Japanese Noona Romances (Part 1)
I have been watching 姐弟恋 dramas lately and majority are old Japanese series. Why Japanese? Cos their episodes are shorter. At 10-11 episodes, I can easily finish it within one week.
I have always liked 姐弟恋 Dramas ever since I first watched Long Vacation starring KimuTaku, followed by Terms of A Witch by Nanako & Takizawa. 当时因此疯狂木村托栽,隆泽秀明。 从此后候,断定了我以后想找年纪比我小的男友. It was also the same time I met BearBear who was 2 years my junior. Subsequently after I have been 'transformed', I had a lot of 弟弟缘. I guess I was always interested in having a 姐弟恋 but never really gotten the chance.
Long Vacation (31 year-old model Minami & 24 year-old pianist Sena) is really my all-time favourite, followed by My Queen 败犬女王 (33 year-old reporter Wushuang & 25 year-old odd-job worker Lucas).
Now that I'm 30, I'd say I feel the almost same as I was when I was 20. I already started working at 20 when I finished poly. So to guys in their 20s, knowing a girl in her 30s isn't really that scary la! I think as long as the guy has working experience, the girl shouldn't be freaking out too cos 大家同样都是工作人士, it doesn't matter who has more 工作或人生经验.
Using my job/relationship logic, if your're an employer interviewing genuinely sincere person who doesn't have working experience at age 30, 你会因为对方没有工作经验而觉得他是一个印象或品质不好的人而不考虑聘请他吗?Likewise, if you're a person seeking a partner and realised the 30 year-old potential bf/gf material hasn't been in a relationship before, is that a breaking deal for you?
Haha ok just random question for you all to think about. OK! Drama reviews!
Drama #1 Anego
I'm not a Japanese so I won't know what the true meaning of the term 'Anego' means but upon watching the drama, I guess it means something like "elder/senior/big sister"? Probably something close to Senpai but more endearing?
I usually will look around for online reviews and try to mix it with my own words since sometimes different reviews reveal the different things noticed by different ppl. Here's one very good Anego review.
I have always liked 姐弟恋 Dramas ever since I first watched Long Vacation starring KimuTaku, followed by Terms of A Witch by Nanako & Takizawa. 当时因此疯狂木村托栽,隆泽秀明。 从此后候,断定了我以后想找年纪比我小的男友. It was also the same time I met BearBear who was 2 years my junior. Subsequently after I have been 'transformed', I had a lot of 弟弟缘. I guess I was always interested in having a 姐弟恋 but never really gotten the chance.
Long Vacation (31 year-old model Minami & 24 year-old pianist Sena) is really my all-time favourite, followed by My Queen 败犬女王 (33 year-old reporter Wushuang & 25 year-old odd-job worker Lucas).
Now that I'm 30, I'd say I feel the almost same as I was when I was 20. I already started working at 20 when I finished poly. So to guys in their 20s, knowing a girl in her 30s isn't really that scary la! I think as long as the guy has working experience, the girl shouldn't be freaking out too cos 大家同样都是工作人士, it doesn't matter who has more 工作或人生经验.
Using my job/relationship logic, if your're an employer interviewing genuinely sincere person who doesn't have working experience at age 30, 你会因为对方没有工作经验而觉得他是一个印象或品质不好的人而不考虑聘请他吗?Likewise, if you're a person seeking a partner and realised the 30 year-old potential bf/gf material hasn't been in a relationship before, is that a breaking deal for you?
Haha ok just random question for you all to think about. OK! Drama reviews!
Drama #1 Anego
I'm not a Japanese so I won't know what the true meaning of the term 'Anego' means but upon watching the drama, I guess it means something like "elder/senior/big sister"? Probably something close to Senpai but more endearing?
I usually will look around for online reviews and try to mix it with my own words since sometimes different reviews reveal the different things noticed by different ppl. Here's one very good Anego review.
