End of October KTV session
Wednesday, got up at 10am and getting ready to go school to make sure I pass the CDR to Jojo.
Dearie commented that my top & skirt do not match so I spent some time to change to another. Took bus to sch. Dearie waited for me. I handed Jojo and we took a bus to Funan cos the objective was to shop for his laptop bag, my mouse, his cable, his external harddisk case. He became a Challenger member, we spent over $100 and obviously we needed the discount. We had mac fish dip meal and took 502 to IMM...
Along the way, took stupid pics... some of which we were mimicking each other.

I thought this one looked damn funny! I was acting monkey and I'd no idea what was Dearie doing! Haha!

We had Wang Jiao for dinner, just after sharing a fish dip meal. SO FAT! To think losing weight is my life long goal. Really wanted to do something to change current lifestyle and food intake...but hard to change at the moment... but I MUST DO SOMETHING!
We had the Hokkaido ice cream which was delicious! Except a bit too sweet! Then we spent some time shopping at Levis cos 2 jeans and a top at $90 is quite a good deal. Some more it's unisex... I had never owned any Levis items so I went to look around. Seriously, I don't really look flattering in jeans... hence, I guess ppl around me seldom see me in one. So I certainly do not look good in a pair of skinnies. I think I look better in mini skirts, shorts & dresses? Jeans & long pants aren't for me cos I've got a SUPER HUGE BUTT! And my toros is longer than my legs... they will show all my flaws...
After that went home and yippy... Dearie stayed for another day! Hehe...
Thursday, woke up at 6am with Dearie and nuahed with him but pressed him to prepare to go home and then to work.
I saw Dearie to the lift and kissed goodbye. Went back home to sleep for a while before taking a cab to work. Was working a few tasks for Julie at the office. 7 hours later, took bus on a long journey home. I wanted to reach home by 7pm but at 650 I was still stuck at Bt Batok....
Went home and watched Magician's Love and it was oh so sweet....

