

Saturday, got up at 1130 wanting to have lunch but the praying session next door wasn't over yet but I was in a hurry to go MDC le.
So Mama cook noodles for me. Ate in a rush and took cab to MDC to meet B Wong. During the session we sort of hinted that the song was arranged by Desmond Botak! LOL! So he began to take back all his words he had ever mentioned about the song arrangement. Sigh... the change is very obvious sia.
As usual, after session, we cab down to TMC for our own practice session and update Cindy about every B Wong session. We practiced till around 5pm+ and call off for the day. I'd be heading to the airport cos Shan would be coming home from Japan. She told me to hang onto the competition until she was back and I couldn't believe I'm still in the competition!!!
Shan's flight was scheduled to land at 835pm. But I reached the airport at 715pm. An hour and a half to kill before I get to see her. I went around exploring terminal 1 & 2 until I was tired & hungry and settled at BK. Kinda regret I didn't have my laptop with me so I was nuahing there, smsing friends & zo bo. Airport is a nice place to relax and a place that generates lots of inspiration actually. If there's a chance to work in the airport, I'd definitely go for it even though it's at the other end of Singapore!
At around 830pm, I got up from my seat and went to the arrival hall. Didn't get to see Shan's family until much later at around 845. I saw uncle and talked to him for a while. Then I went to toilet and came out to find Aunty and Shan's bro, JB there. We chatted about SPB stuffs and it was rather awkward. We then waited for Ms Wu to appear and she came out le but her baggages haven't arrived yet.
Was quite happy to see her finally back again, but there was no hugs or anything though. In fact, it was rather awkward... acted like about formal. Just told her that SY was at T3 with TR so while her family took the luggage back to the car, Shan & I waited for SY & TR at the skytrain area. We chatted for a while then have to leave liao. After that we went to look for her dad's car.
Most of the time, the family were talking about her lives in Japan in general and what she'd been doing ever since her contract ended etc. I was just listening and resting from the hectic day I had. Then Uncle brought us to this place at Sunset Way where JB recommended. It was some HK eating place... I had some toast and oreo milkshake!! It taste really nice!!! Then uncle saw me home and I was finally home to rest....
Sunday, got up at 1230 and had nasi lemak while watching a bit of Olympics Volleyball...
Had my medicine after lunch and went back to my room to blog, chat, GE. Long time no log in to GE liao! Quite sian that I no money cannot buy vet scroll and furthur use my lvl 100 characters. Argggghh... Why has this game become a money-eating game liao huh??
I couldn't remember what I did for the rest of the day. Just rest... hehe...
Monday, went to school to show Jojo work. Then took bus with Rajat toward TPY.
There was shooting to do inside MDC today again. We can watch the QF if we want to but I guess I wasn't interested since there was no YSJ, WGR or SPT anymore! LOL! To reach MDC by 630 was hard but at least I made it...
We were to shoot in front of the Fanta drinks and it was barely 15minutes when all shootings were done. We didn't have to practice at TMC since it wouldn't be open anyway and XP & SH would be keen to watch the LIVE show.
I went home after the shoot was finished. Sigh... I really don't like travelling to MDC. It always never justify. I spend more than an hour to get there and barely half hour, shooting's done. And now I've to spend another hour just to get home. Really is TMD....
Tuesday, whole day nuah at home.
I had no recoolection of anything but I knew I spent the whole day working on the STUPID IRRITATING FLASH PROJECT!!!!! Cos submission & presentation on the next day...
Wednesday, I only slept at 7am...
I wasn't really satisfied with my work but that was the farthest I will go. Got up at 1230pm then got ready and had lunch and reached school at 220pm. Waited for Jojo and waited for my turn to present. Comments I'd gotten were: Research good, design executed flat, not sophisticated enough.
Presentation ended at 6 and had dinner with Rajat at Bugis Yoshinoya. Took train to TMC and let Pris listen Leona's Bleeding Love and Mariah's Bye Bye. I was into these songs nowadays.
Practice started at 8pm and we started to use mic to get used to the feeling of singing & dancing, whether or not holding the mics would be of nuisance. Bai tuo Cindy to end the session at 1130 and luckily I was glad to have Pris to sit in and watch us practice so I didn't feel weird. I can't believe we'd be doing a cutesy song like this. Sigh... I seriously have a problem with the music direction ZBL is heading: to be fun & at ease performing on stage. MY FOOT! I can't believe we'd be doing Cyndi's Cai Hong Wei Xiao for revival which we were trying to siam...
Dropped off at Chinese Garden and walked home while listening to Leona Lewis song. I wonder how was she able to drag that AHHHHHHHH~~ part for 15 seconds, some more got zhuan yin!
While SH was on the phone, I was errm... zi pai-ing again...