"Anego is a drama about office politics and a love triangle which involves an affair with married man and an affair with a man 10 years younger. Naoko is unlucky in love, but she’s great at her job. She’s kind of a surrogate sister of sorts to all the younger ladies. She is always there for them whenever trouble arises, personal or professional. .
Then her knight in shining armor, Sawaki comes along. At first, he seems like the classic Japanese man – he’s super polite, is a workaholic, successful salaryman. But he’s also got western sensibilities about him: he can speak English, has a tall powerful presence. He’s Naoko’s perfect man – or he would be, if he wasn’t already married and had a kid. He seems too good to be true, because he is.
And then there’s Kurosawa, 10 years Naoko’s junior and apparently susceptible to her charms. Of course, he’s the Japanese man of the future, the boy of today. Kurosawa’s got a bright future, but he’s still a kid, in a lot of ways. He’s not a leader, he doesn’t know what he wants, and still just wants to fool around with women, but he grows up & mature too."
Our heroine's role was very very well-presented & totally relatable. This person is usually the 大姐头 who'd go all out to help you in whichever way she can. The office romance was also quite thrilling, what's more having a junior guy who sits in front of you & stealing glances at you every 5 mins!
She is aware of the boy's affections but the conflicts come when the one she wants is the married men but he's married la, deh! Even if he's going through rocky marriage, but it's still not right to be a 3rd party. What's more the married men's wife was her ex-colleague. But the drama doesn't make Naoko into a 狐狸精 and you can empathize with her cos she ends it after realising that it was the guy who has cheated on his wife before with another women who's alike as Naoko in many ways.
After getting hurt by the married man, Naoko allowed the younger boy to get closer to her. So much so that she allows him to put up at her place and... well, they slept together.
Thereafter, she proposed to him but it freaked the guy off! Which 22 year-old wouldn't? As much as there was love/attraction but it didn't occur to him to be married to a 32 year-old OL? Ask any 22 year-old guy who's still ignorant, selfish & not to mention horny! LOL!
There were a lot of contradictions in the drama that made it fun to watch as mentioned by this review written by an American. Because Naoko really has a sense of warped reality which actually happens to a lot of real life ppl as well...
Eg. You want something, but you're not quite sure how to get it so you leave it to fate/destiny. You happen to see a guy 3 times, you would think that's your future husband? There's no love in the equation? Then there's a cute guy sitting across you everyday at work, but you mind that he's 10 years younger than you, what were you thinking?
The drama ended with an open ending so we don't know if they ended up together?
The younger boy does seemed unmanly in my opinion. Maybe because of the 'uncertainty of how to get something you want' so he seemed a bit weak whenever he displays defeated expression when she rejects his advances.
The pulling factor definitely has to be this actress. 她是整个剧的灵魂人物 and you'll empathize with her that she's just a very confused individual who tried her best to be accepted by the society & her peers. It also wasn't her call to meet a married men and younger boy, they just happen to appear and the interaction/feelings with the 2 men probably allows her to understand herself better? The married man is also a hot uncle but once you know he tried to seduce Naoko then it ends there.
The pushing factor is the wooden acting from the younger guy who was supposed some hot idol back during 2005? But sorry la, he can't act. Another reason was the character of the married man's wife who used to look up to Naoko and therefore she kept asking her for married advises? WTH? Naoko isn't even married to be able to give advises but because she was a housewife who doesn't have a lot of friends, therefore she enjoys Naoko's company. But still... I think she should be paiseh to keep bugging Naoko day in day out.
Drama #2 Sapuri / Suppli
To be honest, I think this drama is just slightly better than Anego. While they say the actor was a newcomer, I think he delivered the role quite well as a 22 year-old part-timer, Ishida in a Creative Advertising Agency who slowly discovered his talent & significance in the company with the our 28 year-old heroine, Fuji's guidance.