One of the promotional pics they did I found online.
I love the part where Yasi had to act as his twin Yajun to please their grandma and pretended to be lovers with Xiaobei... Yasi had always been waiting for Qingkong. Just as he thought Xiaobei moved his heart and forget about Qingkong, that bitch returned... alamak...
Friday, I actually stayed up and watched Magician's Love until 7am!!!
And I liked one of the song from the movie... this song usually will play when some heartbreaking moments...
Please listen till at least the bridge! Jacky Zhu Fangang did a high note and biang~ Really beautifully done!
My head really hurts after I realised I watched till 7am without realising. I got up again at 1pm and continued working on my project until 5pm buay tahan and went back to sleep. Got up for dinner and worked on it... Wanted to call Dearie to say goodnight but he was busy working so I went ahead to sleep...
Saturday, got up at 1245pm and had bee hoon soup for lunch and did some office work where Neng & Mian also helped out for me.
I also watched a bit of Magician's Love and I got hooked to the soundtrack! I guess although it stated that the songs were performed by 183 Club but the ones who sang most are Zhu Fangang & Huang Yurong. I realised their style were mostly latin-spanish kinda song... Seems like Sun Derong's making them to be like Enrique Iglesius but a group of Enriques. But Yan Xinshu cannot sing... and I thought Ming Dao can't sing too... but he actually can!!
I think 5566 & 183 are pretty much gone now. I never heard about other Jungiery stars anymore! Are they still acting or releasing albums?
Dearie came over at night and pei me to join me for morning jog.
Sunday, got up early and went to climb mountain with parents.
Oh mo... My parents was faster than me!! I kept sweating & sweating... How did my parents became so sporty? Luckily Dearie still pei me.
We had yu pian mi fen and was talking & laughing talking about incidents which happened when I was a kid. Being with them recently, I slowly recalled my life when I was a kid and how they took care of me... Dearie knew more about me during my childhood days...
After dinner, we went over to NTUC for grocery shopping. While my parents were there, Dearie & I went to look around at the stationery shop and bought a Fated to Love You novel book. We went over to find my parents and placed the book in the trolley. After paying for groceries and we were making our way home... When I reached home, I realised I forgotten to take the book out from the trolley!!!
Papa was actually rushing to catch soccer but after hearing I left the book in the trolley, he fetched me & Dearie back to the NTUC carpark. While rushing, he almost mounted a curb. Papa was rushing for me... oh mo~ Scared. He kept reprimanding me along the way... Hmm.. I felt bad. We got back inside and found the book still in placed in the trolley and went home..
Thank you Papa...
Monday, it was Deepavali but Dearie still had to work.
He got up at 6am and I saw him out, kissed goodbye and went back to sleep after knowing he reached his workplace.
After getting up, I wasn't doing my project but checking out drama and researching all about SET production. I have been doing some checking back these days... during the year 2003-2006 was the reign of Taiwan idol dramas and it was the time where many boybands or newcomers was brought to fame.
Lavender was SET's very first idol drama production, followed by MVP Valentine. It was probably dated back in 2002/2003. 5566 just started out and Chen Qiao'en was just given a small role in Lavender... look at her success now after 5-6 years.
Somewhere in between I'd switched to watching Korean drama and didn't keep track of the TW dramas until recently Fated To Love You was so hot! Probably the highest rated idol drama in history currently, breaking the ratings for Prince Turn to Frog.
I tracked back the SETTV idol drama productions and here are my findings:
2002 Lavender (薰衣草) watched
2002 My MVP Valentine (MVP 情人) watched
2002 Dolphin By The Bay (海豚湾恋人) watched
2003 Westside Story (西接少年)watched
2004 In Love With A Rich Girl (愛上千金美眉)
2004 100% Senorita (千金百分百)
2004 Top on the Forbidden City (紫禁之巅)
2004 Heaven's Wedding Gown(天国的嫁衣)currently watching
2005 The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog (王子變青蛙) watched
2005 Green Forest, My Home (绿光森林) currently watching
2005 Mr Fighting (格鬥天王)
2006 The Magician's Love (爱情魔法师) currently watching
2007 Smiling Pasta (微笑Pasta)watched
2007 Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (櫻野3加1)
2007 My Lucky Star (放羊的星星)
2008 Fated To Love You (命中注定我愛你) watched
2008 Mighty Shan Bao Mei (无敌珊寶妹)
There are actually 2 other production TTV, GTV... no idea what it presents. One gave us idols dramas such as The Rose 蔷薇之恋, Started with a Kiss 恶作剧之吻, Hanakimi 花样少男少女 (mostly those with S.H.E, Zheng Yuanchang), one gave us idols dramas such as Metreo Gardens 流星花园, Devil Beside You 恶魔在身边, Why Why Love 换换爱, Bull Fight 斗牛要不要, Corner of Love 转角遇见爱 (Mostly those with Rainie Yang, Mike He, Luo Zhixiang, Lee Wei etc)
I will go and dig them out and do a tracking soon too! Probably I can do up a top 5 favourite dramas or something...
Tuesday, supposed to be doing work but whenever I did a bit, I felt like sleeping...
I ended up blogging & checking out ppl's blog and watching Magician's Love & Green Forest. I like their soundtracks a lot...
Recently I'd been getting back in touch with Wenmin, a sec sch pal whom I was pretty close with back then. Would be arranging a meeting up soon. Recently I'd been very close to Pris ever since SPB days... we chat with each other on Google daily, exchanging opinions about music, love life, working/schooling life...
Wednesday, went to Syno and worked.
Supposed to meet Pris after I knocked off. Though a bit inconvenient to travel from TPY to Outram but the thought of having to jam was still worth looking forward. We always start hamming at 9pm so I was intending to hang around and leave at 730.... but at around 630, one of the biz analyst trust me with some work. At around 8pm when I was almost preparing to leave, Pris told me MC was rather leng qing and might probably close early. She asked me to go home and we'll jam next time.
I worked till 830 and went home... Had a hard time figuring out what to wear for tomorrow and for Friday...
Thursday, got up in the afternoon and I actually starred at my wardrobe for almost an hour...
For what, you asked? It was Dearie's birthday on Friday. Yes, his bday falls on a Halloween. But no, we're not dressing up as anything. It was just a headache time figuring out what is presentable to wear to have dinner and hang out outside with him. Previously I told him I wanted to wear leggings but apparently, he said I'm not suitable wearing leggings. He said I look stout in leggings... I was disappointed, so that means I couldn't wear leggings in front of him....
I spent an hour starring at my limited wardrobe... I did some testing and trying out whatever clothes I thought was suitable but... hmm... I only have the white blouse and black vest that looks presentable enough.
And tonight, there will be a ramen session with Shan who's be giving me & Xiang a treat cos she'd recieve her first salary. WM has also been wanting a KTV session so I combined everything. I'd also invited YJ who happen to sms me a day earlier asking if I was free to hang out so yup... I asked him along as well.
I took cab down to Dearie's place, carrying many things with me cos I'd be staying over at his place over the weekend. I put my stuffs and waited for him to get ready and we took cab down to Liang Court, walked a bit and waited for Shan and went inside Tampopo, YJ joined in shortly after...
Ate and talked about work, school, education, food, common friends...and of course taking pics!
The very familiar Black Pig Shabu Ramen

