Thursday , got up at 1pm+, had lunch while watching Juhua, it was very addictive.
Went out at 3pm to meet up with Rajat at 4pm at client's office. It was the Spore River Cruise project. 4pm became 415pm cos Toni was late. The meeting was about the changes we have to make in the video and... I was quite taken aback by the number of changes we had to do.
Actually I still had ZBL's image consulting at MDC at 7pm to rush. I got a bit anxious when I looked at the time, it was 6pm but meeting with SRC wasn't done yet. It was until 620 that I left High St Building then chiong to City Hall MRT. By the time I waited for bus at TPY interchange, it was 650pm. I was just slightly late.
We were supposed to show our image for the song BPBP which we mentioned it should be cute, kawaii kind. I felt a bit awkward. So old liao still dress like young ppl! Haha!!
Went home after all was done. Had a carbonated drink while waiting for bus and throughout the journey, I was in discomfort so the moment I reached home, I plopped dead on my bed and rest. Nowadays whenever I called Xiang up, the conversation doesn't end good so next time I'll just sleep without calling him liao la...
Friday , got up at 130 and had lunch while having sisters in the living and all nuahing together till 4+ watching Juhua!
Was going to catch the Fireworks Festival at Marina Floating Bay. We're supposed to reach at around 8pm for the fireworks to start at 9pm. The plan was meeting at City Hall around 7pm to at least eat something or find something to dabao or something??
Dearie knocked off in the morning and got home at around 11am and slept. Before that we had arranged that if he was to come over, try to make it around 4 or 5 plus. But he always tu & tu & tu until almost 6pm then left his home. It was raining heavily so he'd always carry lots of things to my place, like his laptop, and he end up have to take cab over. But even if 6pm left home, surely he doesn't need more than 30min right? He only appeared after 7pm+. Hello? Woodlands jam until Jurong? WTF?
Took bus to JE with black face and took train. He hugged me later on and everything ok liao =X. We alighted at City Hall and walked slowly through the City Hall, intending to exit toward Esplanade but the whole area was close so we went out of the big wheel and slowly walk to Marina Floating Bay. It was a damn hot day. We dao bao blueberry cheesecake at PCC cafe and da bao bee hoon, noodles and went to find our seats. Luckily our seats were on the aisle. I didn't like to squeeze through hordes of ppl to get to my seats. Because it had rained a while ago so the seats were wet and luckily I brought tissue and wiped off the water.
As we waited, we ate the food that we da bao and it began drizzling so we ate under my umbrella! LOL! Thankfully the rain stopped before the fireworks began. Initially we thought it was going to start at 9 but it was actually 930! But wahhh... there was 30min of fireworks until 10pm. Camera was with Neng so I couldn't get the beautiful shots but I really love all the French music...
Taken by SE phone, not bad, file size quite small but quality not good la but it's good enough le!
Took some pics before we left...
We head over to MS to see if there was any movies we could catch but what was left were movies that start at 12+. I was actually a little tired so we took 106 toward Clementi and took cab home.
Saturday , Dearie continue to sleep while I had a quick lunch then took cab to MDC to meet B Wong.
Reporting time was 1215pm but I had rambling stomach in the the cab. So immediately I reached, I chiong to the toilet beside audio post but it was locked. Ah sian so I had to travel farther down to the toilet of the other building.
Went back and talk talk. SLT came out and it was TZ's turn. We were behind TZ but cos XP forgotten to bring CD so she went back to office to burn while we let YSJ go first and our group last. We went inside and again, there was nothing positive from B Wong so we gotta jia you ourselves.
Finished seeing B Wong, we took cab down to TMC for practice. Just practice practice practice... I'd probably done BPBP a million times but it still wasn't good enough to Cindy. I had arranged to meet with Clara after session. But cos we couldn't wrap up so I asked Clara to watch inside and shun bian watch us practice.
Apparently Cindy wasn't happy with our practices and refused to release us. I was also a bit sian cos to me, no matter how many times we do it... it's LIKE THAT LOR. It's not something we can make much improvements no matter how many times we practice. We are able to sustain until this round is already a miracle. Somehow Cindy seem to always arrow SH and SH got very pressured and broke down... I was quite shocked SH will break down cos SH isn't the gu niang, feminine sort =X. As in... she's the gung ho type and has a miilitary father who's very strict with the family so I had imagined her to be a tough girl since previously she proved to be a solution-orientated and analytical person...
Cindy dragged SH inside the office to give 'lectures' while the rest of us were zo bo-ing outside. I felt bad Clara was still waiting cos it was almost 8pm+ and we were supposed to meet up for dinner together.
When SH was better, we did another 2 more takes then Cindy finally released us and I went to BK with Clara and we talked about dance, about competitions. Felt nice to be able to see her again. Becos of this competition, I wasn't able to see my friends for the past few months.
Anyway, I couldn't stay long and took train to Clementi and quickly flew back home to see Dearie... Felt bad to let him wait for me at home for the whole of Saturday when he could have gone home or gone out to meet up with his friends!! I LUV JOO DIP DIP!!!