After that I pei her go eat Pepper Lunch. She had a meal while I just ate ice cream. She went home after that while I took bus home as well...
Monday, took cab to MDC and saw XP along the way and went inside together.
While waiting for our turn, Carol came along and we were practicing outside the theatre with her but we ended up chatting about music/dancing/singing. ZBL, as singers, we found it a challenge to know more about body language and stage pressence up there cos we simply can't stand on stage doing nothing. Carol, as a dancer, thought it was a challenge for her to learn singing cos her voice is quite low and vocal range not that wide and can only do selective songs like Sammi Cheng. She likes those English songs but couldn't do it...
One thing's for sure, I had observed that ppl were more willing to watch dance shows rather than singing shows. Ppl were more impressed with those who can dance rather than those who can sing...
We went to get changed and make up. We also got our sound/mic test while doing all those damn stupid retro stuffs. I think the other contestants who were watching from audience seats were laughing...
I thought the make up artiste and hair stylist was really very li hai... I love my eyeshadow!! *blink blink*

Eyes closed to show the eyeshadow blending which the make up artist spent alot of effort drawing.
But I certainly didn't like the sampat retro outfit we had to wear, sponsored by the wardrobe department.

Trying to show hair & face! Haha!

Full dress rehearsal time...

Teams were getting lesser & lesser.
Ok, let's just enjoy the last performance. Ppl were already speculating us to be out cos we were the last vocal group standing. Even though I wouldn't be happy being out JUST COS ppl speculated us to but having less than a week's time to prepare, I guess the feeling of preparing to leave the stage left us no stress so we're winners ourselves, according to Cindy! And that was a very comforting remark from her that kept me going.
An hour before LIVE show, we practiced a few more times, did some interviews and standing by to go up on stage. While waiting for our turn... I almost puked at the VT shoot we done yesterday, the holding hands with PP and twirling around... eeeeewwww, damn gross! Haha!
Haha! They actually focused on PP's crotch area!! LOL!
Some pics...

There was some positive comments from JJ saying that the hua mian had improved but as always, the first guy in the judging panel have SUPER CONSTRUCTIVE comments and BXS was saying ZBL always had pitching problem... eh, he chao hee lang one ah? We pitch off then what is others?
Incredibily contradicting sing day one lor. Ok, I know this is supaBAND, they didn't really favour us since day one and it wasn't something we can change. But viewer's opnions are based on what judges think. Since they always speak of WGR, TW... I seriously couldn't tell if they're looking at contestants who can sing? who can dress well? who is most marketable? Youthfulness?
Pris went home after the LIVE show while I guess most supporters also gave up on us? I know my sisters also didn't vote anymore haha... cos no point fighting against strong grps like SY, SLT, FZ etc...
While waiting for the result show, I was resting backstage, catching some winks until the recording. The last 3 standing were us, SY, DF and then we were the next to announce that we got through. Damn stunned. ZBL only left with 6 supporters in the audience, 4 belonged to my family. The other 2 were SH's bf and Cindy. PF went over to interview SH's while we quickly went to join them... it was hard to believe. Where did the votes came from? We were all in state of shock actually...
The last 2 standing were SY & DF and SY was announce to get through which mean DF was out. How was that possible? They've so many relatives and church for votes? Unless they didn't want to continue? Not possible also leh, they like to PR around with ppl...
Nonetheless, everyone was to change out of the clothes and return to wardrobe dept immediately so we chiong for it and chiong to the audio post to present the next theme to B Wong! Dance theme... and we got BPBP! Wah biang... off song also lor....
When the session ended, all 4 of us were at the carpark where we quarreled and I broke down just a week ago. Things were so different this time. Somehow I guess we were all hopeful for getting through to the next round though the song was really off... hmm... But I wasn't sure if I could do this again... was I going to be act cute lead for the song? Gosh...
Made way home and there were some fans waiting for the rest of the contestants. There was this guy CG who sent encouraging msg on Facebook and we began chatting on MSN so he waited to take pics with me... aiyo~~ I sibei touched leh... haha!! He's a nice & sweet guy~ Unlike some hysterical SGN~ LOL!