Nice pic from Shan's camera of the sushi we had

That's my rice!!!

I forgot what's the jap name for my order! But it's egg outside wrapping the rice that's inside, it has very nice chicken! VERY NICE as well! I'd wanna have this again next time when I go Tampopo again!

This is YJ's order! Looks nice as well! The presentation of seperating the cutlet and ramen is nice!
Satisfied customers!

We went over to Partyworld at 730 and waited for WM & YL to join in!! We battled out those songs we used to sing. BSB!!! Had so much fun doing that!!
More pics!

While Shan & YJ were busy singing, I was playing with Shan's camera and took some labu-labu pics with Dearie!

Don't ask me how I came up with that look and this picture...
Of course we needed to take group shots and Shan placed the camera on table and did self timer.

WM & YL were busy singing, probably some Power Station songs =X

FRIENDS FOREVERRRRRRRR~ *jumps like a little kid*
We sang till 1130 then decide who shared cab with who. First cab was Shan, YJ & YL going to Jurong, West Coast, Bt Batok. While WM shared with Dearie & I cos we're going to CCK then to Woodlands.
While WM alighted the cab, it was 12am and he wished Xiang Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, my beloved Dearie Hubby, Mr Z.... my Ah Xiang!
Dearie commented that my top & skirt do not match so I spent some time to change to another. Took bus to sch. Dearie waited for me. I handed Jojo and we took a bus to Funan cos the objective was to shop for his laptop bag, my mouse, his cable, his external harddisk case. He became a Challenger member, we spent over $100 and obviously we needed the discount. We had mac fish dip meal and took 502 to IMM...
Along the way, took stupid pics... some of which we were mimicking each other.

I thought this one looked damn funny! I was acting monkey and I'd no idea what was Dearie doing! Haha!

We had Wang Jiao for dinner, just after sharing a fish dip meal. SO FAT! To think losing weight is my life long goal. Really wanted to do something to change current lifestyle and food intake...but hard to change at the moment... but I MUST DO SOMETHING!
We had the Hokkaido ice cream which was delicious! Except a bit too sweet! Then we spent some time shopping at Levis cos 2 jeans and a top at $90 is quite a good deal. Some more it's unisex... I had never owned any Levis items so I went to look around. Seriously, I don't really look flattering in jeans... hence, I guess ppl around me seldom see me in one. So I certainly do not look good in a pair of skinnies. I think I look better in mini skirts, shorts & dresses? Jeans & long pants aren't for me cos I've got a SUPER HUGE BUTT! And my toros is longer than my legs... they will show all my flaws...
After that went home and yippy... Dearie stayed for another day! Hehe...
Thursday, woke up at 6am with Dearie and nuahed with him but pressed him to prepare to go home and then to work.
I saw Dearie to the lift and kissed goodbye. Went back home to sleep for a while before taking a cab to work. Was working a few tasks for Julie at the office. 7 hours later, took bus on a long journey home. I wanted to reach home by 7pm but at 650 I was still stuck at Bt Batok....
Went home and watched Magician's Love and it was oh so sweet....