Sunday , Dearie was sleeping still but he got up after he saw me up.
We had bee hoon lunch together and I had to go over to TMC to practice again. Ben lai I was hoping for him to go over to TMC with me and wait for me to be done so that we can go gai gai after that but he was still tired and wanted to sleep so I finished practising then meet him ba.
Reached TMC at 2pm. PP was the one who set the timing but he himself was late considering he was the one who wanted to leave at 4pm. It was a short practice session and PP went off at 430 and I was supposed to wait for Dearie to reach Outram and we'd be hanging out together. I was having practice so I couldn't think of where to hang out or what to do so I asked him to think of it but as expected he probably used the time to play game instead.
I told him to alight at Outram and exit at Teo Hong Rd which he had to walk toward the NE line. But he actually go and took the NE train and alighted at Chinatown. I got tell him to exchange train meh??? How come he anyhow interpret? We ate at Swis Ling before what... how could he not remember?? And he walked back to Teo Hong from Chinatown while I had to wait for him again... Why do I ALWAYS have to wait for him?
So in the end, I didn't feel like going anywhere and decided to head home since there was no plan. I wouldn't care if he came all the way out and have to go all the way home. Throughout the journey he kept sorrying me and said he should have followed my instruction. SEE???? Very hard meh? Alight Outram exit Teo Hong, how come will go and take train to Chinatown! TMD. He let me play his PSP and he hugged me from behind and my mood turned for the better so we decided to go JEC cos I wanted to play arcade.
We alighted at JE and went over to JEC and there were some new shops and we went to look around and I bought couple keychains which we could put on our hps. I bought 2 pairs actually. One alphabets J & Z, the other were 2 doggies. Hehe...Then we bought tics to catch the Eddy Murphy show Meet Dave and we had sucky Korean food at the food court. We played some arcade game, I like the Japanese drum one....
He really can play multi personality characters like how he did for Nutty Professor. In this movie, he plays an alien with different personalities! Haha!! It's a stupid but funny & intertaining show, kept laughing non stop!
Dearie & I went home after that.
Monday , Dearie continue to sleep while I got up ready and prepared to leave home. Gave him goodbye kiss and went to take cab to MDC.
It was dance night QF-10. I was the first and only one at the theare and mass sms everyone on my phonebook to vote tonight but I didn't get a lot of responsive msg which I also understand they're not obliged to watch nor make votes. Though I 心里有数 tonight is a no-fight performance cos TZ, SLT, YSJ sure stay one. Ppl don't really put bet on ZBL and BPBP is a terrible off song. But at least I also wanna try not to get into revival cos it will be a xiong week. The only bet I can place on are votes... but even if we depend on votes, there will be manipulation inside. 很多时候心里知道是内定的,人和赚钱,当然是钱重要啦!谁去管参赛者?
Dressed up nice nice and went through the steps with Carol. Ok, I think I feel confident or at least I tried to...
The usual pic I'd take in front of the mirror after hair & make up done.
Some views of the hair & make up & clothes.
Strike model pose! LOL!
Soon, it was show time and we waited for our turn to go up there. Yes, we attempted to dance!
Although we'd gotten claps from audience & my friends and TMC ppl during the break break break part but... audience faces were either sian or shock. Performers up there see liao also sian. I probably never mentioned this before but... performers are able to see audience's faces clearly one.
Cavin always has issues with the arrangement and apparently we kept looking at Cindy from where we stood when we were asked who did the arrangement. We only explained we went to seek professional help, and his reply was don't look for him to make arrangement in the future. Alamak... suicide!
Oh well, we aren't dancers to begin with so doing something that resemble 健康养生操 also can't be helped la.
End of performance and I continued to ask friends to vote as many as possible. WM's sms came, "Eh! I seriously want to die watching you all leh. Damn sampat!" Hahaha.. aiya bo bian la. I know damn off but what to do.. I felt so touch by support from my parents & friends though I know we wouldn't make it...
While waiting for the result show, we weren't able to sit around rest & doing nothing because we had to shoot the trailer for Revival. So while being bo liao and waiting for our turn...
A scary face from XP which always kept me running away from her when she came near... Eh WM! Remember to show this pic to Chloe and see what's her fan ying ok?
Full body pic again, to show contrast in height with Hock again...
I seriously think we can just go host some kids program la!
And during the result show..
TZ was safe...SLT was also safe and left ZBL & YSJ and needless to say, YSJ got through and we were eliminated. Needed to say some last words...
It was sort of expected that we were going to be out. My parents thought I could go home with them since we were eliminated but I told Papa that we needed to present revival song to the vocal instructor. I felt really touched my family came to support me for every single performance!!!
Went to see B Wong and while waiting for him, we were interviewed by the TV crew about our thoughts & feel about being kicked out, lesson learnt kinda stuffs. Very 'politically correct' la... I still couldn't get over the fact that Cai Hong Wei Xiao is quite an off song...