I went home feeling touched and went inside my parents room and asked them how was it etc. They asked me to thanked my supportive sisters... hehe...ha nor... I love them!
Tuesday, discussed with Pris about wanting to go solo...
Went over to Dearie's place and didn't realise I miss him so much! But he was always tired & sian one leh! I accompanied him till he was preparing for him. Saw him to the interchange and went home after that.
Wednesday, was watching Juhua at night and didn't do project...
Supposed to wake up in the morning and work on it but was too tired so went to school early to see what else can I include inside my report. Used a bit of classtime before showing Jojo and stayed back continuing working on it. Went to take 961 to TMD and had dinner alone but the zi cha's share was very little so I asked Pris to da bao some subway for me. Went to 串门子 with Cindy and PT laoshi was there and he asked how old I am and I said 25. There were some adult students there and they were shocked by my answer. Errr... hen shock ma?
Everyone came and we did a rough BPBP arrangement until 1130 and went home. I waited for Dearie at JE interchange and went home together. While I reached home, only then I realised I lost my house key...
Thursday, yuan ben arranged dinner with Pris. Yuan ben Dearie has something else but it was cancelled.
So I didn't want to leave Dearie alone at home and asked Pris if he could join but it was pretty weird so dinner with Pris was postponed. In the end, Dearie & I went to JP to catch Journey to the Centre of the Earth (JTTCOFTE).
Wanted to have ban mian for dinner but there were too many ppl at the foodcourt so we had Billy Bombers instead and ate until super full despite sharing a meal!
JTTCOTE was...hmm... funny!

But it was hard to deicpher and understand all the scientific terms they were talking about. I didn't really get the storyline to be honest but well, just have a laugh at all the humourous dialouges will do and Brendan Fraiser's funny expressions! Haha...
After the movie it was raining heavily so we took a cab back home...
Friday, Dearie got up earlier than me cos he'd be going off to meet his friends for gathering while I saw him off. Gonna miss him till we meet up again.
I went back to sleep and caught up Juhua on TV and photo editting and blogging. Dearie called me around 5pm+ telling me his gathering with his friend ended and he'd be going home preparing for work
Went over to Tiong Bahru after dinner and met up with Cindy at some salon at TBP so go over to the studio to practice BPBP. The girls would be coming from Colorbar to get their haircut for the next performance. We practiced till 1am+ and shared cab home.
Saturday, National Day! But still have to go MDC to present song to B Wong.
B Wong didn't like the music arrange and critisized the arrangement which was made by Cindy's husband Desmond. It was quite a horrible session with him telling us how bad everything was, we had no chance to explain for ourselves so... abit sian. We took cab to TMC to shoot filming cos the producers wanted to shoot our practice sessions. We had a meeting with Cindy and told her what happened during the session earlier and she was so pissed & angry...
Singapore's music industry ain't big. No matter how famous songwriter, song arrangers are working with famous celebrities, homegrown is still Singapore. Ppl know one another quite well. Not really good friends but at least are aquiaintences. According to Cindy, Desmond is quite famous in the dance music scene and she claimed B Wong do not know anything about dance and has no right to critisize the arrangement until like that... oh well, I'm just a contestant, I don't want to get too involved in whatever dispute they're having...
We practiced till 530pm and rushed off to meet my date for watching fireworks. I'd a date with the SPT hotties. Yeah I know, a bunch of xiao didis...
City Hall was only a few stops from Outram but because it was National Day, it was flooded. The City Link was ridiculously stucked so I walked on land instead of underground. BR asked me to look for him at MS. I walked the long way on land to Suntec which linked to MS. So when I reached Kenny Rogers I sms him asking him where he is, he said he was outdoor. When I peeked, he was with at least 10 over ppl whom I don't know! I a bit sian diao and decided to go Spore Flyer on my own so I walked outside.. Yeah I went out of MS and walked on the side of the road, passing Merril Lynch with Esplanade just across the street.
But the road was being blocked and all tourist have to walk up the stairs or gradient leading up to MS. So if I want to get to Spore Flyer, I'd need to walk through hordes of ppl to get up the stairs or gradient then get down another flight of stairs or gradient again. But it got really stuck and I was moving baby steps up, plus it was drizzling and I was wet. There were lots of foreigners with slightly darker skin oozing an oudour with so many ppl... I felt I was going to faint... sianz...
I ended up going back to MS Outdoors and saw MY in the table with BR so I shameless joined the table of bunch of 16-18 y/o kids but I couldn't tell they were JUST 16-18. On the table with me were MY, BR & BR's younger sister, LM who was same pri sch mates as MY. LM's friend, EL was snapping pics of us and came over and asked how old I am and I said, "Older than you all by a lot!" Then she persisted, "A lot is how a lot?" I said I was 25, she gave the shock look and thought I was same as BR. Sheesh... I'm a whole 7-9 years older than these peeps...
Saw these pics in the girls' blogs so 'kop' over...