The story revolves around 多角恋 in the company, there are also little sideline issues such as the boss' relationship with his daughter, a young OL and her crush for Ishida, Fuji's crush on another more mature colleague who has an affair with a married OL etc
This drama was 50% about the advertising and 50% about the romance. The drama takes you into the world of advertising straight away and teaches you really cool things about how commercials and copies are made, as well as how a creative team creates and presents concepts for the commercials you see every day on the television.
Before writing this review, I saw that most of those online are pretty negative - mainly harping on the fact that these two leads' chemistry just doesn't touch the audience hearts, both of them look awkward together, he looks too young/feminine, she looks too wooden/stiff, story wasn't convincing, nothing to hook you, pretty forgettable.
While it was somewhat true but it wasn't THAT bad for me. I would think the office environment/setting was much better than Anego in the sense that you can see the couple WORKING together on a project.
She is aware of the boy's affections but the conflicts come when the one she wants is the married men but he's married la, deh! Even if he's going through rocky marriage, but it's still not right to be a 3rd party. What's more the married men's wife was her ex-colleague. But the drama doesn't make Naoko into a 狐狸精 and you can empathize with her cos she ends it after realising that it was the guy who has cheated on his wife before with another women who's alike as Naoko in many ways.
After getting hurt by the married man, Naoko allowed the younger boy to get closer to her. So much so that she allows him to put up at her place and... well, they slept together.
Thereafter, she proposed to him but it freaked the guy off! Which 22 year-old wouldn't? As much as there was love/attraction but it didn't occur to him to be married to a 32 year-old OL? Ask any 22 year-old guy who's still ignorant, selfish & not to mention horny! LOL!
There were a lot of contradictions in the drama that made it fun to watch as mentioned by this review written by an American. Because Naoko really has a sense of warped reality which actually happens to a lot of real life ppl as well...
Eg. You want something, but you're not quite sure how to get it so you leave it to fate/destiny. You happen to see a guy 3 times, you would think that's your future husband? There's no love in the equation? Then there's a cute guy sitting across you everyday at work, but you mind that he's 10 years younger than you, what were you thinking?
The drama ended with an open ending so we don't know if they ended up together?
The younger boy does seemed unmanly in my opinion. Maybe because of the 'uncertainty of how to get something you want' so he seemed a bit weak whenever he displays defeated expression when she rejects his advances.
The pulling factor definitely has to be this actress. 她是整个剧的灵魂人物 and you'll empathize with her that she's just a very confused individual who tried her best to be accepted by the society & her peers. It also wasn't her call to meet a married men and younger boy, they just happen to appear and the interaction/feelings with the 2 men probably allows her to understand herself better? The married man is also a hot uncle but once you know he tried to seduce Naoko then it ends there.
The pushing factor is the wooden acting from the younger guy who was supposed some hot idol back during 2005? But sorry la, he can't act. Another reason was the character of the married man's wife who used to look up to Naoko and therefore she kept asking her for married advises? WTH? Naoko isn't even married to be able to give advises but because she was a housewife who doesn't have a lot of friends, therefore she enjoys Naoko's company. But still... I think she should be paiseh to keep bugging Naoko day in day out.
Drama #2 Sapuri / Suppli
To be honest, I think this drama is just slightly better than Anego. While they say the actor was a newcomer, I think he delivered the role quite well as a 22 year-old part-timer, Ishida in a Creative Advertising Agency who slowly discovered his talent & significance in the company with the our 28 year-old heroine, Fuji's guidance.

The story revolves around 多角恋 in the company, there are also little sideline issues such as the boss' relationship with his daughter, a young OL and her crush for Ishida, Fuji's crush on another more mature colleague who has an affair with a married OL etc
This drama was 50% about the advertising and 50% about the romance. The drama takes you into the world of advertising straight away and teaches you really cool things about how commercials and copies are made, as well as how a creative team creates and presents concepts for the commercials you see every day on the television.