One of the promotional pics they did I found online.
I love the part where Yasi had to act as his twin Yajun to please their grandma and pretended to be lovers with Xiaobei... Yasi had always been waiting for Qingkong. Just as he thought Xiaobei moved his heart and forget about Qingkong, that bitch returned... alamak...
Friday, I actually stayed up and watched Magician's Love until 7am!!!
And I liked one of the song from the movie... this song usually will play when some heartbreaking moments...
Please listen till at least the bridge! Jacky Zhu Fangang did a high note and biang~ Really beautifully done!
My head really hurts after I realised I watched till 7am without realising. I got up again at 1pm and continued working on my project until 5pm buay tahan and went back to sleep. Got up for dinner and worked on it... Wanted to call Dearie to say goodnight but he was busy working so I went ahead to sleep...
Saturday, got up at 1245pm and had bee hoon soup for lunch and did some office work where Neng & Mian also helped out for me.
I also watched a bit of Magician's Love and I got hooked to the soundtrack! I guess although it stated that the songs were performed by 183 Club but the ones who sang most are Zhu Fangang & Huang Yurong. I realised their style were mostly latin-spanish kinda song... Seems like Sun Derong's making them to be like Enrique Iglesius but a group of Enriques. But Yan Xinshu cannot sing... and I thought Ming Dao can't sing too... but he actually can!!
I think 5566 & 183 are pretty much gone now. I never heard about other Jungiery stars anymore! Are they still acting or releasing albums?
Dearie came over at night and pei me to join me for morning jog.
Sunday, got up early and went to climb mountain with parents.
Oh mo... My parents was faster than me!! I kept sweating & sweating... How did my parents became so sporty? Luckily Dearie still pei me.
We had yu pian mi fen and was talking & laughing talking about incidents which happened when I was a kid. Being with them recently, I slowly recalled my life when I was a kid and how they took care of me... Dearie knew more about me during my childhood days...
After dinner, we went over to NTUC for grocery shopping. While my parents were there, Dearie & I went to look around at the stationery shop and bought a Fated to Love You novel book. We went over to find my parents and placed the book in the trolley. After paying for groceries and we were making our way home... When I reached home, I realised I forgotten to take the book out from the trolley!!!
Papa was actually rushing to catch soccer but after hearing I left the book in the trolley, he fetched me & Dearie back to the NTUC carpark. While rushing, he almost mounted a curb. Papa was rushing for me... oh mo~ Scared. He kept reprimanding me along the way... Hmm.. I felt bad. We got back inside and found the book still in placed in the trolley and went home..
Thank you Papa...
Monday, it was Deepavali but Dearie still had to work.
He got up at 6am and I saw him out, kissed goodbye and went back to sleep after knowing he reached his workplace.
After getting up, I wasn't doing my project but checking out drama and researching all about SET production. I have been doing some checking back these days... during the year 2003-2006 was the reign of Taiwan idol dramas and it was the time where many boybands or newcomers was brought to fame.
Lavender was SET's very first idol drama production, followed by MVP Valentine. It was probably dated back in 2002/2003. 5566 just started out and Chen Qiao'en was just given a small role in Lavender... look at her success now after 5-6 years.
Somewhere in between I'd switched to watching Korean drama and didn't keep track of the TW dramas until recently Fated To Love You was so hot! Probably the highest rated idol drama in history currently, breaking the ratings for Prince Turn to Frog.
I tracked back the SETTV idol drama productions and here are my findings:
2002 Lavender (薰衣草) watched
2002 My MVP Valentine (MVP 情人) watched
2002 Dolphin By The Bay (海豚湾恋人) watched
2003 Westside Story (西接少年)watched
2004 In Love With A Rich Girl (愛上千金美眉)
2004 100% Senorita (千金百分百)
2004 Top on the Forbidden City (紫禁之巅)
2004 Heaven's Wedding Gown(天国的嫁衣)currently watching
2005 The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog (王子變青蛙) watched
2005 Green Forest, My Home (绿光森林) currently watching
2005 Mr Fighting (格鬥天王)
2006 The Magician's Love (爱情魔法师) currently watching
2007 Smiling Pasta (微笑Pasta)watched
2007 Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (櫻野3加1)
2007 My Lucky Star (放羊的星星)