From left: MY, LM, BR, and back view of

All the SGNS, MY, BR, EE....
I though the 2 pics below were really funny! One emo, one sad pic of MY.

Haha! Purpose of showing this pic is to show MY's chiselled looks only and that I'm standing beside him!! Wahaha...

I was feeling rather bored from their conversation cos I had no idea what they were talking about. So I was just passing time until it was almost time for fireworks and walked over to Oriental but we were refused and we ended up watching from the side of MS but it was nice enough! National Day leh... but instead of continuous fireworks for 10-20min that kind, they broke into few parts so some ppl though they'd watched all liao thought it ended and left but there were still more. Though nice but it was nothing to what I imagined... sigh...
All of us went to the arcade where I parted with them. I walked over to Suntec and ate Anderson's blueberry cheesecake. I didn't have dinner at all hanging out with them. Then I walked over to Liang Seah St to meet Weeliam and his friends at Tian Tian Steamboat. Then we took train to Orchard Partyworld and sang KTV till 215 and one of Weeliam's friends who live Jurong gave me a ride back home...
Sunday, I got up at around 2pm and had lunch while watching Olympics with Ah Mian.
Ben lai arranged to Dearie to come over at 5pm and would go over to PS to meet up with ZBL but Cindy changed venue to Bugis so went to meet up with Dearie at JE interchange and head over to Bugis. Initial plan was to shop for suitable clothings for BPBP but Cindy came over with clothes from her own collection. We changed in the Intercontinental Hotel toilet, I quite like the Jap cutsey feel but the pants were a bit tight so we continued to look for clothes with the red & white theme.
Tried on a few piece but wasn't really suitable and I wasn't intending to spend money... Hmm... Cindy was already kind enough to lend us her clothes so I guess we can go off... Went to have dinner at Nan Xiang with Xiang (rhymes hor?)...
We took bus home after dinner and I fell asleep in the bus journey...
Monday, slept at around 4am after blogging & chatting.
Got up at 6am cos of Dearie's army cos he gotta prepare to go home and attend his one-week course so I continued sleeping until 11 and got an sms from Rajat & Toni that Jojo was on MC so ok... continued sleeping until 12 then went to bath, watch TV, blog, upload pics.
Watched SPB, wasn't really impressed with others except WGR. Hmm... After watching, went over to Xiang's place and he was lying on the bed already. Missed the result show but got to know WGR was out. They were the best amongst the performing teams tonight and the team with the tiny pint size drummer was.... kinda sian.
Dearie was tired from work so he continued sleeping while I was surfing the net with his laptop and I shortly joined him thereafter...
Tuesday, Dearie got up first to prepare for work, got up and kissed & hugged him goodbye and went back to sleep.
Work on project and drank some soup before leaving for TMC for practice. Have to do those dances again...sibei sian. LAO NIANG DUN DANCE LOR! I also sibei tiao gang don't do the way I'm asked to cos I don't like. I won't say I'm a fast learner, in fact I learn quite slow or perhaps I choose to learn slow cos I don't like to be rushed or forced into doing anything out of my own will. When ppl rush or push me, I will retaliate...
Another late night to go and tmd lao niang kept sneezing non stop again...