Before writing this review, I saw that most of those online are pretty negative - mainly harping on the fact that these two leads' chemistry just doesn't touch the audience hearts, both of them look awkward together, he looks too young/feminine, she looks too wooden/stiff, story wasn't convincing, nothing to hook you, pretty forgettable.
While it was somewhat true but it wasn't THAT bad for me. I would think the office environment/setting was much better than Anego in the sense that you can see the couple WORKING together on a project.
I have to agree that the casting in this case was a little off cos the lady was taller & looked more intimidating and Ishida could really have a shorter haircut with clothes/outfit that are just a little less casual.
As with Anego, the guy slowly developed feelings through the period of time working late nights together and felt a pang of protective instinct on seeing the girl not having enough rest or eating properly/regularly and that itself was a pulling factor for me in this drama.
There was another scene about wines and it mentioned the significance about giving the person you love a bottle of wine with his/her birth year. Ishida wanted to give one to Fuji but didn't have the money so he worked other part-time just to get her one. It was awwwww.... the awkward kiss didn't put me off like the rest of the reviewers but I thought it was a manly/responsible thing that the guy chose to do.
I mean, come on, what do you think a real-life poor 22 year-old would do when he realised he doesn't even have enough money to get the girl he likes something? He'd probably get from his parents, borrow from friends etc etc or just simply give up but that's not very attractive right? Haha! So he went to work his ass off!!!
The pushing factor is probably about the other little sideline stories that could be done away with it. Without all these little fillers, the writers could probably include more interaction between our male & female leads.
I think the reason why I like Sapuri more than Anego was the fact that I have lesser things I dislike about. But trust me, you will have the same things to detest about if you watched Anego already.
Drama #3 Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku
As with Anego, the guy slowly developed feelings through the period of time working late nights together and felt a pang of protective instinct on seeing the girl not having enough rest or eating properly/regularly and that itself was a pulling factor for me in this drama.
There was another scene about wines and it mentioned the significance about giving the person you love a bottle of wine with his/her birth year. Ishida wanted to give one to Fuji but didn't have the money so he worked other part-time just to get her one. It was awwwww.... the awkward kiss didn't put me off like the rest of the reviewers but I thought it was a manly/responsible thing that the guy chose to do.
I mean, come on, what do you think a real-life poor 22 year-old would do when he realised he doesn't even have enough money to get the girl he likes something? He'd probably get from his parents, borrow from friends etc etc or just simply give up but that's not very attractive right? Haha! So he went to work his ass off!!!
The pushing factor is probably about the other little sideline stories that could be done away with it. Without all these little fillers, the writers could probably include more interaction between our male & female leads.
I think the reason why I like Sapuri more than Anego was the fact that I have lesser things I dislike about. But trust me, you will have the same things to detest about if you watched Anego already.
Drama #3 Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku
The name of the this drama came along with the above 2 while I was searching for noona romance dramas so I decided to take a look.
I was quite baffled by the first episode though. Some rich second generation guy, Taiga went skydiving and got stuck in a tree and some random woman, Shiori saved him and he fell instantly in love with her with no reason or rhyme after scolding her 见死不救 even though she really did save him?
Turns out, he is the son of a veteran actor. Taiga is a struggling actor who wants to be a successful actor like his father but either he's not hardworking enough or doesn't possess the talent he think he has, he only managed to get minor roles in a drama with a few lines and he's frustrated living under the shadows of his father.
As fate has it, the woman who saved him turned out to be a huge fan of his father. They met again briefly but she disappeared again without leaving contacts. Then suddenly (WTF again), his father passed away. We learnt that Shiori was penpals with his father who has sent her to 'take care' of him in his father's last letter.
Frankly speaking, it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me!?!?! It's leaving me with a lot of WTF feeling.
And so Shiori became his manager/assistant at his acting agency. It is somewhat like Oh My Lady (starring Choi Si Won & Chae Rim), an immature & attitude actor trying to make a name for himself and the female lead is ALSO a single mother with a 4-year old daughter!