When we were done, I head out to the reception and saw that CG & his friends were waiting... I wasn't sure if it was for me or for other contestants. But everytime when CG see me, he'd want to take pics with me la... I was so erm pics didn't turn out good la! Paiseh post.
Very thankful that my JSS juniors like Chris & Marvin came to support. Thanks to swash who also came down with a friend and even got me very pretty purple daisy! Thanks Melissa
Ah... it was going to be a xiong week cos revival's just next Mon.
Tuesday , got up at 1pm+ and saw some more sms about yesterday's performance, mostly came with apologetic sounded sms "sorry that your group didn't get in" and asked about revival which I had no idea what was going on...
I had changed all my current status to: I miss KTV. Cos I really do. Singing all these competition songs got what use...I don't see myself improving vocally or anything. Whole day nuah with Dearie. Watched Juhua in the afternoon together and napped together.
He'd be having dinner at home so I saw him to the main road and waited for him to board cab. I went home for dinner and watched Juhua again. Supposed to be working on my project but I end up nuahing and searching for SPB stuffs on blogsearch.
Wednesday , watched Juhua le then went to school.
Went to empty classroom and tried to at least get the main page interface done. But I ended up chatting until 5pm and by the time I got the main interface done, I didn't get to see Jojo. I felt tired and napped in the classroom for a while and ate my bian dang. But after eating I was still hungry so I sms Pris to da bao Subway for me if she'd be getting that. I stayed in school till 7pm then took bus over to TMC and nuah there.
We had practice for a while to sing THE MOST LOVABLE SONG!!! Smile of the Rainbow... Cai Hong Wei Xiao. I didn't even get the chance to choose a xiang yang song. And the reason for choosing this song is cos: parts are already divided.
We had brought clothes for the performance to see if it was suitable. The kinda feel we wanted to bring out was those ang moh acapella singing style and sway energetically to the music that kind. Ok, not ang moh but like those black backup singers kind. Actually I look nice wearing those leh. It was quite pointless having to sing part without having the actual arrangement so we went over to Desmond's while Pris went home.
We got there and listened to the music. Apparently Cindy got some disputes over it cos it didn't sound classy nor elegant. Instead it sounded hip hop & beach. Cindy also didn't like the way Desmond taught us how to sing the song explaining Chinese melody cannot be sung the ang moh way. He was having a hard time solving & fixing whatever problems we had. We were quite sorry as well.
We had lots of on the spot change and practiced until 350am!!!
Thursday , we actually practiced till 350am!!! It was a working day for the rest... I took cab alone and it was a xiong-ful amount at $19 from Outram to Jurong.
Now that we're at Revival, I had lots of gan chu. I went back and looked at our past performances XP had put on YouTube. It wasn't until 8am that I went to sleep.
Only got up at 3pm and had lunch and watched some TV and went to MDC tiredly at 6pm for imaging again. We all changed into our formal evening wear and showed the image consultant.. Saw SPT & FZ there too and TT commented that I shen cai very good. Quite flattered to recieve that comment cos... Ok la, I was quite proud for being taller than average girls. BR said I dress until very sexy. Bleah.. all I did was to wear sleeveless dress that's all. I haven't worn sleeveless in years cos I had been getting fat and my arms were fat... grrr!! SH & I were approved, so was PP but not XP cos she wore like going for interview like that. It was a lady suit which looks executive than attending D&D.
After the session, we took cab down to TMC, the first minute we got on cab, we knew this was an unreasonable cab driver... In order to go out to the highway, u either turn back to the road which leads to PIE or u turn either left or right which will head out to Thomson Rd. He actually drove into an ailse into the private houses so we were like, "Uncle, where you taking us to? This is not the way to go out..." But he replied impatiently, "Ok, I know la!" So he drove us out toward Thomson Rd. By right, no matter you turn left or turn right, you'll surely come to a junction at this Landscape garden cos it's a circle and there's a traffic light at the landscape garden which will lead you to Thomson or Bishan or TPY wherever you wanna head to depending where you turn.
So were talking talking talking in the cab, expecting us to reach the traffic light at the landscape garden but we talked until halfway and realised the uncle drove us INTO the landscape garden itself so XP was like, "Uncle, why you drive us inside here?" He spoke very loudly, "Only got one road which leads here what!" We felt he has no reason to raise voice lor. Dua sia yia lang si boh? We were taken aback by his reaction and didn't really respond immediately but he added on, "You wanna bet or not? I take you go back and see it's one way!" SMLJ attitude is that??? So XP was like, "Uncle we're not taking your cab anymore, your attitude is very bad." And the cab driver still yaya papaya, "Go and complain la! Get out of my car now!"
Apparently XP's father holds some high position at Comfort Taxi so she called her dad up and told him what happened and gave him the car plate of that rude taxi driver. It was a busy time to hail cab but we managed to flag one down and head toward MC.
Began our practice session and the final arrangement from Des was actually quite nice! It sounded catchy and classy. Didn't want to stay too late so caught the last train home....