Wednesday, got up at 10 to continue project work....
Mom passed me a new set of keys telling me not to ask my sisters to put the keys under the mat for me to reach under the door anymore, very dangerous. Sigh... The thought of SCHOOL & PRACTICE is really taunting. I was thinking of going only EITHER cos I was feeling sick, all the sneezing caused my throat to be irritated and nose runny. I caught a flu. I didn't really want to hang outside.
But nonetheless, I still went ahead with school. Worked on report for a bit and saw Jojo and she commented that I should touch on my design soon.
Finished liao and took bus to Outram and had hokkien mee at Swis Ling which tasted pretty good. Went inside TMC to have a rest and zo bo. TMC performing group would be singing at a few places over the weekends so I get to see the singers practice and rehearsing inside. I knew MW could sing very well but boy was I impressed with her performance. Very good body language. And I heard she's signed by Cindy but her manager's someone else... When will I have a manager who will 赏识我呢?
I was sitting there waiting for the other to come while my nose kept running as I kept sneezing... I think my nose was rotting....
It didn't start until 9+ when PP came and we practiced the vocal parts then went outside to do some para para movements. Again, another late nite.... Sigh... pok gai liao la lydat...
Thursday, woke up with slightly better throat compared to the last 2 days.
The thought of another dreadful night was making me more & more sian. So I sms Cindy all the reasons I couldn't take it. Cold, sneeze, flu, 腰酸背痛....
Ok la, I know I very lousy, danced a few nights only then limbs and back very suan liao. I always couldn't understand why do I have to do these... Surely damn sia suay one lor. ZBL can only sing, cannot dance why. You die die want us to dance in what? Matter of few weeks also got no miracle one la...
Nonetheless, a day's break was good enough without having to see those sian faces. No, in fact, I was happy for being sick...
Slept whole day...
Friday, got up at 1pm and went to see doctor with Ah Neng.
Apparently my sister also kena cold and kept sneezing at home as well. Ah Neng's usage of tissue was crazy... lol! So Mama told us to go see doctor today. We waited outside the clinic which was closed for lunch break earlier. We registered for ourselves and waited another 45min for our turn.
We went in to visit the doctor together but Ah Neng went first. Her condition was more severe than mine. As she was still schooling, the doctor prescribed her with stronger medicine, medicine which won't make her drowsy. Next was my turn... we had the same syntoms la but since I don't have exams, the doctor can give me mild ones. After we saw the doc, she had hard time guessing who's older who's younger. So I told the doc I'm the older one cos my hair's dyed! Haha...
We collected our colourful medicine and took 157 home. We ate some noodles and had medicine and went to sleep again. Got up at 5pm+ and prepared to go over to MDC for VT shoot again. Ahh...sian. I don't like to be filmed.... We were interiviewed about the thoughts and feel of this round and what audience can expect from the performance or outfit we'd be putting up.
After the session, off we go... CG waited for me to pass me drinks & sweets...

Snap shots of me...
Haha... do I look like ming xing here huh?? *BHB* Feels quite shuang sia....