2008 Fated To Love You (命中注定我愛你) watched
2008 Mighty Shan Bao Mei (无敌珊寶妹)
There are actually 2 other production TTV, GTV... no idea what it presents. One gave us idols dramas such as The Rose 蔷薇之恋, Started with a Kiss 恶作剧之吻, Hanakimi 花样少男少女 (mostly those with S.H.E, Zheng Yuanchang), one gave us idols dramas such as Metreo Gardens 流星花园, Devil Beside You 恶魔在身边, Why Why Love 换换爱, Bull Fight 斗牛要不要, Corner of Love 转角遇见爱 (Mostly those with Rainie Yang, Mike He, Luo Zhixiang, Lee Wei etc)
I will go and dig them out and do a tracking soon too! Probably I can do up a top 5 favourite dramas or something...
Tuesday, supposed to be doing work but whenever I did a bit, I felt like sleeping...
I ended up blogging & checking out ppl's blog and watching Magician's Love & Green Forest. I like their soundtracks a lot...
Recently I'd been getting back in touch with Wenmin, a sec sch pal whom I was pretty close with back then. Would be arranging a meeting up soon. Recently I'd been very close to Pris ever since SPB days... we chat with each other on Google daily, exchanging opinions about music, love life, working/schooling life...
Wednesday, went to Syno and worked.
Supposed to meet Pris after I knocked off. Though a bit inconvenient to travel from TPY to Outram but the thought of having to jam was still worth looking forward. We always start hamming at 9pm so I was intending to hang around and leave at 730.... but at around 630, one of the biz analyst trust me with some work. At around 8pm when I was almost preparing to leave, Pris told me MC was rather leng qing and might probably close early. She asked me to go home and we'll jam next time.
I worked till 830 and went home... Had a hard time figuring out what to wear for tomorrow and for Friday...
Thursday, got up in the afternoon and I actually starred at my wardrobe for almost an hour...
For what, you asked? It was Dearie's birthday on Friday. Yes, his bday falls on a Halloween. But no, we're not dressing up as anything. It was just a headache time figuring out what is presentable to wear to have dinner and hang out outside with him. Previously I told him I wanted to wear leggings but apparently, he said I'm not suitable wearing leggings. He said I look stout in leggings... I was disappointed, so that means I couldn't wear leggings in front of him....
I spent an hour starring at my limited wardrobe... I did some testing and trying out whatever clothes I thought was suitable but... hmm... I only have the white blouse and black vest that looks presentable enough.
And tonight, there will be a ramen session with Shan who's be giving me & Xiang a treat cos she'd recieve her first salary. WM has also been wanting a KTV session so I combined everything. I'd also invited YJ who happen to sms me a day earlier asking if I was free to hang out so yup... I asked him along as well.
I took cab down to Dearie's place, carrying many things with me cos I'd be staying over at his place over the weekend. I put my stuffs and waited for him to get ready and we took cab down to Liang Court, walked a bit and waited for Shan and went inside Tampopo, YJ joined in shortly after...
Ate and talked about work, school, education, food, common friends...and of course taking pics!
The very familiar Black Pig Shabu Ramen

Nice pic from Shan's camera of the sushi we had

That's my rice!!!

I forgot what's the jap name for my order! But it's egg outside wrapping the rice that's inside, it has very nice chicken! VERY NICE as well! I'd wanna have this again next time when I go Tampopo again!

This is YJ's order! Looks nice as well! The presentation of seperating the cutlet and ramen is nice!
Satisfied customers!

We went over to Partyworld at 730 and waited for WM & YL to join in!! We battled out those songs we used to sing. BSB!!! Had so much fun doing that!!
More pics!

While Shan & YJ were busy singing, I was playing with Shan's camera and took some labu-labu pics with Dearie!

Don't ask me how I came up with that look and this picture...
Of course we needed to take group shots and Shan placed the camera on table and did self timer.

WM & YL were busy singing, probably some Power Station songs =X

FRIENDS FOREVERRRRRRRR~ *jumps like a little kid*
We sang till 1130 then decide who shared cab with who. First cab was Shan, YJ & YL going to Jurong, West Coast, Bt Batok. While WM shared with Dearie & I cos we're going to CCK then to Woodlands.
While WM alighted the cab, it was 12am and he wished Xiang Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, my beloved Dearie Hubby, Mr Z.... my Ah Xiang!