But different from the Korean drama was that Taiga has an older brother who's the principal/head of department? of the kindergarten that Shiori's daughter was attending classes at. And he happen to see Shiori as a potential marriage partner.
What's this? What's with the brother rivaling of liking the same woman? The awkward/abrupt flow of the story really bothers me a lot. We were given a lot of random information about Taiga's growing up and the history between Taiga's father & Shiori but they were all very.... 没有交代好清楚. And you can clearly see that the leads were all forced together in very weird situations that doesn't make sense!
I am actually more interested in Taiga growing as an actor instead of the romance him and Shiori have. I would love to see how Taiga ripens as a brilliant actor. But it's happening at an extremely slow speed
To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention & I eventually gave up after episode 5 simply because they was really NOTHING happening! There are NO romances, just a boy who wants a career and a woman and we see him not getting what he want! HAHA! As explained very well by this author...
I was quite baffled by the first episode though. Some rich second generation guy, Taiga went skydiving and got stuck in a tree and some random woman, Shiori saved him and he fell instantly in love with her with no reason or rhyme after scolding her 见死不救 even though she really did save him?
Turns out, he is the son of a veteran actor. Taiga is a struggling actor who wants to be a successful actor like his father but either he's not hardworking enough or doesn't possess the talent he think he has, he only managed to get minor roles in a drama with a few lines and he's frustrated living under the shadows of his father.
As fate has it, the woman who saved him turned out to be a huge fan of his father. They met again briefly but she disappeared again without leaving contacts. Then suddenly (WTF again), his father passed away. We learnt that Shiori was penpals with his father who has sent her to 'take care' of him in his father's last letter.
Frankly speaking, it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me!?!?! It's leaving me with a lot of WTF feeling.
And so Shiori became his manager/assistant at his acting agency. It is somewhat like Oh My Lady (starring Choi Si Won & Chae Rim), an immature & attitude actor trying to make a name for himself and the female lead is ALSO a single mother with a 4-year old daughter!
But different from the Korean drama was that Taiga has an older brother who's the principal/head of department? of the kindergarten that Shiori's daughter was attending classes at. And he happen to see Shiori as a potential marriage partner.
What's this? What's with the brother rivaling of liking the same woman? The awkward/abrupt flow of the story really bothers me a lot. We were given a lot of random information about Taiga's growing up and the history between Taiga's father & Shiori but they were all very.... 没有交代好清楚. And you can clearly see that the leads were all forced together in very weird situations that doesn't make sense!
I am actually more interested in Taiga growing as an actor instead of the romance him and Shiori have. I would love to see how Taiga ripens as a brilliant actor. But it's happening at an extremely slow speed
To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention & I eventually gave up after episode 5 simply because they was really NOTHING happening! There are NO romances, just a boy who wants a career and a woman and we see him not getting what he want! HAHA! As explained very well by this author...
One of my many pet peeves is when a main character falls in love with another main character at the start, what type of developing relationship is that?
The progress of falling in love was never shown, it just happened. It happened way too fast. I didn’t feel the chemistry between Taiga and Shiori, so why would he fall for her so quick? I wanted them to have more interaction. There was still no scenes that made me get all, ‘Oh my gosh‘ or ‘How cute‘.
I wish to see how much Taiga grows as an actor by the end, but I don’t think I could watch this because the plot left me unsatisfied. The acting was average, it wasn't impressive or terrible. This drama is somewhere in between, while the chemistry and plot seem to be lacking there are some aspects that I do like. If you can deal with a weak plot, interesting (and a bit whiny, meaning Taiga) characters, average acting, and nice directing try this drama out. MatsuJun fan? Go right ahead. Otherwise, stay clear of this!
I guess the answer is there, this is a waste of time unless you're a Matsumoto Jun fan.