Saturday, got up at 1130 wanting to have lunch but the praying session next door wasn't over yet but I was in a hurry to go MDC le.
So Mama cook noodles for me. Ate in a rush and took cab to MDC to meet B Wong. During the session we sort of hinted that the song was arranged by Desmond Botak! LOL! So he began to take back all his words he had ever mentioned about the song arrangement. Sigh... the change is very obvious sia.
As usual, after session, we cab down to TMC for our own practice session and update Cindy about every B Wong session. We practiced till around 5pm+ and call off for the day. I'd be heading to the airport cos Shan would be coming home from Japan. She told me to hang onto the competition until she was back and I couldn't believe I'm still in the competition!!!
Shan's flight was scheduled to land at 835pm. But I reached the airport at 715pm. An hour and a half to kill before I get to see her. I went around exploring terminal 1 & 2 until I was tired & hungry and settled at BK. Kinda regret I didn't have my laptop with me so I was nuahing there, smsing friends & zo bo. Airport is a nice place to relax and a place that generates lots of inspiration actually. If there's a chance to work in the airport, I'd definitely go for it even though it's at the other end of Singapore!
At around 830pm, I got up from my seat and went to the arrival hall. Didn't get to see Shan's family until much later at around 845. I saw uncle and talked to him for a while. Then I went to toilet and came out to find Aunty and Shan's bro, JB there. We chatted about SPB stuffs and it was rather awkward. We then waited for Ms Wu to appear and she came out le but her baggages haven't arrived yet.
Was quite happy to see her finally back again, but there was no hugs or anything though. In fact, it was rather awkward... acted like about formal. Just told her that SY was at T3 with TR so while her family took the luggage back to the car, Shan & I waited for SY & TR at the skytrain area. We chatted for a while then have to leave liao. After that we went to look for her dad's car.
Most of the time, the family were talking about her lives in Japan in general and what she'd been doing ever since her contract ended etc. I was just listening and resting from the hectic day I had. Then Uncle brought us to this place at Sunset Way where JB recommended. It was some HK eating place... I had some toast and oreo milkshake!! It taste really nice!!! Then uncle saw me home and I was finally home to rest....
Sunday, got up at 1230 and had nasi lemak while watching a bit of Olympics Volleyball...
Had my medicine after lunch and went back to my room to blog, chat, GE. Long time no log in to GE liao! Quite sian that I no money cannot buy vet scroll and furthur use my lvl 100 characters. Argggghh... Why has this game become a money-eating game liao huh??
I couldn't remember what I did for the rest of the day. Just rest... hehe...
Monday, went to school to show Jojo work. Then took bus with Rajat toward TPY.
There was shooting to do inside MDC today again. We can watch the QF if we want to but I guess I wasn't interested since there was no YSJ, WGR or SPT anymore! LOL! To reach MDC by 630 was hard but at least I made it...
We were to shoot in front of the Fanta drinks and it was barely 15minutes when all shootings were done. We didn't have to practice at TMC since it wouldn't be open anyway and XP & SH would be keen to watch the LIVE show.
I went home after the shoot was finished. Sigh... I really don't like travelling to MDC. It always never justify. I spend more than an hour to get there and barely half hour, shooting's done. And now I've to spend another hour just to get home. Really is TMD....
Tuesday, whole day nuah at home.
I had no recoolection of anything but I knew I spent the whole day working on the STUPID IRRITATING FLASH PROJECT!!!!! Cos submission & presentation on the next day...
Wednesday, I only slept at 7am...
I wasn't really satisfied with my work but that was the farthest I will go. Got up at 1230pm then got ready and had lunch and reached school at 220pm. Waited for Jojo and waited for my turn to present. Comments I'd gotten were: Research good, design executed flat, not sophisticated enough.
Presentation ended at 6 and had dinner with Rajat at Bugis Yoshinoya. Took train to TMC and let Pris listen Leona's Bleeding Love and Mariah's Bye Bye. I was into these songs nowadays.
Practice started at 8pm and we started to use mic to get used to the feeling of singing & dancing, whether or not holding the mics would be of nuisance. Bai tuo Cindy to end the session at 1130 and luckily I was glad to have Pris to sit in and watch us practice so I didn't feel weird. I can't believe we'd be doing a cutesy song like this. Sigh... I seriously have a problem with the music direction ZBL is heading: to be fun & at ease performing on stage. MY FOOT! I can't believe we'd be doing Cyndi's Cai Hong Wei Xiao for revival which we were trying to siam...
Dropped off at Chinese Garden and walked home while listening to Leona Lewis song. I wonder how was she able to drag that AHHHHHHHH~~ part for 15 seconds, some more got zhuan yin!
anyway i think ur eye makeup looks fantastic lor! can teach me =PPP so xian mu lar..and yes all ur spb makeup photos v chio..hahaha
jiayous w work and sch stuff! i am now in the middle of a super busy week again..damn stressed too.. plus gotta decide which company to intern in for next yr ...blea
haha update more soons =D